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Brokeback Mountain: Our Community's Common Bond => Brokeback Mountain Open Forum => IMDb Remarkable Writings Rewound => Topic started by: TOoP/Bruce on June 11, 2007, 12:33:01 am

Title: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: TOoP/Bruce on June 11, 2007, 12:33:01 am
This is a classic REPOST from TOB

Jack the Chupacabra   
  by ClancyPantsDelMar     (Sat Oct 7 2006 19:26:14 )   

Following is a re-post of a post I posted once in the middle of someone else’s thread. It got deleted. I was conversing with someone here about lost posts from the past and this one always held a special place in my heart.

I have to agree with [name deleted]. Jack went to Mexico because he was horny. But, not the kind of horny that [name deleted] is talking about. It’s close, but there’s a lot more to the Mexico scene than meets the eye. It goes to the very heart of the story. And the very beginning.

Remember when we saw Jack drive up? Well, Ennis didn’t. He looks over in that direction because all of a sudden there was a wind and a truck magically appeared as if from nowhere, but no driver. Ennis never made a move or spoke a word in the direction of the truck. In Aguirre’s office, Ennis is standing way off on the other side of the trailer from where we see Jack. But Ennis doesn’t see him. In fact, Ennis glances over in the direction of where we see Jack because he’s wondering why Aguirre keeps talking over in that direction. The thing is, Aguirre sees Jack. That’s why the jackalope skull on the wall is so important. Aguirre can see things others cannot.

When Ennis leaves the trailer, he doesn’t have a clue that Jack is there UNTIL Jack actually speaks his name to Ennis. This is the key. When something like Jack speaks its name, then it appears to the mortal. Then, Ennis responds with his name. But only his first name. He’s afraid of what is just now appearing to him and he doesn’t want to give out too much information.

From this point on, Ennis is seen trying to do good things for this entity – that we see as Jack – that suddenly appeared in his life as if from out of nowhere. And when “they switch jobs,” it’s because Ennis is trying to get away from this “thing” that’s trying to grab hold of him. Remember how Ennis reacted when this “thing” grabbed hold of him in the tent?

At the post-divorce scene, Ennis does see Jack drive up, because he can now see him. But when Ennis tells the girls to say "hi" they give a very confused "hi." This is because they cannot see Jack yet. Notice how right BEFORE the Mexico scene we see a crow fly across the screen. This is a bird omen. Notice how immediately AFTER the Mexico scene, we see a turkey. This is another bird omen. But the bird has gone from alive to dead. This is because Jack killed the bird. He had to. It’s his nature. He’s the chupacabra. A horny-headed jackalope creature from Mexico. When Jack went to Mexico, he was going there to get his imposing spirit re-infused with chupacabra magic. This is because his façade was starting to fade and his horns were starting to show. That’s why he always wore a hat. To cover those horns. The look on the man’s face in the alley says it all. He knows why Jack is there and he can help fill his spent spirit. So they walk off into the shadows, because that’s where the chupacabra gets its power.

It’s right after this that Jack grows his moustache. That’s a side effect of the infusion of chupacabra spirit that he got in Mexico. And Ennis noticed this. That’s why Ennis said he knew why boys like Jack went to Mexico. He was figuring it out. His “boys like you” comment separates Ennis – of this world – from Jack – of the other world.

Then what happens next? Right after the Mexico scene Jack is full of spirit and mouths off to LD. It’s strange how LD sat down and didn’t put up a fight. But not really. LD had had suspicions about Jack’s true nature for a long time and now he KNOWS. He ain’t gonna mess with no chupacabra. Notice how Lureen gives a little smile. She’s in on it. She’s the muse for the Jack/chupacabra duality. And Bobby sits up straight and eats his dinner. This is because he realizes that his fate now lies before him. He can take after dad and be a chupacabra, or he can take after grandpa and be a fat old man – remember how LD tried to set Bobby on the straight path by saying that Bobby looked just like grandpa? Hmmmm…

And then there's Cassie. Notice how Cassie gave her name just like Jack did, and then Ennis just gives his first name. He's suspecting that there's something up with Cassie. But he fears repeating his earlier mistake of upsetting the chupacabra so he gives his full name. Then she makes him dance. Spirit creatures always make people dance like there's a gun to the head or something. AND the song is "Devil's Right Hand" -- all about the DEVIL and a GUN! It sure is interesting that we NEVER see both Jack and Cassie in the same place at the same time. Cassie is just the same chupacabra all over again tempting Ennis.

But the chupacabra -- that cagey beast -- has to dance some more. So he goes to the benefit dinner in Childress and meets Randall. Randall is the great white hunter sent to take out the chupacabra to save Ennis. And Jack tries to get away from him by dancing with chatty LaShawn. Lureen set up LaShawn to get Jack away from Randall because Lureen knows what's going on. Notice that after the dinner, Lureen and LaShawn go off to the bathroom together for some further plotting and planning. We all know that women go to the bathroom in packs and discuss men. They discuss Randall and Jack who are now sitting outside, Randall trying to lure Jack to his lair to entrap him. Lureen knew all this and does her best to stop it. But why would Lureen care so much? Because she's the chupacabra's muse.

This is why Lureen gives little whimpers on the phone with Ennis. She has to be the muse for a spirit creature and now that he’s gone, she’s having all of her energy drained. And Ennis is figuring all of this out – finally! So Lureen gets even more drained. Notice how pale her face is and even her hair has lost its color.

Then when Ennis goes to “Jack’s house,” he’s entering the spirit world to discover the real truth. Old Man Twist – now there’s a real demon – is there to block the passage of Ennis from worldly reality to the spirit world. But Mrs. Twist is the good fairy who offers Ennis some of her fairy dust (the cherry cake!) to be able to overcome the demon. Now we all know that Ennis is homosexual. And what do some people call homosexuals? Especially back then? Fairies. Ennis has finally figured himself out with the help of the Jack-spirit-chupacabra so he didn’t need the fairy dust (cherry cake!) of Mrs. Twist. Then he goes to the closet and all he finds is two shirts. No chupacabra. Then Ennis realizes it wasn’t all a dream. Notice how in the very last scene Ennis’ hair is long and a bit unruly. Much like a lion's mane. But Ennis was a coward throughout the movie. He’s like the cowardly lion. That’s why when he says “Jack, I swear,” he's really saying “I do believe in ghosts. I do believe in ghosts.”

This is why Tom Cruise wanted the Ennis role so bad. In the mid-80s he put himself deeply into his movie “Legend.” All about sprightly creatures of the forest. And no one took notice. He was pissed off. He wanted the role of Ennis so he could once again show the world that he’s in touch with the spirit world. Notice that in “Legend,” Tom’s character’s name was JACK! And when Tom didn’t get the role, what did he do? He went nuts on national TV and showed us all that he is a jumping JACKrabbit kind of spirited fellow. And he did it on Oprah. Oh, that's interesting! On Oprah! The same show that the whole cast of BBM appeared. Coincidence? I think not.

That’s what BBM is all about. An illusionary place where Ennis meets his earthly spirit guide who drags Ennis down until he can stand it no more. So I have to agree that when Jack went to Mexico, it was because he was horny – horny like a chupacabra.

Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by mooninbalance     (Sat Oct 7 2006 19:43:07 )   

There's something wrong with you.

Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by ClancyPantsDelMar     (Sat Oct 7 2006 19:59:23 )   

 You'll get no disagreement from me! 

Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by littlewing1957     (Sat Oct 7 2006 20:24:21 )   

I'm speechless! I don't know what to say other than I loved reading this! You have made my night!

Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by malina-5     (Sat Oct 7 2006 20:26:20 )   

UPDATED Sat Oct 7 2006 20:28:59
But it's kind of charming at the same time.

Except the part about Tom Cruise wanting to play Ennis. That's horrifying. Truly horrifying. I feel like I have to go shower now to try and purge away the horror of that.

Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by littlewing1957     (Sat Oct 7 2006 20:40:01 )

<<But it's kind of charming at the same time.>>

Charming, indeed!

Except the part about Tom Cruise wanting to play Ennis. That's horrifying. Truly horrifying. I feel like I have to go shower now to try and purge away the horror of that.


Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by malina-5     (Sun Oct 8 2006 01:31:41 )
It's hours later and i can't shake off the horror of the die (woops I meant to write 'idea' not 'die'.. i have been drinking) the IDEA of Tom Cruise playing Ennis.

I can't stand tom cruise.

If I ever trly wanted a way to quit BBM that could be it... imagine tom cruise in the second tent sceen w/ Jack NO NO NO no no. Dirty dirty BAD!

what an appalign idea.

I quite like the 'chupacabra' though.
Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by littlewing1957
    (Sun Oct 8 2006 15:17:10 )   
<<I can't stand tom cruise.>>

I know what you mean. They couldn't cast him as either of the leads in BBM. He is just too old, thank God!

Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by malina-5     (Sun Oct 8 2006 16:46:09 )

Hi IS too old... but you never know what people will get into their heads. Maybe he could've played Aguirre though..

Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by littlewing1957     (Tue Oct 10 2006 15:51:42 )

<<Maybe he could've played Aguirre though..>>

He would have made a decent Aguirre, I think!

Re: Jack the Chupacabra   
  by malina-5     (Thu Oct 12 2006 13:47:19 )
Oh my god this just reminded me.. I just had a creepy dream about Tom Cruise! But I can't remember what... he was my father or my sister was going to marry him or something appalling like that. No maybe it was my daughter who was going to marry him (I think Katie looks like she's about my daughter's age.. not that I'm one to talk about the whole may/sept thing, lol). Anyway, it was just bbbbrrrr. Tom Cruise may NOT be part of my family. Or part of BBM.

Re: Tom Cruise the Chupacabra   
  by True_Oracle_of_Phoenix      (Fri Oct 13 2006 09:49:48 )   

Tom Cruise's best "gay" part was "Top Gun." (I thought he and Val Kilmer had something special going there...)

Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in "Interview with a Vampire" -- ew.

The correct answer to the wrong question is meant to lead astray.

Re: Tom Cruise the Chupacabra   
  by ClancyPantsDelMar     (Fri Oct 13 2006 11:53:39 )   

Well, since this is going way off topic, and since people are talking about other actors in BB roles...

I could see Rodney Dangerfield as Aguirre ... "You were lucky up there Twist. I saw you guys that second night in the tent. You played it cool. I tell ya, I did that with my wife once, just played it cool, let her make the first move, let her come on to me ... she moved to Texas."

or as LD Newsome ... "Hold on there, Rodeo... you're complaining about having to go to Mexico for a little action? You're lucky. I'm not a sexy guy. I went to a hooker. I dropped my pants. She dropped her price."

or as Ennis ... "They did the best they could after my folks was gone. And we were poor too. Why, if I wasn't born a boy, I'd have nothing to play with!"

or as OMT ... "Tell ya what, you were lucky to find a stud like Jack ... I was so ugly, my mother used to feed me with a slingshot!"

or as Monroe ... "Hey, Ennis... what was your secret for satisfying Alma? Lately Alma only has sex with me for a purpose. Last night she used me to time an egg."

or as Randall ... "We ought to go down there some weekend ... Course, you might not be too happy with what you see ... This morning when I put on my underwear I could hear the Fruit of the Loom guys laughing at me."

or as Jack ... "My old man, he hated me ... My bath toys were a toaster and a radio."

But seriously, back to Rodney as Aguirre... "Saw you boys your first night in the tent, Twist ... ooo-eee! That was something. Reminds me of this time I asked my wife if I could kiss her on the cheek ... she bent over."

Re: Tom Cruise the Chupacabra   
  by littlewing1957     (Fri Oct 13 2006 16:08:41 )   

Again, I am speechless! This is brilliant, ClancyPants. My daughter and I are laughing our a$$es off!
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: southendmd on March 13, 2014, 11:54:19 am
Methinks Clancy got ahold of one of Jack's funny cigarettes.
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: TOoP/Bruce on March 13, 2014, 02:49:39 pm
Methinks Clancy got ahold of one of Jack's funny cigarettes.

Well, it does give you a whole different way to read the film!  :)

Maybe a sequel called "Behind the Chupacabra"?
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: Sason on March 13, 2014, 05:45:12 pm
Well, this take on BBM is somewhat......uhm......different.... ::) ::)

Thanks for bumping it, Paul. It's quite entertaining!  :laugh:
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: southendmd on March 13, 2014, 06:31:47 pm
Thanks for bumping it, Paul. It's quite entertaining!  :laugh:

Actually, Bruce bumped if today for TT.
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: Sason on March 15, 2014, 06:23:53 pm
Oops, sorry. Thanks, Bruce, for bumping the....uhm.....alternative take on our movie!   ;D
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: Front-Ranger on March 17, 2014, 10:16:06 am
Oh yes, Jack the this thread!!  ;)
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: Jeff Wrangler on March 17, 2014, 11:42:42 am
Oh yes, Jack the this thread!!  ;)

Let the Wookie win. ...  ;D
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: TOoP/Bruce on March 17, 2014, 02:29:03 pm
The Chupacabra revealed...


Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: TOoP/Bruce on March 17, 2014, 02:30:41 pm
More Chupacabra!

Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: x-man on March 30, 2014, 01:50:19 am
I have been complaining recently that there isn't enough humour in BetterMost--then Jack the Chupacabra magically appears!  Geez this is funny; it made my day.  Does this "ClancyPants" do this often?  I want more!
 :laugh:  :laugh:
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: TOoP/Bruce on March 30, 2014, 08:09:41 am

Clancypants posted both here and IMDb under several names.  He often had a brilliant take on many aspects of this movie and he posted frequently.  This was one of his more humorous takes.  He also posted under the names TheFullMontyClift , ClancyPantsDelmar, and RuthlesslyUnsentimental.  Like many who have an intense interest in this film over the years, he posted frequently, defended his viewpoint rigorously, made many friends, inspired many admirers, and really pissed off many people fans and trolls alike.  I enjoyed his company in the few exchanged we personally shared, but I know that not everyone did, and I completely understand why.  He was an older fan (he told me he was in his 70s back when we were in contact) and he enjoyed getting iinto the mix with a good on-line brawl. At some point, he seemed to lose interest in posting about the movie.  His account closed and I have never heard from him since.  If he is still around, I would imagine he is in his 80s by now.  

I know others here from back then may remember him when he posted here under the name ruthlesslyunsentimental,  and I understand that their recollections of him may be less fond than mine.  
Title: Re: Jack the Chupacabra - by ClancyPantsDelMar
Post by: Front-Ranger on October 20, 2014, 12:07:28 pm
Well, it does give you a whole different way to read the film!  :)

Maybe a sequel called "Behind the Chupacabra"?

Bumping for Halloween!