Author Topic: Dave Cullen's new book  (Read 23285 times)

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Re: Dave Cullen's new book - Oprah show cancelled
« Reply #60 on: April 22, 2009, 08:26:07 pm »
A book I have read most of has explained a lot of things for me lately, and caused some of my suspicions to be confirmed, not about Columbine, but about life in general. The book is called Bowling Alone, by Robert Putnam. Here is a quote from it:

American adults average 72 minutes every day behind the wheel....This is, according to time diary studies, more than we spend cooking or eating and more than twice as much as the average parent spends with the kids."
Commuting is the symptom and the disease is sprawl. Sprawl is the very definition of unincorporated Jefferson County. Sprawl is only one of several important elements that are destroying American community, according to Putnam. The sense of community is called "Social Capital" in the book and, when it is missing, it can lead to not seeing other people as human beings, among other things. Again, this is a reason, not an excuse. If anyone is interested, I'll tell you more about the book and its findings. It has 541 pages full of analysis, charts, the works!
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Re: Dave Cullen's new book - Oprah show cancelled
« Reply #61 on: April 22, 2009, 08:31:33 pm »
A book I have read most of has explained a lot of things for me lately, and caused some of my suspicions to be confirmed, not about Columbine, but about life in general. The book is called Bowling Alone, by Robert Putnam. Here is a quote from it:
Commuting is the symptom and the disease is sprawl. Sprawl is the very definition of unincorporated Jefferson County. Sprawl is only one of several important elements that are destroying American community, according to Putnam. The sense of community is called "Social Capital" in the book and, when it is missing, it can lead to not seeing other people as human beings, among other things. Again, this is a reason, not an excuse. If anyone is interested, I'll tell you more about the book and its findings. It has 541 pages full of analysis, charts, the works!

there have been people here in this area talking about breaking up schools and making small neighborhood schools like back at the turn of the twentieth century. I am not so sure that is such a crazy idea. I think it would get parents and the community involved I think..

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Re: Dave Cullen's new book - Oprah show cancelled
« Reply #62 on: April 22, 2009, 08:46:39 pm »
there have been people here in this area talking about breaking up schools and making small neighborhood schools like back at the turn of the twentieth century. I am not so sure that is such a crazy idea. I think it would get parents and the community involved I think..

That structure has some advantages, as you say, for communities. Unfortunately, economy isn't one of them. Schools these days tend to be going the other direction -- merging smaller districts into bigger ones -- because they're cheaper to run that way.

Tom Brokaw just wrote something urging small municipalities to merge operations to save money. He points out that the tradition of having lots of small towns, villages, townships, etc., dates back to the days when travel was slow.

The New York Times

April 20, 2009
Op-Ed Contributor
Small-Town Big Spending

DURING these uncertain times we’ve yet to hear a phrase with the resonance of Franklin Roosevelt’s “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” but there are a couple of minor-chord expressions that should have staying power.

One is the observation of Rahm Emanuel, the White House chief of staff, that “you never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” Another comes from my boss, Jeff Immelt, the chief executive of General Electric, who has warned, “This is not a cycle; it’s a reset.”

Taken together, these remarks challenge us to go beyond trying to quickly fix the immediate problems of toxic mortgages, risky banks, a struggling American car industry and escalating health care costs. If the American people are tuned into the need to change the irresponsible, inefficient practices and systems that created those problems, why not enlist them to take the next step and radically change the antiquated public structures that exist beyond the Beltway?

Here are a few examples. It’s estimated that New York State has about 10,500 local government entities, from townships to counties to special districts. A year ago a bipartisan state commission said that New Yorkers could save more than a billion dollars a year by consolidating and sharing local government responsibilities like public security, health, roads and education.

One commission member, a county executive, said, “Our system of local government has barely evolved over the past one hundred years and we are still governed by these same archaic institutions formed before the invention of the light bulb, telephone, automobile and computer.”

In accepting the commission’s recommendations, Gov. David Paterson promised to work diligently to put the changes into effect. When his budget was presented this spring it included several of the proposed changes, but it immediately met stiff resistance even from members of his own party who were determined to protect their parochial interests. It appears that few of the original recommendations will survive.

In my native Great Plains, North and South Dakota have a combined population of just under 1.5 million people, and in each state the rural areas are being depopulated at a rapid rate. Yet between them the two Dakotas support 17 colleges and universities. They are a carry-over from the early 20th century when travel was more difficult and farm families wanted their children close by during harvest season.

I know this is heresy, but couldn’t the two states get a bigger bang for their higher education buck if they consolidated their smaller institutions into, say, the Dakota Territory College System, with satellite campuses but a common administration and shared standards?

Iowa, next door, is having its own struggles with maintaining population, especially among the young. As the Hawkeye State’s taxpayers grow older and less financially productive, the cost of government services becomes more expensive.

Yet Iowa proudly maintains its grid of 99 counties, each with its own distinctive courthouse, many on the National Register of Historic Places — and some as little as 40 miles away from one another. Each one houses a full complement of clerks, auditors, sheriff’s deputies, jailers and commissioners. Is there any reason beyond local pride to maintain such duplication given the economic and population pressures of our time?

This is not a problem unique to the states I have cited. Every state and every region in the country is stuck with some form of anachronistic and expensive local government structure that dates to horse-drawn wagons, family farms and small-town convenience.

If this is a reset, it’s time to reorganize our state and local government structures for today’s realities rather than cling to the sensibilities of the 20th century.

If we demand this from General Motors, we should ask no less of ourselves.

Tom Brokaw, a special correspondent for NBC News, is the author, most recently, of “Boom! Talking About the ’60s.”

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Re: Dave Cullen's new book - Oprah show cancelled
« Reply #63 on: April 22, 2009, 08:50:48 pm »
That's an interesting idea, Jess. The high schools in Jefferson County are big megaliths with hundreds and hundreds of students.

Here's one of the many things Putnam says about schools:

First, where civic engagement in community affairs in general is high, teachers report higher levels of parental support and lower levels of student misbehavior, such as bringing weapons to school, engaging in physical violence...

..among all these factors the strongest predictors of student violence across the states are two-parent families and community-based social capital, dwarfing the importance of such social conditions as poverty, urbanism, or levels of parental education.
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Re: Dave Cullen's new book - Oprah show cancelled
« Reply #64 on: April 22, 2009, 08:55:40 pm »
That's an interesting idea, Jess. The high schools in Jefferson County are big megaliths with hundreds and hundreds of students.

Here's one of the many things Putnam says about schools:


I think that Hillary got a lot of flack for that phrase "It takes a village" but I think it is true. When people in the community were invested in schools the schools were better..the kids were better behaved. There were a hundred eyes watching, instead of two or four...

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Re: Dave Cullen's new book - Oprah show cancelled
« Reply #65 on: April 22, 2009, 09:06:22 pm »
I agree with you, Jess. And I wonder if Cullen, a single guy, caught some of these crucial concepts in his book. I'm definitely going to read it before I pass judgment though.

Now, here's what Putnam says about teen suicide, which is definitely applicable to Columbine:

As yet, this remarkable, well-established and disturbing trend toward suicide, depression, and malaise among America's younger generations has no widely accepted interpretation. One plausible explanation, however, is social isolation. Educational sociologists...recently reported that 'the average American teenager typically spends approximately three and a half hours alone each day...Adolescents spend more time alone than with family or friends.'

It used to be that older people were more likely to commit suicide. But the tables are turned. Now, younger people are three to four times more likely to commit suicide than similarly aged people in the 1950s. And indices of depression and malaise (sleeplessness, headaches, indigestion) have grown as well.
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Lessons of Columbine
« Reply #66 on: April 23, 2009, 09:55:55 am »
I'd like to pass along just a little more information about the role of technology and mass media before leaving the topic of Columbine. I am quoting from Bowling Alone, by Robert Putnam, on the destruction of community in places like unincorporated Jefferson County of Colorado, where the massacre took place 10 years ago.

Consider this:

In 1950 barely 10 percent of American homes had television sets, but by 1959, 90 percent did, probably the fastest diffusion of a technological innovation ever recorded. . . .The reverberations from this lightning bolt continued unabated for decades, as per capita viewing hours grew....By 1995 viewing per TV household was more than 50 percent higher than it had been in the 1950s.

Not news to anyone, but here's more:

Quote the late 1990s three-quarters of all US homes had more than one set, allowing ever more private viewing.. . . sixth-graders with a TV set in their bedroom 77 percent in 1999. . . . Among children 8-18 the figures are even more startling: less than 5 percent of their TV-watching is done with their parents, and more than one-third is done entirely alone.

Putnam then explains that more people are "habitual TV watchers" as opposed to "selective TV watchers," with the TV on constantly or whenever they're home. Such habitual watchers, who are more and more likely to be young, watch "whatever is on" and channel surf.

...scholars have found that compared with teenagers in the 1950s, young people in the 1990s have fewer, weaker, and more fluid friendships. Although I know no systematic evidence that supports this hunch, I suspect that the link between channel surfing and social surfing is more than metaphorical.

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Re: Dave Cullen's new book
« Reply #67 on: April 30, 2009, 06:33:36 pm »
Any book reviews yet?
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Re: Dave Cullen's new book
« Reply #68 on: April 30, 2009, 07:09:56 pm »
Lots. Time, Newsweek, etc. They've been excellent. For example, here is the one from the NY Times Book Review:

April 19, 2009
The End of the Trench Coat Mafia


By Dave Cullen

417 pp. Twelve. $26.99

Had Dave Cullen capitulated to cliché while writing “Columbine,” he would have started his tale 48 hours before Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold’s notorious killing spree, stopped the frame just before they fired their guns, and then spooled back to the very beginning, with the promise of trying to explain how the two boys got to this twisted pass. But he doesn’t. As Cullen eventually writes, “there had been no trigger” — at least none that would be satisfying to horrified outsiders, grieving parents or anyone in between. Eric Harris was a psychopath, simple as that. Dylan Klebold was a suicidally depressed kid who yoked his fate to a sadist. Instead, what intrigues the author are perceptions and misperceptions: how difficult a shooting spree is to untangle; how readily mass tragedies lend themselves to misinformation and mythologizing; how psychopaths can excel at the big con.

The broad outlines of what happened at Columbine High School in Colorado one decade ago are well known. On April 20, 1999, just weeks from graduation, Harris and Klebold murdered one teacher and 12 of their peers, making this the most lethal high school massacre in the nation, and wounded two dozen. Then they holed up in the school library and turned their guns on themselves.

Yet what’s amazing is how much of Cullen’s book still comes as a surprise. I expected a story about misfits exacting vengeance, because that was my memory of the media consensus — Columbine, right, wasn’t there something going on there between goths and jocks? In fact, Harris and Klebold were killing completely at random that day. Their victims weren’t the intended targets at all; the entire school was. Columbine, it turns out, was a failed attempt at domestic terrorism. Shortly after 11:14 a.m., the two boys hauled a propane bomb into the cafeteria, programmed to go off at 11:17. It never did. Had the massacre gone as planned, it would most likely have killed more than 500 people, yielding far less readily to rumors about high school’s tribal politics.

It’s to his credit that Cullen, a Denver journalist who covered the story for Salon and Slate, makes the reader care about getting it right. “Columbine” is an excellent work of media criticism, showing how legends become truths through continual citation; a sensitive guide to the patterns of public grief, foreshadowing many of the same reactions to Sept. 11 (lawsuits, arguments about the memorial, voyeuristic bus tours); and, at the end of the day, a fine example of old-fashioned journalism. While Cullen’s storytelling doesn’t approach the novelistic beauty of “In Cold Blood” (an unfair standard, perhaps, but an unavoidable comparison for a murder story this detailed), he writes well enough, moving things along with agility and grace. He leaves us with some unforgettable images — like the pizza slices floating aimlessly about the school commons, which was flooded with three inches of water because the sprinkler system had gone off — and he has a knack for the thumbnail sketch. “He was a shrink turned hostage negotiator turned detective, with an abridged version of the complete works of Shakespeare in the back seat of his car,” Cullen writes of Dwayne Fuselier, an F.B.I. agent and one of the book’s heroes. “He could be a little stoic. Hugging his sons felt awkward but he would reach out to embrace survivors when they needed it.”

Fuselier is one of the people Cullen spotlights in his retelling in order to clear up the historical record. Some of the confusion generated by Columbine was inevitable: Harris and Klebold started out wearing trench coats, for instance, but at some point removed them, giving the illusion that they were four people rather than two. The homemade pipe bombs they were tossing in all directions — down stairwells, onto the roof — only seemed to further the impression that there were more of them. And then there were the SWAT teams: students trapped inside the building would hear their rifle fire, assume it was the killers and report it to the media by cellphone, complicating the cops’ efforts to keep them safe. “This was the first major hostage standoff of the cellphone age,” Cullen notes. The police “had never seen anything like it.”

But the most subtle distortions of the media echo chamber, it seems, did not concern logistics. They concerned motive. As early as two hours into the live coverage of Columbine, news stations began to report that something called the Trench Coat Mafia, a group of disgruntled goths, was possibly behind the attack. Many of the students, watching this coverage on classroom televisions while still trapped inside the building, began to repeat this information to reporters on the outside once they’d escaped. (And it made sense: the killers were wearing trench coats.) And so a loop began, reinforced by four eyewitnesses who said the gunmen were deliberately targeting their victims. One offered such a precise level of detail — the killers were taking aim at “anyone of color, wearing a white hat or playing a sport” — that it proved irresistible, both to students and to members of the media, who (Cullen speculates) were out of their element in this teenage universe, and therefore willing to repeat this rumor whether their “witnesses” had seen the gunmen or not. “Reporters,” the author points out, “would not make that mistake at a car wreck.”

Of course, tragedies often lend themselves to myths, so as to meet the needs of the day. For weeks after Sept. 11, the lovely legend persisted that the Rev. Mychal Judge, a New York Fire Department chaplain, died from falling debris when he took off his helmet to give last rites to a firefighter. As I wrote sometime later in New York magazine, that’s not how he died. But people had a stake in that belief. And Columbine generated a similar tale of spiritual martyrdom. A boy who witnessed the murders in the school library told people afterward that a slain student, a fellow evangelical named Cas­sie Bernall, was asked by one of the killers if she believed in God. “Yes, I believe in God,” he said she replied. Two other witnesses, both sitting near Cassie, heard no such thing, and Cullen goes on to say that a 911 tape from that day “proved conclusively” that she hadn’t uttered these words. It didn’t matter. The story caught the imagination of the evangelical world, and Cassie’s mother, Misty Bernall, wrote a book, “She Said Yes,” that has since sold more than one million ­copies.

“Columbine” is weakest when Cullen tries to channel the voice of Eric Harris. (“Five or six hundred dismemberments ought to be enough for one awesome afternoon of TV” is one such example.) As the author himself makes clear, Harris’s mind isn’t a particularly interesting place to inhabit — just sneering and young and unfathomably angry. But his nuanced dissection of the differences between Harris and Klebold is first-rate, leaving readers in the strange (and challenging) position of feeling pity, almost, for Klebold. Cullen walks us carefully through the definition of psychopathy, and how it differs from insanity, noting how perfectly Harris met the profile — particularly in his egomania, outsize contempt for humanity and talent for manipulation. (Just months before the attack, a teacher wrote on one of his essays, “I would trust you in a heartbeat.”) Whereas Klebold, for most of the book, seems forlorn, awkward and miserable. “The anger and the loathing,” Cullen explains, “traveled inward.”

In case you’re wondering, we don’t get the granular details of Harris and Klebold’s last 48 hours until the end of the book, when we know so much more it’s almost beside the point. Which isn’t to say some of the testimony still isn’t chilling. That Sunday, in a homemade videotape, Harris addressed his parents. “They could not have stopped him, Eric assured them,” Cullen writes. “He quoted Shakespeare: ‘Good wombs have borne bad sons.’ ”

Jennifer Senior is a contributing editor at New York magazine.


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Re: Dave Cullen's new book
« Reply #69 on: May 01, 2009, 02:13:04 pm »
Lots. Time, Newsweek, etc. They've been excellent. For example, here is the one from the NY Times Book Review:

April 19, 2009
The End of the Trench Coat Mafia

Is that film Alma Junior's sister Jenny?