BetterMost, Wyoming & Brokeback Mountain Forum

Brokeback Mountain: Our Community's Common Bond => Brokeback Mountain Open Forum => Topic started by: chowhound on April 22, 2011, 05:44:53 pm

Title: A Brokeback Bibliography
Post by: chowhound on April 22, 2011, 05:44:53 pm
 A few days ago I decided to create a bibliography for the books on Brokeback Mountain. I thought some here might like to take a look at it. Indeed, some may well have additions to suggest. In putting this together, I consulted the catalogues of Toronto's two
university libraries - the University of Toronto and York - along with what's available on Amazon. Somewhat surprisingly, Amazon provided the richest source. Anyway, here goes:


                 Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay.

Rodney Sterling Edgecombe. "The Formal design of Brokeback Mountain". Film Criticism (Journal). March 22, 2007.

Jim Stacey. Reading Brokeback Mountain.

[various] Beyond Brokeback: The Impact of a Film.

Joshua Michaelmas. I Wish I knew How to Quit You: An Unofficial Brokeback
                   Mountain Trivia Book

Daniel Bates. Dreamfilm - Brokeback Mountain Explored.


Eric Patterson. On Brokeback Mountain.


Mark Asquith. Annie Proulx's Brokeback Mountain and Postcards.


Dana Rasmussen. A Movie Lover's Guide to Award Winning Screenplays, vol.
                15:The Best adapted Screenplays 0f the 2000s like Slumdog
                Millionaire, Brokeback Mountains [sic]...

James Clarke. Studying Brokeback Mountain.

Karen R. Jones. American West: Competing Visions.

Gary Needham. Brokeback Mountain.


William R. Handley. The Brokeback Book...

?  Films Directed by Ang Lee(Study Guide): Brokeback Mountain.

Title: Re: A Brokeback Bibliography
Post by: Sason on April 22, 2011, 05:56:11 pm
That's a great idea, Chowhound!

Can I just add a few things?  The subtitle of 'Beyond Brokeback' is 'the impact of a film'

And you forgot 'Brokeback Mountain. Story to screenplay' from 2006

I think there's at least one more book that's been published recently, but I don't remember the title or the author.... ::)  It's been discussed elsewhere on the forum though.

Title: Re: A Brokeback Bibliography
Post by: chowhound on April 22, 2011, 06:19:56 pm
That's a great idea, Chowhound!

Can I just add a few things?  The subtitle of 'Beyond Brokeback' is 'the impact of a film'

And you forgot 'Brokeback Mountain. Story to screenplay' from 2006

I think there's at least one more book that's been published recently, but I don't remember the title or the author.... ::)  It's been discussed elsewhere on the forum though.

Hi Sason.
     Thanks for your suggestions. I had thought of including Brokeback Mountain: Story to Screenplay but then thought, as this was a bibliography of books about Brokeback Mountain, it didn't really belong. But there are those essays at the end, so I see no real reason to exclude it. Also, if you remember the unpublished book, do let me know and I'll add it to the llist. The Handley book, by the way, is not supposed to be available until May but somebody said they'd already spotted it on ebay.

      However, I should let people know that I'll be leaving for London and Paris on the 26th, back May 18. For those three weeks I'll be out of email range.
Title: Re: A Brokeback Bibliography
Post by: chowhound on April 22, 2011, 10:56:44 pm
I've added to the list a 2007 essay by Rodney Edgecombe that a friend has just sent. It's a very dense  and formal approach to Ang's visual language in Brokeback but wow! does that guy ever know his Brokeback! I've only been able to give it one quick read so will have to return to it at some point to read it more carefully.

I think both individual essays as well as collections of essays belong in this bibliography. Also journals as well as books. So if anybody has the year and number of the issue of Film Quarterly that was entirely devoted to Brokeback Mountain, please send it to me and I'll be very happy to add it to the list. I was able to read it when it first came out but wasn't able to buy a copy so just have dim memories of it.

As well, if anybody has comments - either positive or negative - to make about individual item(s), then please pass them on. I'm sure they will be of use for those who may be thinking of expanding their holdings of books or articles about Brokeback Mountain.