(( Meanwhile, oblivious about the drama playing itself out in the mountains, MONROE goes about his everyday business, more than commonly distracted: ))
MONROE:%% I've got the urge to prepare a pizza, all of a sudden. Wonder if I can remember that recipe for
Pizza Amore I read in the
"The Advanced Prairie Gourmet Companion" newsletter just the other day? %%
(( Concentrates his mind ))
%% Hmmm...... shredded cheese, obviously... jalapeno peppers ........red, green and yellow peppers, roasted, peeled and chopped.........onions, yes.....black pitted olives, snipped fresh cilantro...... and avocado, certainly. %%
** Perhaps I should rather create my own version and name it
"Pizza Monro-ee". **
(( Shy little grin ))
** Wonder if Alma likes pizza? **