well well well!
today is the birthday of our New Zealand member, Matthew.

How can we mark this day?
Well, I can share with you information on New Zealand, that Matthew has told me.
*drum roll*

New Zealand is the home of Kiwis!

Nope, not that kind.......Kiwi birds!

They also eat something called "whitebait patties".

And they eat Grubs?

(can someone remind me why I am going to NZ in September?

Anyway, back to topic.....this is apparently the method of transport in NZ....

and they have a national mating dance.....
They also think that they're "first in flight"....I've been told to not break
that illusion when I visit by mentioning The Wright Brothers from America.

He also says that there are always plenty of opportunities for romance!

Finally, they all have great senses of humor, which means that Matthew will see the humor in this post.