Author Topic: FanFiction by stevehtx  (Read 8868 times)

Offline Adiabatic

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FanFiction by stevehtx
« on: February 15, 2007, 08:50:39 am »
“The Strange Fate of Twist”:
Chapter I:
Chapter II:
Chapter III:
Chapter IV:

“No One to Remember” (formerly titled “Postcards and Shirts”):

“No Distance”:

“A Kiss, An Awakening”:
“A Little Gift”:
“Always Leaving”:
“An Admission”:
“Ennis Speaks”:
“Floating Clouds, Flowing Water”:
“Have a Cup of Coffee”:
“Lightning Flashes”:
“To Lose Again”:
“Too Many Memories”:

“Freedom, Part II”:
“If We Knew Then....”:
“Just For Laughs”:
“More than Words”:
“Perchance to Dream”:
“To Shoulder a Burden”:
Chapter I:
Chapter II:
Chapter III:
Chapter IV:
“Turn Around”:
“Turn Around II”:

“If Not For Fear”:
Chapter I:
Chapter II:
Chapter III:
Chapter IV:
Chapter V:
Chapter VI:
Chapter VII:
Chapter VIII:
Chapter IX:
Chapter X:
Chapter XI:
Chapter XII:
Chapter XIII:
Chapter XIV:
Chapter XV:
Chapter XVI:
Chapter XVII:
Chapter XVIII:
Chapter XIX:
Chapter XX:
Chapter XXI:

Steve’s stories are also available on, starting here:
« Last Edit: February 01, 2008, 09:09:32 am by adiabatic »

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: stevehtx’s stories
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2007, 09:40:55 am »
Glad to see you're giving Steve some publicity, Barbara. I read some of his early stories, and they were all very good, very "from the heart." They are definitely worth reading.  :)
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.

Offline Adiabatic

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx -- new story
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2007, 11:17:54 pm »
New story by stevehtx.

Just Before Dawn

It was just before dawn…that quiet, silent interval between the sounds of night and the sounds of day.  A slight glow could be discerned between the flaps of the tent.  Outside the stars were fading from view.

He had been awake for a little while now just staring at the man next to him, their faces close, their breath mingling in the cold nighttime air of the tent.  He watched as the other man’s eyelashes fluttered and little muscles twitched, a response to movement in his dreams. 

He lifted his hand, quietly and slowly, so as not to wake the sleeper.  He reached forward to lightly brush a lock of hair back from his forehead.  He ran the back of his fingers, butterfly soft, across the side of this face he had known and watched for so long.  Closing his eyes he leaned in slightly…the smell of this man always intoxicating. 

He thought of all the times he had been here in this same moment…staring, watching, trying to capture in memory the beauty he saw, storing it for the barren months between their meetings, for those times when the pain of their separation gnawed at his mind and tore at his heart. 

These times were the only ones when he could, without fear, let loose the iron bands that constrained him from opening up and expressing what his heart screamed to release.  These were the only times he could allow himself to say silently, “I love you,” knowing that to say so in the light of day or the passion of night would, rather than bring comfort, disrupt the balance of things.

He wished that just once he could look this man in the eye and tell him, “Don’t go…please stay…you’re the only reason I keep on going on…I’m nothing if you ain’t here.”

But he knew that everything would change and not for the better.  Once said the words could not be taken back.  Once said, he’d never be able to leave, never be able to walk away…yet would have to…as he’d had to do so many times before.

So he waited patiently, each time they got together, for this moment, this time to drop his barriers and, even if silently, shout to the heavens his undying love.  It was his only time to let his heart open and feel the love he could never express.  It was what he lived for.

A little shudder, a deepening of the breath, a slight shift of the body…the sleeper was waking.  The moment was passing as it always did.  With a deep inward sigh, he put these thoughts and feelings away for the next time. 

He watched as the other man slowly opened his eyes…those startling blue eyes.  His breath faltered as it always did.  A tear formed at the thought that those eyes sought him out wherever he stood…looked for him at every turn…told him there was no one else so important to him in the world.

“Hey,” Jack muttered still half asleep.

“Hey, yourself,” Ennis said as he brushed a tear away.

“What’s the matter, cowboy?”

“Nothing,” Ennis said quickly, “I’m okay.”  He looked away for a moment, “Should get up, though.  Lot’s to do.”

“Do we have to right now?” a sleepy Jack asked, shifting over and snuggling close, tucking his head under Ennis’ chin.

Ennis wrapped an arm over Jack to pull him close and hold him tight.

“No, lil’ darlin’, we got time.”
« Last Edit: February 09, 2008, 08:10:30 am by adiabatic »

Offline fernly

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 12:00:04 am »
Just beautiful.
their breath mingling in the cold nighttime air of the tent.
and they were as essential to each other as breath, weren't they...
I liked that I wasn't quite sure whose thoughts we were 'hearing', until the blue eyes Ennis saw made it clear.
Thanks for posting this.
And thanks so much, Steve, for writing this.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2007, 12:47:12 am by fernly »
on the mountain flying in the euphoric, bitter air

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2007, 12:08:07 am »
"Just Before Dawn" was great. I also read and very much enjoyed "The Strange Fate of Twist." Very different.

Leslie K.

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2007, 09:12:57 pm »
Another brand-new story by stevehtx. This one is untitled.

Jack had gone a little out of his way fixing supper for Ennis that night thinking he might enjoy something more than the usual same old boring bean meals.  He’d had to be real creative about it.  So he was kinda excited for Ennis to get down from the sheep.

But supper sat and Jack waited…and then waited some more.  He finally ate some of the cold food, mumbling to himself all the time, occasionally throwing in some creative new name to call Ennis. 

Then there came the cracking of branches and the sounds of horse and rider nearing the camp.  It was late now, dark already.  Jack thought that Ennis better damn well have a good excuse or he’d drag him off that horse to the ground and beat on him.

A lot of his anger evaporated when he saw Ennis guide his horse to where the other was tied…and then just sit there, doing nothing.  He didn’t get down, he didn’t move.  He just sat there with his chin on his chest, the reins in his hands.

Jack took a couple of steps.

“Ennis?”  Ennis just sat there, head still down.

“Ennis, what’s the matter?”

Finally, Ennis lifted his head and looked around a bit like he didn’t even know where he was.  He ran his hand across his face then reached up and pulled his jacket close because of the chill in the air now that the sun had gone down.

He got off his horse still seeming like he was off somewhere else.  Jack walked up to him and put his hand on Ennis’ shoulder.  Startled, Ennis turned to face Jack.

“Jack…hey.  Uh, whatcha doin?  Sorry, looks like I’m late.  Wasn’t payin’ attention to the time.”

“Ennis, it’s dark.  How can you not notice that?”

“I’m sorry.”  Ennis put his head down.  Jack just stared.

Ennis turned from Jack to unsaddle and care for his horse.  Jack, confused, stepped back to the fire and started heating some of the leftover supper, mumbling to himself again.

All day Ennis had been in a daze, preoccupied with feelings and thoughts foreign to him.  He sat near the cat-piss tent blind to sheep or sky or mountains.  He was lost in Jack…his scent, his warmth, his laugh…but mostly his touch…tight and gripping like when he demanded, “harder, Ennis, harder,”…and then when the fireworks and stars had faded, brushing softly over his back, his neck, through his hair while he whispered words Ennis had never had spoken to him before. 

All day he could feel Jack near him, inside him.  His mind would wander and he’d jump up hearing Jack behind him but he was never there.  He’d walk around realizing that he’d been talking to Jack for some time.

The tight knot in his chest was Jack.  The tremors that ran through his muscles were Jack.  The wind that blew softly against his skin…Jack. 

Confusion and guilt wracked him.  Ain’t supposed to be like this, Jack…everybody knows it just ain’t right…but…  Can’t think…can’t forget…you.

Occasionally his training from childhood would rear its head and he’d storm around cussing Jack to hell or worse for bringing this…thing…on him, this pain, this longing, this need that he’d never known he had…a need no real man should ever have rise inside him…a need to haunt him and twist his thoughts and feelings around.

He’d run to his horse determined to find Jack and beat him for making him feel this pain…then he’d drop to his knees and cry, wanting Jack close, skin to skin, lips to lips, breath to breath. 

Toward the evening he began to think of Jack in more tender thoughts.  He thought of how Jack was always there to comfort him, to hold him and he thought of how he’d never had anyone to do that for him…except his memory in particular.  He’d been young and fallen off a fence.  Crying, he went to his mother…only cause his daddy was gone and he wouldn’t be called a sissy for doing it…and she sat next to him on the couch and he laid his head in her lap while she hummed a song to him, stroking his hair the whole time.  It was the only clear memory he had kept of his mother. 

And Jack was like that.

Jack watched Ennis walk toward the fire and stand for a moment, hands toward the flames since it was cold that night.  He had already prepared a plate of food for Ennis, holding it out to him until he noticed it.

Ennis took his hat off and sat to eat at the log near the fire, Jack sitting to the right of him, each having their own place at the log.  Ennis ate slowly, quietly, not looking at Jack.  But Jack watched him, fear mixed with his own confusion.  He was afraid Ennis was going to pull away…he didn’t want to think of that or anything else that would take Ennis away from him.  Jack took another swallow of the whiskey he’d been holding since Ennis sat down.

Ennis finished his food and placed the plate down next to the fire.  He sat with his elbows on his knees staring at the fire.

Jack had to break this silence, this excruciating silence.  But he knew not to push Ennis as skittish as he got at times like this.

“Some whiskey, Ennis?” as he offered the bottle.  He made sure that his shoulder leaned slightly into Ennis’, that he sat close so Ennis’d know he was there.

Ennis looked at the whiskey and Jack’s hand for a moment then reached out and put his hand over Jack’s, holding both for a second, before he took the whiskey.  Jack could feel Ennis’ hand shaking.

Ennis took a big swig, breathed, took another.  Jack waited for a moment knowing that talking wouldn’t get him anywhere. 

He reached over and ran his hand through the hair on the back of Ennis’ head, trying to calm what he knew to be panic.

Before Jack could do more, Ennis leaned over and laid his head in Jack’s lap, pulling his legs up.  Jack, too stunned to move, sat frozen lest he break this special, precious moment.

He reached tenderly toward Ennis’ head and ran his fingers through his hair.  Quietly he began to hum a tune, something he made up on the spot.  He could feel Ennis begin to relax. 

Ennis reached up and took Jack’s hand drawing it down closer to his chest, holding it with both hands for comfort, to reassure himself that Jack was there and wasn’t going anywhere.

Jack sat humming softly feeling so sad for this man and the life he’d led, the things he’d had to go through, yet exhilarated that Ennis could come to him this way, asking for comfort like this.

Jack stayed there long after Ennis had fallen asleep.

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2007, 09:18:50 pm »
^  Very nice stuff, this one!  Well done.   :)

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2007, 11:45:47 am »
I'm thankful you like this story.  It is now a favorite of mine and I am mystified why I had actually forgotten I started it.  I stumbled across it yesterday. 

Thanks again,


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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2007, 01:52:54 pm »
Man, I read this again.  I gotta tell you, I'm pretty picky about fanfic (was never into the genre at all until Brokeback, heehee) because so much of it is pretty bad.  But this is so good!  True to the characters, very nice (and not distracting) vernacular, and most of all, emotionally satisfying.

Isn't it interesting that some of the best authors (and artists in general, I feel) also seem to be the most subdued about their work.  (Others are like, 'here's my 98th installment – hope my legions of fans enjoy!')  :P

Anyway — yeah, keep it coming friend!  Cheers!


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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2007, 04:39:40 pm »
oh talk about PICKY...I never come in here at all...that particular way of talking is very easy to overdo...

but these stories posted here are lovely. Will take a peek at the others some time soon!

Thank you Steve...

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