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Our BetterMost Community => The Polling Place => Topic started by: Kerry on January 03, 2009, 10:06:32 pm

Title: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: Kerry on January 03, 2009, 10:06:32 pm
Let's Assess 2008
from a
Health & Fitness Perspective!


Happy New Year!

How many of the above options did you tick? There are nine options. Did you tick more or less than half?

If your health and fitness is an important part of your life, as so many of us claim, you should be aiming to improve the way you feel, look and move each year.

Sure, it all gets harder with every passing year, but it's not impossible. There are plenty of examples of people  in the 40s, 50s and 60s who are as fit and healthy now as they've ever been. They may not have the potential to run as fast as they once could, or jump as high as they once did, but they are looking after themselves better than ever and reaping the rewards.

Tell us how many of the above options you ticked. Which ones?
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: underdown on January 04, 2009, 09:01:42 am

Aaaaaagh. Only 4 out of 9.  :P

(5, 7, 8 & 9)

Oh well. At least that was fairly average for the votes so far.

(only 3 voters so far?)
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: nakymaton on January 04, 2009, 10:16:24 am
Two years ago, I ran a marathon. Last year, I bailed on running a 10K that I usually run. So I've definitely lost ground recently. I live in a pretty athletic place, too, so even when I was training to run a marathon, I was only about average fitness for the people I know. This year, though, I'm planning to make more time for exercise. (And also not to eat dessert any more, except for special occasions - that should help with the weight.)
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: Kelda on January 04, 2009, 10:40:28 am
2009 - I need to get fit again! It dipped in 2008.
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: Kerry on January 04, 2009, 06:03:42 pm
I'm pretty pleased with my general health and fitness as at the end of 2008. I ticked 6 of the options, 4-9.

I live on salads during summer, coupled with lean cuts of meat. Very rarely eat gravy and sauces. Never eat dessert. I eat fresh fruit following my evening meal and for snacks during the day. Usually have a couple of glasses of merlot with dinner, but never full strength - it's a one-third wine to two-thirds water combo. In winter, I eat lots of vegetables (I loooove vegies!), again coupled with lean cuts of meat. I've never smoked.

Though I do not follow a formal exercise regime and do not attend gym, I find a brisk 30 minute walk every day keeps my heart pumping.

Why didn't I tick 1-3? Well, even though I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, fact is I am 59 and gravity tends to take control of the ole bod at that age. I guess I could go to the gymn and really drive myself, but I'm just not that motivated. Oh, and I didn't make any resolutions at the beginning of the year, so none were broken.

I'm happy the way I am.   :D

Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: j.U.d.E. on January 09, 2009, 04:07:10 pm
None of them! I've never been so un-fit in my life! I blame the cat. I try to avoid going out in the evening (to the gym for instance), because I have a bad conscience, leaving her alone..

Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: Kelda on January 11, 2009, 10:46:51 am
None of them! I've never been so un-fit in my life! I blame the cat. I try to avoid going out in the evening (to the gym for instance), because I have a bad conscience, leaving her alone..


I just got a treadmill - Skimble seems a little weary of it, he sat watching me from afar on it today and when he came nearer he got skittish and ran off! He'll get used to it tho, and I'll hopefully get fitter!
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: BelAir on January 11, 2009, 02:33:05 pm
I only ticked number 5, alcohol-intake pass...

Which to me means 'I don't drink too much.'

I do however, sit on my couch too much.

I had a burst of athleticism in the summer, but nada in the fall.

Yes, time to get back in that groove again.

(Funny stories about kitties, jude and kelda...)
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: Lynne on January 11, 2009, 08:07:23 pm
I didn't check any.   >:(

But 2009 is my year.  I ended 2008 with a head-to-toe physical.  Somehow, my body is not cooperating because I'm borderline anemic (low ferritin) and have no vitamin B12.  And I weigh more than I ever have in my life.


But, I have a plan.  Since the physical, I've started actually taking the multi-vitamin that sits on my shelf and I've added a B complex and Omega3's.  I joined Weight Watchers and the Y and have been going swimming or walking on the beach nearly every day.

I'm finding WW pretty frustrating, to be honest, but I'm not giving up.  I do great for breakfast and lunch, but for some reason in the evening it all goes to hell in a bucket.

So that's what I'm going to focus on this week - healthy dinners and no 11 pm ice cream raids.   8)
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: j.U.d.E. on January 12, 2009, 08:30:05 pm
I just got a treadmill - Skimble seems a little weary of it, he sat watching me from afar on it today and when he came nearer he got skittish and ran off! He'll get used to it tho, and I'll hopefully get fitter!
Ach, that's so cute! I bet Brokie would do the same, plus frown on me because of all that noise!  :laugh:

I actually went to Volleyball practice tonight! And it went quite well, I must say! Now, the trick is to keep going every Monday..  :-\ Maybe I should report back here every Monday, so just to pressure myself.. But then again, maybe not...  :P

Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: CellarDweller on January 12, 2009, 09:32:16 pm

All my hard work, and I was only able to pick two choices.

Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: BelAir on January 12, 2009, 10:41:00 pm
I didn't check any.   >:(

But 2009 is my year.  I ended 2008 with a head-to-toe physical.  Somehow, my body is not cooperating because I'm borderline anemic (low ferritin) and have no vitamin B12.  And I weigh more than I ever have in my life.


But, I have a plan.  Since the physical, I've started actually taking the multi-vitamin that sits on my shelf and I've added a B complex and Omega3's.  I joined Weight Watchers and the Y and have been going swimming or walking on the beach nearly every day.

I'm finding WW pretty frustrating, to be honest, but I'm not giving up.  I do great for breakfast and lunch, but for some reason in the evening it all goes to hell in a bucket.

So that's what I'm going to focus on this week - healthy dinners and no 11 pm ice cream raids.   8)

Lynne - that is so great!!!

I want to start swimming again, but it's hard to motivate myself in the uber cold weather...

When it comes to desserts - just don't deprive yourself to the point that you end up binging...  Eat something little if necessary, and then feel great everytime you manage not to indulge and go overboard...

And don't beat yourself up over little mistakes - congratulate yourself on the little good things!!

(Okay, not trying to be your personal motivator or anything - these are just things I tell myself, lol.)
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: BelAir on January 12, 2009, 10:44:51 pm
Ach, that's so cute! I bet Brokie would do the same, plus frown on me because of all that noise!  :laugh:

I actually went to Volleyball practice tonight! And it went quite well, I must say! Now, the trick is to keep going every Monday..  :-\ Maybe I should report back here every Monday, so just to pressure myself.. But then again, maybe not...  :P


Report back if you want jude - the experts always say getting fit goes better when you have a partner! 

I'm curious if anyone has experience/comments on yoga vs. pilates - and how one gets started in either?

ps - Chuck - two is better than one!
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: Kelda on January 13, 2009, 04:42:24 pm
Jude, if you report back I will!

And go Lynne (i didnt tick any either)
Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: j.U.d.E. on January 14, 2009, 04:50:52 pm
Jude, if you report back I will!

And go Lynne (i didnt tick any either)

Oh Kelda! That's a great idea!................................. is it? ................  :-\ :P 8) ;D

OK, let's try this, yes?

Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: j.U.d.E. on January 14, 2009, 04:55:12 pm
Report back if you want jude - the experts always say getting fit goes better when you have a partner! 

I'm curious if anyone has experience/comments on yoga vs. pilates - and how one gets started in either?

I'll try the reporting back... It's going to mean some pressure on me (and Kelda!) now..   8)

I have never tried pilates. The only one time I went to a yoga lesson, I giggled all the way through...  ::) Didn't help that the teacher was dressed like a hippie with hair that looked like an explosion..  :P

Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: Kelda on January 14, 2009, 05:01:10 pm
I did 2.3km last night and 2.6km on Monday.

Ive just got in tonight from Calnetics but ill do maybe 15mins I think - which would maybe be 1.5km?

Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: j.U.d.E. on January 14, 2009, 05:06:02 pm
I did 2.3km last night and 2.6km on Monday.

Ive just got in tonight from Calnetics but ill do maybe 15mins I think - which would maybe be 1.5km?

Kelda say what?! That's not fair! (à la Grace Adler)... How am I supposed to keep up with this.. ?  :o

No seriously, well done Kelda! Very well done!! Bravo!  8)

Title: Re: Let's Assess 2008 from a Health & Fitness Perspective!
Post by: Kelda on January 14, 2009, 06:43:00 pm
okay - I did my 1.5 km in 18mins...