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    • Addicted To The Movie Candy Support Forum
« on: July 13, 2006, 04:29:16 pm »
Addicted To The Movie Candy a support forum for indie films has two contest in which for each contest one of two original theater Brokeback Mountain posters that were displayed from the opening of the film until it's close will be given away.  One poster is for BBM fans only because they have given so much to the support of independent film and because Brokeback Mountain opened the door for this fight for the right to see independent films and not just films the industry tells us we have to see.  The details for the second contest, along with numerous others can be found on the forum whose url is below.

This is not a star specific campaign, it is a campaign to take the decisions out of the hands of the film industry and put them back in the hands of the movie going public.  No more Oscar night decisions for us without a fight as well as other decisions regarding films and our human rights.

You must register with the forum to be eligible, however, you do not need to participate or post if you do not wish to though we would love to have your support along with our other BBM forums and fans.  We won't ask more of you than your registration.  The reason for the registration is that the film distributors who determine who sees this film world wide (and this is a world wide campaign) have agreed to watch our numbers of registered members (much like a petition) and if we can show the numbers they will expand the film.  Right now it is scheduled to only show in two cities in two theaters (one per city) for a maximum of two weeks.  Just saying it is being released doesn't mean the masses will see it.  They won't.

Many of you know me from other Brokeback Mountain forums and also know that I am the owner of Heath Ledger Central.  This is not a Heath site this is an independent film site.  You know how devoted I am to BBM and to indie film.  Jake has a film coming up that isn't getting distribution either, not wide enough for about 90% of his fan base to see it.  This affects every artist who works in indie films.  Lets stop this steady diet of big $$$ commercial films we are being fed by the industry.  The next time a deserving film is up for best picture, or there is a deserving best actor or supporting actor, lets let our voices have been raised to have that performance seen by the masses and that actor be justly rewarded for his work.  BBM opened that door for us and we simply, in honor of this great film, have to go through it.

And please, remember, that maybe you don't want to see Candy and that is perfectly fine.  Maybe you don't like Heath or Abbie or Geoffrey Rush.  All that is perfectly fine as well, but won't you please register to protect the right of others to at least have the right to see it if they wish to.  I work in the entertainment industry in LA and believe me if we don't make it clear to them in a respectful and cohesive way and if we don't stand in solidarity, you are going to be viewing Crash XII a few years down the road.  They want the $$.  Fine.  We'll show them that we are the ones that pay their salaries.

Thank you so much for your time and anything you can do to help us is so much appreciated.  Please spread the word.  Let's let the path BBM paved in indie film not be forgotten.
