I think all prostitutes are scum. Being proud of it is even more reprehensible.
I am sorry, but I am so upset by this posting that I must say more.
I have known prostitutes and hustlers in my work with the Ontario Ministry of Correctional Services, other social services, and informally in Toronto bars and clubs over the years. Almost without exception, I have found them to be much like everyone else: wanting some money in their pockets, facing a difficult world, and just trying to do the best they can. If there is a difference, it is that they usually have a more troubled past to deal with, yet seem to be more accepting of other people's foibles and more willing to live and let live. To dismiss them as "scum" is not just narrow-minded, it is unconscionable. These, my friend, are not those who would hurt and oppress you. If you must loose arrows, at least aim them in the tight direction.
Sex-workers are an extremely disadvantaged part of society, and struggle against far more than those who call them names. They battle indifferent social agencies, hostile police, and worst of all, psychopathic crazies who torture and murder them to rid the world of such scum. They are as oppressed as those of us in the LGBT community. WE know what it's like; we, certainly, should be on their side in their struggle.
Why am I the only person to speak out here? Other BetterMostians, and not just LGBT, I implore you to say something.