I'll get us back on-topic! 
Should I ask your cousin over for dinner?
OFF TOPIC!! (Sorry about this!)
Hi Lynne! Micky is from my Dad's side of the family. Dad comes from a family of seven children, a CATHOLIC family of seven children. So, I have 39 cousins on Dad's side. Out of those 39, Micky is the second oldest I think. I am one of the youngest, so by the time I was roughly 10 or 12 years old, Micky was already off and married. She and her husband lived in Cincinnati for a few years and then moved to Florida. I haven't seen her in years, and I probably wouldn't recognize her now if I passed her on the street. But I know she lives there. Her Mom, my Aunt Peggy (Dad's sister), passed away from breast cancer in 1979 and my Uncle Ray really doesn't stay in touch with our side of the family, but he goes down to Florida to see her several times each year. As far as I know she's doing fine down there.