"How much self-control can you exercise when it comes to true love? Can you hold back showing your love for decades, knowing that your heart, body, and soul will weaken with the passing of time? Can you wait for your love to be reciprocated for decades, knowing that your wait may be futile?
"Ang Lee's movies move
us so effectively often beca
use they capture the strengths and
weaknesses of the human heart and the tragedies emerging from the lack of control over or the overzealo
us control of one's emotions. We are victims of the power of love as it conquers not j
ust our hearts but minds. Societal and familial constraints are powerful forces that can thwart the course of true love. Love fights back, sometimes successfully, often not. The great obstacle in the path of love is ultimately the self. We inflict pain on ourselves and others as readily as we love."
=aside= PlayersWell done!!!!