The full moon is the time of the month when everbody goes crazy. There were the Druids way back when, and Dracula, my Aunt Minnie, even dogs (perhaps all animals) are said to be affected. I personally don't notice any change in me, but others at work said I got more intollerable than usual, and I suppose I will have to accept what they say as I don't know one way or the other. I always thought it was my being on the cusp of Virgo with Leo (24 Aug), trying to be a Virgo but heavly influenced with Leo, and not doing either very well. I'm not really into Astrology, especially all that garbage in newspaper horoscopes (which is written to be interpreted anyway you want and make it happen), but had a boyfriend years ago who was an Astrologer "to the stars" (Hollywood stars, that is) who did my chart and said I "would take a different path soon that will change my life forever", and he was exactly correct...4 weeks later I left him and moved to San Diego, and "lived happily ever after". That was 23 years ago and haven't seen him since.
There are many, many different names for the ugust full moon (which appears tomorrow night, such as "corn moon", "barley moon", "harvest moon" which is the name I am familiar with. Does anyone else know of different names?