Jesus said, "Do not fear those who can kill the body but not the soul; but, fear the person who can destroy one's body and soul in hell." "Hell" here is not an actual place but a spiritual condition. The Greek word for "soul" in that saying is "psyche."
One time my Pentecostal mother and I were discussing what Jesus said and she brought into the discussion the subject of child abuse that did not exactly have to be physical but spiritual abuse, too.
Ennis's internalized homophobia came from the psychologial abuse that he received from his father when the boys' dad took them to see the mutilated, beaten with a tire iron, body of Earl in the irrigation ditch. Mr. Del Mar, a Methodist according to the movie, might have been following what he believed to be Biblically correct from the Old Testament in the execution of guys who committed the abomination of "men lying with a male as one lies with a woman."
Children of "Christian" parents have been punished by what seems to be literally written in the Old Testament. Corporal punishment for discipline purposed is approved of in the OT books (the "spare the rod, spoil the child" thing and "beating a rebellious child won't kill him" thing). Even an adult son who refused to obey his parents could be stoned to death if the parents took the matter before the town council and they believed the parents. The son was not allowed to present his own defense; it was the parent's word over the son's.
But, the Greek word for "discipline" in the New Testament is literally the "education of boys." Believing fathers are warned in one of the Epistles to be careful in how they correct their children, and, in words to this effect, don't make them turn against what the father believed spiritually.