Author Topic: Marcel Proust Questionnaire  (Read 16218 times)

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Re: Marcel Proust Questionnaire
« Reply #40 on: July 09, 2009, 06:10:03 am »
1. What is your most marked characteristic?  introversion

2. What is the quality you most like in a man?  being considerate

3. What is the quality you most like in a woman?  being considerate

4. What do you most value in your friends?  trust

5. What is your principal defect?  lack of purpose

6. What is your favourite occupation?  reading and listening to music

7. What is your dream of happiness?  a life with purpose

8. What, to your mind, would be the greatest of misfortunes?  loss of family and friends

9. What would you like to be?  content

10. In what country would you like to live?  wherever I am

11. What is your favourite colour?  black

12. What is your favourite flower?  tulip

13. What is your favourite bird?  hummingbird

14. Who are your favourite prose writers?  Annie Proulx

15. Who are your favourite poets?  can't think of one at the moment

16. Who is your favourite hero of fiction?  don't have one

17. Who are your favourite heroines of fiction?  don't have any

18. Who are your favourite composers?  Carole King

19. Who are your favourite painters?  Clark Esplin

20. Who are your heroes in real life?  don't have any

21. Who are your favourite heroines of history?  don't have any

22. What are your favourite names?  Mum

23. What is it that you most dislike?  disrepect

24. What historical character  do you most despise?  any tyrant

25. What event in military history do you most admire?  defeat of any tyranny

26. What reform do you most admire?  equality for all

27. What natural gift would you most like to possess?  many but esp musical

28. How would you like to die?  with the knowledge that my life made a difference to someone

29. What is your present state of mind?  sad

30. To what faults do you feel most indulgent?  laziness

31. What is your motto?  It's not what you said that people remember, it's how you made them feel.