I'm sorry (not really, actually), but what a dumbass. Is he talking about Brokeback Mountain or Under the Tuscan Sun? Good grief.
Barb, it's a she: Meghan Daum, an essayist and lately, apparently, a columnist for the LA Times (this appeared on their op-ed page). She's writing from her own perspective. That is, that's how she responded to it (though I think she's being a tiny bit tongue-in-cheek in that quote).
Daum -- who is a good writer, BTW; I've got a collection of her essays -- focuses on how women appreciate the movie's emotional aspects, doesn't talk much about its other qualities. But to give her the benefit of the doubt, she seems to have liked the movie a lot and that probably wasn't the only reason why. See the link above, if you're interested in reading the whole piece.
You're right, that probably is an accurate description of Under the Tuscan Sun. Didn't work for me, though. Where were the hot young actors smooching?