I had several points, guys.

One point though: the woman didn't
abandon her children. She just became the non-custodial parent. She still sees her kids and is involved.
Quite a few men are in this position. One of my points as
Milo noted directly. This is so common for men, it doesn't even make news or even blip people's consciences. But this woman is dragged through the mud by the comment makers for doing the same. Double standard.
Yes, children are not a car or a house. But how do you 'try out' kids first, to know if you will or won't be a good parent? Babysitting? Not quite the same thing. And it took her five years to come to her decision. There is nothing that she could have done to determine whether she would or wouldn't be a good mother.
So while I'm sure plenty of people consider how children will effect their lives, they can't know the reality of it until they actually do do it, then of course, it's too late.
And no one should subjugate their lives for ANYone else. Sure, kids should be a top priority, but they shouldn't be the be-all, end-all priority.