((Sailing into
Ennis Ellis Island, JBB stands at the
owlpoop deck of the ship/boat/dinghy
Queen Lizzie 2andahalf and thinks of all that happened to him since he set sail for Pays-de-la-Lotion near Calais, leaving his beloved TERRY CLOTH behind...

It had been the hardest decision of his short and troubled life, as he'd wanted so badly to spend the remaining time until his sell-by-date with TERRY, until he was called to that great recycling plant in the sky, or TERRY's weft was whisked to the Pentecost Co laundry relic room for retired RAGamuffins - which ever came soonest.
Meeting his mother, the burlesque boudoir balm Fifi Boudreaux, after 4 effen years had been an uneasy experience marked by slippery embraces and lanolin-free kisses, and JBB discovered that lotion is indeed thicker than water. It had been good to see the Boudreaux clan once more...

...they even enjoyed several picnics together in the places of their youth...

...though the joy was tempered when poor Uncle Pierre spurted his last. He was cream-ated, like he wanted.
Now JBB smiles as he remembers his adventures in Europe, and wishes he had Photoshop so that he could show you all the exciting places he visited

He remembers less fondly the unfortunate incident which led to his unscheduled departure - coming home from a trip to B-arse-celona to find the Boudreaux boys gettin' rather closer aquainted than was proper for cousins...

So JBB found himself returning home to BAM, but would his darling TERRY be there with open loops?))