What does gemutlich mean, Chrissi? Does it mean "kind"?
"Gemütlich" is one of those words where a translation must stay unsatisfactory because it's a unique expression. Cozy comes closest to it. Look what my dictionaly offers for gemütlich:
canny adj. (Scot.) gemütlich
comfortable adj. gemütlich
comfy adj. gemütlich
cozilyAE, cosilyBE adv. gemütlich
cozyAE, cosyBE adj. gemütlich
homelike adj. gemütlich
homely adj. (Brit.) gemütlich
homey also: homy adj. gemütlich
jovial adj. gemütlich
jovially adv. gemütlich
placid adj. gemütlich
snug adj. gemütlich
snugly adv. gemütlich
unhurried adj. gemütlich
Gemütlich is all that and more. I've also heard the English expression "German Gemütlichkeit", for example in leaflets descibing a hotel or restaurant.