Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas  (Read 3027 times)

Offline Daniel

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~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas
« on: December 11, 2006, 10:05:34 pm »
((A lone horse seems flighty and agitated as it bears its rider up a snow-covered mountain. A fire blazing in the night the only beacon for the rider, who is muffled in several layers of clothing to protect him from the cold.))

There it is, darlin. If we can pick up the pace a little bit, we'll get there 'fore it gets too dark.

((notices the audience))

**Oh, hey folks. I guess yer wonderin' what the heck this is. Well, I ain't right sure myself just yet, mebbe we'll figure it out as we get along. Well I can tell ya a little bit, but it'll take some fancy headwork. Gotta use that 'magination. See, 'stead of separatin' back in August like we did in the movie, we stayed around and tried to find some other work to do up on ole Brokeback. So it's December now. And we found some temporary work with the Forest service. 'n if ya look around, ya might find some of our old friends: JBB, Warshrag, dogs, and even that pesky LSP horse. Oh, and my pants are under here somewhere. Ya might not be able to hear 'em though. Would be kinda muffled.**

**Its gettin' close to Christmas now, so thought we might invite you folks up to celebrate it with us.  Ennis's cooking skills gotten a little better, so the eatin's not too bad. Nothin' fancy though. We invited some of our ole friends up too: that musical mule, and well, Miss Snow's already here. Guess ya can see that.**
« Last Edit: December 11, 2006, 11:17:21 pm by Daniel »
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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2006, 10:15:26 pm »
((Snug in his Brokeback den, a big burly mountain bear rests deeply in winter hibernation. Unconsciously, his nostrils flare at the delicious scent of human male which wafts from afar from yonder slope. His dreams turn to that tawny, robust young man who crossed his path back in the bracing summertime--mere months ago, yet already so far away. His friendly hello just seemed to startle the poor fella, not to mention scaring the bejeesus out of that dang horse and that dumbass mule, who took off a-running with the golden-brown lad scrapping desperately after them. Hurt his heart, to see him go. But the delicate man-scent from nearby eases his heavy sleep, and his dreams take on a wonderful, stirring charge.))

Offline welliwont

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2006, 01:32:20 am »


Hey!  Is this kinda like a Walton's Christmas?  On a mountain?


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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2006, 01:36:00 am »

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2006, 01:38:27 am »

**Can't recall ever seein' a Walton's Christmas, but what are ya doing all the way out here in the wilderness? Ya best come and get warm by the fire for a while at least. The mountain can get pretty bad in the wintertime. Part of our job's makin' sure random passersby like yourself don't get caught in this freezing snow.**

((Jack leads LSP's reins so that she goes closer to the RANDOM PASSERBY, reaches into his pocket and pulls out some cold granola and beef jerky.))

**If ya ain't eaten in a while, here's somethin' fer ya. Ennis's got the campfire goin' so if we can just get up there we'll be outta the worst of it.**
« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 01:41:57 am by Daniel »
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Offline welliwont

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2006, 01:59:30 am »

Oh I jus' knew when I said that, you young sprout wouldn't have a clue what I was on about.....  Walton's Mountain, that was afore you was even born!

So Ennis has got a fire goin' has he?  Well I might come by, if you'll be there.  Jack, you're the one I like to talk with....  that Ennis, he's just a clamshell, his lips is always stuck together.

Then the clouds opened up and God said, "I hate you, Alfafa."

Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2006, 02:04:21 am »

((smiles at the stranger, then unwraps his scarf))

**I know what you mean about Ennis. Hell, ya saw what I had to go through last summer just ta get him to say a whole sentence ta me. But we'd best get a move on. My little darlin' here.... her legs're gettin' stiff. Gonna have a hard enough time warmin' her up as it is. But yeah, I don' 'spect Ennis'll be talkin' much... but I'm willin' ta forgive him fer that cause he knows how ta make a good meal and I don't know a thing about cookin'.**

((Jack smiles to himself))

**He's also got a damn good singing voice, if ya can get him to belt out somethin'.**
« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 04:38:04 pm by Daniel »
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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas
« Reply #7 on: December 12, 2006, 03:57:49 pm »
LSP Horse:

((moving up the mountain against the wind, a little fidgety, and with a self-satisfied smirk on her um, muzzle))

**Now this is more like it -- if they'da listened ta me back in July, when I kept sayin we should just kidnap ol' Jack and Ennis, none a that heartbreak woulda had to happen, and God knows I don't even know the half of it. I just hope we can have a good Christmas up here. It's cold!! **

((LSP shudders and shakes to get warm, prompting JACK to rub her shoulders a little, which is welcomed))

Yeah, Ennis can cook alright, but he always could, I thought. Still, it's your oats I like best!   

** ;D **

Now about that's a tune for ya:

((LSP begins to belt it out and trot along in time to the tune of -- what else -- Jingle Bells!))

Jingle bells, Agguire smells, Owlma laid an egg
We got ever'thing we could want up here
'cept some elk meat and a keg!

**let's see Ennis top that!**

« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 08:16:09 pm by newyearsday »
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Offline Daniel

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Re: ~~THE PERFORMANCE~~ A Brokeback Mountain Christmas
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2006, 04:36:02 pm »

Well, that sure is musical neighing. Didn't know horses could sing. ((Jack looks over at the RANDOM PASSERBY))

You shoulda seen her last summer though. Wooh-wee, can she do a triple axel spin on a dime. Not in this cold acourse, but when its warm, I reckon ye'll find her dancin' across whatever field she's in. ((Jack remembers fond memories.))

Ennis was sure I couldn't handle her. Well, she did git to throw me once, but I let 'er do it as a freeby.
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