In the scenes of Signal, several
tumbleweeds passed by.
=question= F-R aka Lee
Besides an ironic double entry w/ "there", one minute apart,
Lee, why did U hi-lite "Signal" when this answer is for a "T"?
Oh, well, "we all mistakes", "nobody's perfect", "two many
drinx", "sleepy", blah, blah, blah, etc. Thanx for ur PMs!
BTW, I vote to keep the tumbling "tumbleweeds"!
=reply= Will
"There" is gone -- but certainly not forgotten!
"Tumbleweeds" is no longer a 'double entry'.
=compliment= Fran
Besides all that the "Fisrt Lady of the ABCs of BBM"
already does, U were quite the randy sportswoman
to allow the less fortunate to go before U. Thanx.
It is a trait to be admired; I wudn't have done it
{only kidding... kinda}!
=aside= Will-U
Okay, I have to admit, that when I play the ABCs game at home, I am severely "disabled" because I am on a Mac instead of a PC. It does not seem to like highlighting. Please bear with me. Thank you Will for standing by me for letting the tumbleweeds stand!! And also, thank you Fran! Eight posts for me in this round--a personal best!