Author Topic: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown  (Read 171570 times)


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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #350 on: May 08, 2009, 12:41:12 am »
So Perez slapped her, she had no choice but to slap back?  Is that the Biblically correct thing to do?

Sorry, we all make our own choices, unless you believe those criminal defenses where the criminal "had to" commit the crime.

no I think people are human. it is wholey human to want to defend yourself if you feel attacked...(and I do see that may be what Perez was doing himself..)

I think it is a little silly to keep making references to the Bible....being a Christian does not make you perfect or infallible...quite the opposite, you realize how flawed you are. It is a journey to be better, not a belief that you are better.


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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #351 on: May 08, 2009, 12:41:36 am »
obsessed much with the lady's body?

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #352 on: May 08, 2009, 12:57:35 am »
no I think people are human. it is wholey human to want to defend yourself if you feel attacked...(and I do see that may be what Perez was doing himself..)

I think it is a little silly to keep making references to the Bible....being a Christian does not make you perfect or infallible...quite the opposite, you realize how flawed you are. It is a journey to be better, not a belief that you are better.

I was using an idea that Prejean expressed herself - that she was being Biblically correct.  I simply borrowed it from her. 

I agree that improving the way we do things is a journey.  But one of the cornerstones of that journey is realizing that regardless of what someone does to me, what I do next is solely up to me and to me alone.  I can choose to vent my rage, or laugh, or attack or create understanding or listen or any one of a million choices.

The same is true for us all.


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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #353 on: May 08, 2009, 01:08:51 am »
I was using an idea that Prejean expressed herself - that she was being Biblically correct.  I simply borrowed it from her. 

I agree that improving the way we do things is a journey.  But one of the cornerstones of that journey is realizing that regardless of what someone does to me, what I do next is solely up to me and to me alone.  I can choose to vent my rage, or laugh, or attack or create understanding or listen or any one of a million choices.
The same is true for us all.

if you have achieved that perfection then I congratulate you. I know I haven't....I am notorious for wanting to hit back when I feel attacked.

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #354 on: May 08, 2009, 04:33:07 am »
I know she had no power....there was nothing she could do. I dont' care if someone doesn't LIKE my son. I just dont' want them to have the POWER to hurt him. I have to be fair. I dont' think she did anything wrong, I would rather KNOW the truth about what people think rather than have them lie...

Perez gave her the power, he made her name a household thing...he gave her a platform to leap off of. Now she is the darling of the anti gay marriage...and people are rallying to her. She needs to be allowed to fade off the public stage, instead the gay community is ginning up SUPPORT for her...everything that is brought out to 'harm' her is going to backfire.

So you don't think they way she is acting gives power over your son & Jeff? See to me she has got power and is weilding it over them. If you have a 1000 of these peeople saying "no offence but you can't get married on my watch mate" well what's that saying? There is strength in numbers. Break down those numbers & you break down the power. This is what the civil rights movement did and it got us to a better place, not perfect still but definitely better than then.

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #355 on: May 08, 2009, 04:38:51 am »
I couldn't agree with you more. The people here (I assume the royal "we" are the haters here of Prejean) who are doing their best to harm and hurt this young woman do indeed weave tangled webs.  ;)

I wonder why the court docs were released in the first place; they are not always public. The extent to which you folks will go, and encourage others to go, to hurt people is shameless. How dare you find glee in some jerk writer who tries to leverage a personal family tragedy into a manufactured slur against this person? And then passively accept some miserably lame attempt at psychoanalysis? If this forum was a business, the posts that so casually degrade Prejean would be an entire course in diversity training classes to demonstrate how hate is a tangled web of liberal bigotry.

Umm, Did I dig those files up in my sleep or something? Cos I can't remeber doing that!

But its an interesting case you're making here. That reporters shouldn't dig up fact and figures to add to a story? I think thats a double standard there becasue yo have provided plenty of facts and figures to back up your stories, why not here?

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #356 on: May 08, 2009, 04:42:45 am »
because darling Injest, Ms Prejean is a perfect and convenient target for the PC left to attack, and conceivably fundraise around.

she is :

1) an attractive woman, therefore she is not disabled by homeliness - how dare she!

2) a white woman, therefore not enabled by a minority status - You chose your parents unwisely didn't ya Prejean?

3) bold about expressing a "conservative" POV, therefore she can be attacked by the left for an opinion that is identical to THE ONE, who can not be attacked by the left.

4) a hetero therefore she can not have an opinion about same sex marriage anyway.

if nothing else, this whole increasingly tiresome episode does ONCE again illustrate the duplicity and double standards of the left and the media in the US. so for some it is a "teachable moment" - to use a Hillary phrase.  ;)

and dont forget...

5) because she showed a very un PC attitude which people have called her on.

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #357 on: May 08, 2009, 07:47:54 am »
and YOUR attitude IS PC? oh I guess so, since liberals think only OTHER people are to be held to standards...

it is quite an education to see the jeaousy and vitriol poured on someone for speaking their mind, forging a chain for one person allows that chain to be used on you. Liberals dont' want equality, they want their feet on the throats of anyone that dares speak up. Nasty nasty nasty attitudes....gleeful at the thought of someone else hurt.

Freedom can't be for just a few select people.

Animal Farm was more true than I realized...some ARE more equal than others.

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #358 on: May 08, 2009, 08:03:50 am »
and YOUR attitude IS PC? oh I guess so, since liberals think only OTHER people are to be held to standards...

it is quite an education to see the jeaousy and vitriol poured on someone for speaking their mind, forging a chain for one person allows that chain to be used on you. Liberals dont' want equality, they want their feet on the throats of anyone that dares speak up. Nasty nasty nasty attitudes....gleeful at the thought of someone else hurt.

Freedom can't be for just a few select people.
Animal Farm was more true than I realized...some ARE more equal than others.

Well I believe in gay rights - so against her viewpoints I would saymy attitude here is more PC on this issue.

With regard to the bit I've coloured in red... Exactly, that's why I believe she was un PC in this situation. She has the freedom to say what she wants but I believe she is wrong, and I ahve the freedom to say that too.

I have not shown any jealousy or anger. I have only said that i think a) she was wrong in what she said and explained why I think this and alsio mentioned that b) as a beauty queen she should have had more common sense than to word what she said in the way she did. She was swimming in waters full of gays. Ie The beauty pagent world is full of gay men - why did she think that her words wouldn't cause a storm?

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Re: Gay Marriage Sinks Miss California's shot at Crown
« Reply #359 on: May 08, 2009, 08:13:29 am »
stereotyping much?