Author Topic: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey  (Read 39055 times)

Offline cwby30

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Seeing You Standing Tall...
« Reply #110 on: March 08, 2007, 11:38:46 pm »

Feels like the calm before the storm. Carl is the first scurries of clouds and an ill wind. LD brings on the darker clouds and swirling eddies. This BBQ is going to be more ways that potato salad.

Ennis stood up to Carl, and didn't run. He's standing with Jack, next to Jack, and his new life. They've got their love to keep them strong.

Jenny will be the wild card at the party. Unexpected, seeing others without years of knowing them, maybe seeing things and people that others would dismiss as ordinary but really aren't.

Can't wait for Ennis to meet LD. LD will be surprised and maybe not pleased at the changes in Jack, and at Ennis. Could we hope for a passionate hug'n'kiss in front of him, which leads to increased blood pressure, which leads to a coronary? Probably not, but worth the thought, anyway. Wonder what bad things he's up to?

Thanks again. Looking forward to the other guests arriving, so the party can begin in earnest.

Offline bailey

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #111 on: March 11, 2007, 12:46:41 pm »
Home Ground - I'll Be Seeing You Chapter 47*:

* The barbecue is ON!

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #112 on: March 15, 2007, 10:08:14 am »
You've Come a Long Way - I'll Be Seeing You Chapter 48:

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #113 on: March 15, 2007, 11:29:30 am »
You've Come a Long Way - I'll Be Seeing You Chapter 48:

Thanks Bailey, I've been waiting for it. Off to read... :)

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #114 on: March 15, 2007, 02:32:15 pm »
Thanks Bailey, I've been waiting for it. Off to read... :)

My update schedule has been severely eroded by my deplorable need to put food on the table and pay my electric bill.  I truly wish I could just sit home all day and write.  That would be heaven.  ;)

Hope you enjoy the new chapter.

Offline cwby30

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You
« Reply #115 on: March 15, 2007, 03:09:25 pm »

Well, the BBQ is over. Some fireworks, but not entirely expected.  A physical "catfight" was not on the horizon for me! But, still, the aftermath may come up to bother them.

*** "There were even one or two that had a fair idea of what the real bone of contention was, but they spread their tales in low tones over shots of whiskey in the back booths of honky-tonks, leaning on the fence while the bull did his business with the cows, or down at the junkyard taking potshots at the rats. They simmered, while the rest of the town boiled over with loose talk." ***

Maybe it would be a good thing to move on and away, even if Bobby isn't completely healed. 

Ennis continues to surprise Jack, and me.  Ready to meet Eby and his cronies anywhere, anytime, and backing up Jack and not backing down.  Asking Randall if he wanted to share a drink, knowing what Randall was to Jack, and Jack to Randall.  Closure, and yet maybe something else.  And later, letting Jenny go.  Hardest thing for a father, especially when his daughter is so young yet so grown up.  Miss Danny's counsel for Ennis; glad to see Ennis remembers him and what he said, and puts it to good use in his life.

Jack did some more growing in those few moments with the three of them. When they were at the party at Rally's place [Chapter 15], Jack told Ennis that he had always and would always love him, but couldn't be with him.  *** “I do love ya, Ennis. I never stopped. It ain’t somethin’ I can turn on and off like a light switch. I love ya, and I ain’t never gonna forgit ya. How do ya forgit someone that gave ya a taste a heaven and hell? Every time I meet a man, my first thoughts are of how he’s like you or different. I cain’t help it.” ***

Now, watching and hearing Ennis and Randall at the BBQ, he again realized how much he did always love Ennis and still did, and how much he had sought, and never found, a duplicate for Ennis.  There is no duplicate.

Ennis and Jack have come a long way in their relationship, and in their own self-confidence. Together, they are more than the sum of their two parts.   

Maybe Randall will take stock and decide to do something about his life, too.  Especially after the "catfight."

Dallas...Hmmm.  Can understand the excitement for Jenny and Bobby.  But, lots went on there; lots can happen in that big city.  Good thing Lou is with them, and they're on Lou's home turf.  Still...  And, still wondering who the secret witness is, who swore that Jack had nothing to do with the drug money laundering scheme, and convinced Lou to look at it from a different angle. Have a hunch. And, still wondering what happened to Rally the roadrunner. 

Once again, a great chapter. 

Did see a few things you might want to look into:
   In about the 10th paragraph, think it should read: "In fact, he was so..."
   In the kitchen after the BBQ, think it should read: "...Lou said, and held up his..."
   Later in the kitchen, think it should read: "Ennis fetched a deep sigh at the thought..."

Thanks again.  Looking forward to the next chapter. 

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #116 on: March 22, 2007, 09:14:29 am »
Nobody But You - I'll Be Seeing You Chapter 49:

Offline cwby30

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You
« Reply #117 on: March 22, 2007, 02:14:43 pm »

Well, finally, Ennis found the shirts, and realized what they represent to Jack, and now to him. Jack has always loved Ennis, and when Ennis pushed him away, he tried to find someone to replace him and never could. Remember that Jack realized at one point that all the others that he got close to looked like Ennis in some way; he was always seeing Ennis. The shirts reminded Jack each time he saw them, that he had given his heart and soul to Ennis in 1963; Ennis sees that now.

Jack still hasn't gotten it through his thick skull and through the fog and lingering bitterness of their years apart and the uncertainty that goes with it, that Ennis also gave his heart and soul to Jack in 1963. How many times does Ennis have to tell that to Jack, that Jack is the only man and only person he has loved, period?

The same love, two different ways of showing it.

It isn't too late. Jack never said he was going to quit Ennis, only that he wished he knew how. Jack knew he never could quit Ennis, no matter how much he tried or wanted to. Ennis held his heart and soul.

Maybe now it's time for Ennis to return Jack's heart and soul to him, and ask Jack to give it to him once again, this time with a mature love tempered in the fires of the years between. A true test.

Thanks for the story. Looking forward to finding out what happened when Jack left and when Ennis went looking for him with the shirts clutched to his heart.

[Also posted at Brokeback_Phoenix]

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #118 on: March 25, 2007, 10:20:49 pm »
Untimely Harvest - I'll Be Seeing You Chapter 50:

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Re: I'll Be Seeing You: A Brokeback A/U fanfic by bailey
« Reply #119 on: March 29, 2007, 10:25:42 am »
Bullet Time - I'll Be Seeing You 51: