BetterMost, Wyoming & Brokeback Mountain Forum

Brokeback Mountain: Our Community's Common Bond => Heath Ledger Remembrance Forum => Topic started by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 09:29:42 am

Post by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 09:29:42 am
On Network TEN Australian television last night, Monday 17 March, I was shocked and dismayed to hear a so-called "comedian" tell an extremely offensive, insensitive joke about our beloved Heath.

The name of the program was "Good News Week" and the name of the "comedian" was Paul McDermott.

This is the link to the program:

Don't be fooled by Paul McDermott's "cute" ( he's anything but cute!), wholesome appearance. He is a feral atrocity of the highest order and I was horrified to hear him tell his wretched joke at Heath's expense last night.

The show is a panel show where various news items from the previous week are discussed. The story about the remains of bushranger (outlaw) Ned Kelly being found was one of the news items discussed. Paul McDermott raised the subject and then made a cynical remark about it being Heath's body that had been dug-up, not Ned Kelly's (Heath played the title role in the film "Ned Kelly"). McDermott's manner whilst telling his sick joke was crass and cynical, with a smug, sneering, ha-ha attitude to the subject of Heath's death. The audience demographic of the program is largely teens/twenties and the studio audience lapped it up and there was much laughter, which made McDermott look even more smug and pleased with himself. (In my own defense, I must say that I never watch the show. I had flicked over to watch the program following "Good News Week," which was running overtime.)

There are two reasons why I started this thread.

The first is to advise my fellow Brokies and Heathens about it and the second is to ask you all to submit  a complaint about it to Network TEN.

I faxed my complaint to the TEN Network as soon as I got to work this morning.

To lodge a complaint, click on the "Good News Week" link quoted above.

At the bottom of the page, you will see several options, one of which is "Contact Us." Click on it.

This is the direct link to the "Contact Us" page:

At the "Contact Us" page, you will see several addresses and phone/fax numbers listed down the page. At the very bottom of the page you will see the words, "Click here to download the viewer contact form." The words "Click here" are underlined and clickable. By clicking there, you will be taken to a "Code Complaint Form."

The form is very concise (1 page only) and easy to complete. There are three sections:

1. Personal Information

2. Your Complaint. Here are the details you should fill-in:

* Station: TEN

* Location: Australia

* Program title or advertiser/product: Good News Week

* Date & time of broadcast: Monday 17 March 2008, 8.30pm

* Complaint issue: This is what I wrote here - "Offensive 'humour' - Crass, puerile, insensitive disregard for family and friends of the deceased (Heath Ledger) by Paul McDermott on "Good News Week."

3. Complaint Summary

This is what I wrote here - "I did not appreciate the crass, puerile, tasteless, insensitive joke about Heath Ledger, told by Paul McDermott on "Good News Week" on Monday 17 March 2008. I submit that Mr McDermott should make a formal and public apology to the family and friends of Heath Ledger, for the pain and distress he has caused them."

Print your completed form and send it to the TEN Network either via post or fax (I regret there is no electronic way to submit the form) at:

Network TEN
Sydney NSW 2001

Fax:  02 9650 1111 (Be sure to add your country's fax code for Australia in front of this number; e.g., if you are sending your fax from USA, the number you should dial is 011-61-2 9650 1111)

I apologise for this long-winded post, but I believe it is important for us to stand up for Heath and defend him when he is so cruelly ridiculed in this way. He is not in a position to defend himself, so it's up to us to do it for him.

Please give serious consideration to posting the Complaint Form to Network TEN. The cost of the postage is minimal and it will reach Australia in only a couple of days via airmail.

Ideally, I would like to see a huge, international response generated. It might make Mr McDermott think twice before ridiculing our dear Heath again.

Thank you for reading this important post.

Yours fraternally in Brokeback,

Sydney, Australia


Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: MaineWriter on March 18, 2008, 09:52:55 am
Thanks for this info, Kerry.

For folks in the US who might want to send their letter via fax, you would put an 011-61 at the beginning of the number, ie:

011-61-2 9650 1111

Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: mvansand76 on March 18, 2008, 10:16:07 am
 >:( >:( >:(


I hope to be able to do this this week, Kerry! Good actions!  :-*
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: yb on March 18, 2008, 10:26:22 am
Thanks for this info, Kerry.

For folks in the US who might want to send their letter via fax, you would put an 011-61 at the beginning of the number, ie:

011-61-2 9650 1111


I think when you're dialing from overseas, you don't have to dial the '0' of the city code.
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: MaineWriter on March 18, 2008, 10:46:25 am
I think when you're dialing from overseas, you don't have to dial the '0' of the city code.

Thanks for that info, Betty. I have modified my original post.
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: MaineWriter on March 18, 2008, 11:14:22 am
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: Shakesthecoffecan on March 18, 2008, 12:29:52 pm
Does Ned Kelley have decendants in Australia? I am wondering what their take is on the grave being located.

Thanks for letting us know about  this "comedian" I will lodge my complaint as well.
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: mariez on March 18, 2008, 01:22:04 pm
Thank you, Kerry.  I'll be sure to make my feelings known also.  Unfortunately, there never seems to be a shortage of ignorance, cruelty and tastelessness in the world. 

Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: ednbarby on March 18, 2008, 04:59:55 pm
Oh, fer... 
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 05:18:50 pm
Thanks for this info, Kerry.

For folks in the US who might want to send their letter via fax, you would put an 011-61 at the beginning of the number, ie:

011-61-2 9650 1111


Many thanks for that information, Leslie. I have modified my original post.
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 05:29:34 pm

Many thanks, Leslie. I sincerely hope zillions of complaints flood in from all over the world. This sort of callous insensitivity and blatant disrespect for the deceased should be stamped out wherever it occurs IMHO.

I was wondering if someone would be prepared to cut and paste my original post, and post it over at IMDB. And also to any other Brokeback websites anyone may be a member of. I am aiming at generating lots of complaints worldwide.
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 05:31:21 pm
>:( >:( >:(


I hope to be able to do this this week, Kerry! Good actions!  :-*

Many thanks, Mel.
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 05:32:31 pm

Yee-Haw! (for Heath)
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 05:36:58 pm
Does Ned Kelley have decendants in Australia? I am wondering what their take is on the grave being located.

Thanks for letting us know about  this "comedian" I will lodge my complaint as well.

Yes, Ned Kelly does have descendants. Alas, also surviving are the descendants of some of his victims and they speak out every now and then against the Kelly Cult.

Thank you for lodging your complaint.
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 05:39:50 pm
Thank you, Kerry.  I'll be sure to make my feelings known also.  Unfortunately, there never seems to be a shortage of ignorance, cruelty and tastelessness in the world. 


Thank you kindly, Marie.
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: brokeplex on March 18, 2008, 05:43:41 pm
better yet, call the sponsors of the show and indicate to them that you will no longer purchase their products. If this happens enough, the sponsors will withdraw their ad dollars and the producers will pull the plug. and that would be a GOOD RIDDANCE
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 05:51:45 pm
better yet, call the sponsors of the show and indicate to them that you will no longer purchase their products. If this happens enough, the sponsors will withdraw their ad dollars and the producers will pull the plug. and that would be a GOOD RIDDANCE

That is a brilliant idea. I will phone Network TEN this morning and ask them who sponsors "Good News Week." I'll post their response here.
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: brokeplex on March 18, 2008, 06:03:12 pm
good for you, hit 'em in the pocketbook and you'll change their minds.  :)
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: Kerry on March 18, 2008, 11:17:53 pm

I phoned Network TEN and was put through to their Sales Dept.

A very guarded man asked me why I wanted to know who the "Good News Week" sponsor was. He also asked where I was calling from (meaning the name of my organisation).

I gave nothing away, maintained my cool (and manners) throughout and responded that it was solely because of personal curiosity that I was interested in knowing who the sponsors were.

He fobbed me off by saying that he couldn't access the computer where that information was stored and, after taking my mobile number, promised he would get back to me as soon as he obtained the names of the sponsors.

I'm not holding my breath.  :-\
Title: Re: PROTEST
Post by: brokeplex on March 18, 2008, 11:44:53 pm
This occurrence was in Australia? If it were in the US I could give you lots of advice on how to determine the sponsors of a particular program.

What you might wish to do, is look into whatever reporting requirements you have in your country in regard to purchasing ads off the public airways. I have no clue as to whom you should contact. But, I strongly suspect that in your nation, there is a regulatory agency which keeps track of all ad buys. From that particular agency, you can find a list specific to programs and program times, the list should include sponsors and contact names and numbers.

Once you have that info, the next step is to find others in your local market who would be potential customers to the ad buyers and get together a petition decrying the programs content. If the sponsors sell their products only in Australia, then it does little good to get the names of complaining Americans, the sponsors will just ignore them, find complainants whom the sponsors do not wish to anger.

The best of luck to you!
