Okay, something funny happened to me this morning when I read the daily drabble prompts...and I am going to completely and totally blame it on the medication I'm on. I
misread one of the prompts, and didn't realize it until just a moment ago when I read Leslie's drabble. I'm sitting here laughing my ass off, so I decided to post my mistake anyway, hoping that maybe everyone will smile and cut me some slack since I think the blood thinning medicine is making me hallucinate.

lol Cristine
Bill Paying Time
“What the hell is this?” Jack threw the creased white envelope into Ennis’ lap with a mild irritation Ennis rarely saw from the man.
Ennis looked cautiously at the envelope in question, and cringed.
“Oh, where’d you find that? Thought I hid it.” Ennis ducked his eyes below his brim for just a moment before slowly looking up to gauge Jack’s expression. “Just didn’t want you to be pissed, Bud.”
Jack’s mouth began to twitch.
“You did hide it, friend. Found it under your Hamley’s saddle catalog.”
Jack’s mouth worked its way into a grin.
“Now, please…explain THAT to me,” Jack laughed, pointing to the
Addressee section on their shared utility bill:
M. & Ms. Ennis del Mar.
Ennis relaxed, shaking his head, joining in the laughter. “They screwed up.”
Jack snorted.
“Yeah, but now we did too. Look at that.” Jack pointed to the date in the corner. “You hid it so well, the damn bill is
overdue now. We gonna have to pay a late fee, En.”
Jack chuckled, more amused by Ennis’ expression than annoyed by the electric company’s mistake.
“aahh, fuck!” Ennis grumbled.
(192 Words)