BetterMost, Wyoming & Brokeback Mountain Forum

Brokeback Mountain: Our Community's Common Bond => Brokeback Mountain Open Forum => Topic started by: ifyoucantfixit on January 05, 2012, 06:49:01 pm

Title: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: ifyoucantfixit on January 05, 2012, 06:49:01 pm
                             * HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME!!!  *


       The first day, was with my glorious grandaughter.  The second one, was by
myself.  The third one, was with my wonderful hubby.  They both liked it very
much.  However it never was an ah hah moment, like I had.
      I had misplaced the video.  I have been looking off and on for three months.  I have always watched it again on my Brokieday.  The first year, however, I watched it over a hundred times.  I had also listened to the soundtrack many many more times.  
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Shakesthecoffecan on January 06, 2012, 11:49:14 am
Janice we saw it on the same day.

I went to an artsy cinema about 50 miles away with some friends, the place was packed. It was the third showing the very first day there.

"Asphyxiated"?! That word didn't seem to fit.

And I have said many times before, when Jack told off L.D. Newsome the whole place applauded.

We left from there in a state of stunned loss. Went to a Dairy Queen with its harsh florescent lights and kids laughing and carrying on and got very annoyed. Something powerful had happened and no one was aware of it.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: brokeback-fan on January 11, 2012, 07:44:36 pm
When I think about the first time (or seven) that I saw Brokeback, I still feel an inkling of the moment when the movie’s powerful message hit me and I cried for two days.  It really made me evaluate my life.  The soundtrack for the movie was played on my car’s CD player for more than a year.  I am sure we all have experienced something powerful from this movie.  I am so glad I was one who did.  My favorite scene in the movie (actually, the whole movie) was when Jack and Ennis were sitting by the fire near the river in the moonlight.  This scene is so powerful .  I love the coziness of the fire and the moon and river – raging river.  So many things going on.  Hope, love, longing, fear, anger, settling  - just amazing.!quotes/ (!quotes/)
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Katie77 on January 11, 2012, 11:26:24 pm
Theres no doubt about it, seems the time and date, as well as the emotion felt, on first seeing Brokeback, stands out in our memory, like the death of JFK, or Princess Diana and other world memorable events.

I've probably told this story before on here, about how I went off to the theatre thinking Brokeback Mountain was a "gay cowboy movie", and that drew me to go see it, actually quite curious how they were going to depict a couple of gay cowboys in the old west, toting gun belts and revolvers and riding a horse.

Well the first scene changed that outlook immediately, the date on the screen showed me this was the sixties, not back in the 1800's, and they were going to herd SHEEP not cattle....when I think about how naieve I was about this movie back then, and yet know so much now.

As I've written here before, I sat there spellbound, as so many flashes of my own life seemed to be written into the story line. Me taking the part of one of Ennis's daughters. I sat there watcing, thinking how could someone know so much about the life of my dad, my mum and it was up on screen.

I walked out of the theatre in a daze, so many things going through my head, like a jigsaw puzzle with the pieces falling into place, and over the next day or two, many more pieces fell into place.

I  had grown up from age 7, when my parents separated, in a world where my dad had a male partner, who we visited, and stayed with on holidays on a regular basis for the next 14 years, in the same era as Brokeback was set. And yet here I was in my mid 50's and for the first time I looked at dad's partnership as a loving, emotional and sexual one. Even though I new in my teen years that they were homosexuals, and dad had sat me down at that time to try to explain things, I still had no idea of the kind of relationship they had. Maybe its the same as a child/teen in a house with a mother and father, they dont think about them being emotionally or sexually involved.....was the same thing. In all those years back then, I had never witnessed romance between them, when I stayed with them on holidays, I dont remember them even sleeping in the same bed.

So, here I am, watching Brokeback Mountain, and for the first time, I saw a different side to their partnership, and was sad and angry that I never realized they had had that, not to mention the fear and paranoi of getting caught, as in those days it was illegal. It was like I was knowing it all for the first time....and it took me to my mid 50's to know it.

My dad was gone, so I couldnt even talk to him about it. I guess thats why, I searched for others to share my feelings, thinking naievly again, that maybe MY feelings were unique, then being overwhelmed to find so many others that were touched in such a special way by this movie.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: CellarDweller on January 12, 2012, 06:35:31 am
I saw it for the first time on 12/26/2005.  I know because that year (just like last year - 2011) Christmas fell on a Sunday, so the banks were closed Monday.  I went for an afternoon showing, and had to sit in the first row, all the others were sold out.

Saw it with my mom, the both of us slid down in the seats.  :laugh:

I got home, went online, and found DCF that same day and joined.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: KittyKat on January 15, 2012, 06:30:41 pm
I first saw Brokeback Mountain last week on HBO. Seriously. 01/12 was the first time. It was late, I could not sleep and nothing else was on.
This is the best movie ever made. It's simplicity is overwhelming. The love between Jack and Ennis is so beautiful and natural.
I can't stop trembling.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Sason on January 15, 2012, 06:33:40 pm
Hi KittyKat and welcome to BetterMost!

Glad you found us.

Take a seat. Want a cup a coffee, don't ya? Piece a cherry cake?   ;)
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: KittyKat on January 15, 2012, 06:39:00 pm
Thanks Sason. Just coffee for me thanks.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Sason on January 15, 2012, 06:43:22 pm
Thanks Sason. Just coffee for me thanks.


Now that you've found us, KittyKat, please look around in the various threads and I'm sure you'll find lots and lots of intereting things.

We all understand your feelings about BBM, coz we all share them.

Please take part in any discussion you like, you're among friends here.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Katie77 on January 15, 2012, 09:31:00 pm
There was a wonderful description of "Brokeback Fever" written by Maine Writer, some years back....

If anyone can find it, could you please post it, just so KittyKat knows exactly what is going on with her....
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: ifyoucantfixit on January 16, 2012, 12:54:36 am
  I am so happy to see others putting their words up here.  It is a long time for me and so little time for others.  It is wonderful to see how six years running it is still so relevant to everyone.  I posted on twitter, or facebook, i'm not sure now to Bay City John.. He doesn't go by that anymore, but you know who I mean.  I asked him if he could believe how it is still being so much a part of our lives this long afterwards.  He sent back, "you bet."  That is just how it has became such an integral part of our lives.  Every word, every phrase and all the music, is so much a part of us now.  We recognize it in everything we see and hear, that even brings back any part of that memory.  I specially want to tell KittyKat, that she is only at the beginning of what will probablly be a life changing experience.  My own family thought that I was literally losing my grip afterwards.  I was so uncharachteristically crying and sobbing at the oddest times. 
 "Truth is," it made me realize something that I never had known before.  I had hints and all kinds of clues, but I was too dense to "get a clue."  When I look back now, it was there all the time.  I just couldn't get it.  My brother was one of those people that were so ashamed of his true self, that he spent the last 20 years of his life, trying to overcome it.  He spent thousands and thousands of dollars.  Tried once unsuccesfully and finally successfully to commit suicide.  He even asked me "if I thought that gay people were born that way, or were they choosing to be that?" It was an offhanded question when he asked it of me, so I didn't have any idea he was asking me about it as a personal issue.
  We had always been each others best friend.  We discussed every single thing about all aspects of our life.  I could not believe that he didn't just tell me that he was gay.  I was at his therapists office with him one time.  The therapist asked to speak to me.  I went in and we talked about him and how I felt about him.  He asked me outirght if Weldon could do anything that would make me disapprove of him or not love him?   I told him "of course not."  "I would love him and stick by him no matter what he did."  The Dr. then turned to him and said.  "See she said she would love you no matter what."  My brother didn't say anything else, he just looked like he doubted what was being said, and no more was said about it.  These two events were a while apart, so I never really made the connection.  It was later after I saw this movie, that it all hit me like a bolt of lightning.  That was what had been going on with my own brother.  He was at least as convected as Ennis.  He died without ever telling me the truth.  I had to find it out through a movie.  I think about all the horrible lonely times he spent. All of the endless telephone calls we had where I was trying for all my life to elevate his attitude.  Then later on to try to will him to live.  How afraid he was to be himself.  I hope for every person in this entire world, that they have the ability to "come out," to those that they know care about them.  It will be such a great coming together for them both.  I don't care if they are religiously condemned, or ostracized by any other people.  If they know that some person loves and cares for them that much.  They would accept them however they are.  I know that this movie has singlehandedly had a great deal to do with the acceptance we are now seeing in society.  We are mostly, except for the bible thumping bigots,  knowing that it is a thing that people are born with.  Not a choice.  Even though it is how I used to think about it.  I admit to having that opinion.  I was not condemning of them, I just thought that they were chosing to be that way for whatever reason they came to that choice.  Be it, that they did not have luck with the opposite sex.  Or if they were only influenced by other people of the same sex talking them into it.  I admit.  I was stupid in so many ways about it.  I know this too.  I was not the only one that knew so little either.  Science is more and more probing and proving the existance of pre birth causes for the change in hormones, or brain chemestry.  It is going to be rock solid in the future, I am sure.  I just wish it would hurry up.  That way the stupid bigots, would have no excuse for all of the ridiculous remarks and blocks that they put in the laws and societal behaviors. 
 All in all, I think that this movie has effected so many people, in a very positive way.  Of course it is a remarkable piece of art, and film making.  It is unsurpassed in its simplicity, and wonderful prose.  The accompaning music that fits so perfectly.  The wonder of the vistas and the genius and very minimalistic sets.  They came together to make a stunning complete.  I love it, and will never forgive, the Academ of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for not giving it the prize.  The real insult, was when they gave it to a movie that was so trite, and predictable and boring, that I could not even watch it all the way through.  I tried two times.  It was fruitless.  I never made it. 
 Oh well, I do have the knowledge that they realized too late, the gigantic mistake that they made.  Even though it could not be undone, the show was over for that.  They did place it on the poster as if it was the winner later.  That was somewhat helpful.  Not ever will it be the same as if it had won the way it was entitled to. 
                                                             Thanks for listening to my tyrade.  I hope it wasn't too hard to deal with.

   I noticed after writing this and rereading it for errors.  How many of the places that I had used the vernacular in my own writing.  I didn't realize it until then.  It was not intentional. 
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Katie77 on January 16, 2012, 04:25:11 am
I read your post Janice and feel an overwhelming sadness and also an empathy with you on watching the movie, when you say, "Truth is it made me realize something that I never had known before" (you will see, I used a similar phrase in my post) I know the feelings you felt, the frustration that it was too late, and the uncanny resemblance to the life of someone you loved.

What a learning path this movie was for you, as it was for me, I do know how you were feeling, and I also know, how by joining a forum like this, our education on the gay community has made us better people.

I am so sorry for the loss of your brother, my father too, committed suicide, so I know the different kinds of grief you go through when this happens.

I have no doubt how the movie has changed your life forever, as it has mine. Its like in some way, it answered our questions from the past, made us understand things that happened then, and made us wiser and braver to better understand the life of those loved ones that are gone.

Thank you for sharing your story.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: KittyKat on January 16, 2012, 12:33:29 pm
Thank You Katie and ifyoucan'tfixit for the welcome. I'm so glad I found this site.  Sorry to read about your losses. 
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Penthesilea on January 16, 2012, 01:26:19 pm
I first saw Brokeback Mountain last week on HBO. Seriously. 01/12 was the first time. It was late, I could not sleep and nothing else was on.
This is the best movie ever made. It's simplicity is overwhelming. The love between Jack and Ennis is so beautiful and natural.
I can't stop trembling.

Welcome to BetterMost, KittyKat!
Lovely avatar pic. :)

Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Front-Ranger on August 15, 2012, 11:46:35 am
Thanks Sason. Just coffee for me thanks.

You can't take no cake right now?  ;)
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: tampatalon on August 15, 2012, 02:47:24 pm
I have my tickets framed;
Starlight 20 Muvico Theater Tampa Florida
605 PM Sunday December 2, 2006
Auditorium 7

And the rest is history.

Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Front-Ranger on January 11, 2013, 12:56:36 pm
Saturday, January 7, 2006 was the day I first saw the movie Brokeback Mountain. My daughter gave the tickets to me as a Christmas present and we also went to the Dushanbe Teahouse for dinner beforehand. I still remember the surreal feeling as we all left the theater after seeing the movie. It was a sellout and there was a big crowd but we were all hushed and looking around at each other as if to say, This is a remarkable experience that we have all had together. Or, like Ennis and Jack would say, this ain't no little thing. And, seven years later, we can all agree that they were right!
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Penthesilea on January 11, 2013, 01:41:01 pm
Happy Brokieday, Lee! :D
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Front-Ranger on January 11, 2013, 01:59:18 pm
Thank you, friend!

Also, January 5, 2007 was another major milestone for me. It was the date that EDelMar and I embarked upon our first visit to Wyoming, the Big Horn Mountains, and our first trip to Brokenback!
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Sason on January 13, 2013, 06:56:21 am
Happy Brokieversary, Lee!
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: dontinterrupt on January 18, 2015, 06:09:14 pm
My first time with Brokeback Mountain was at some point in July 2014. My best friend had been nagging me to watch it for YEARS, and I kept putting it off. That day when I finally decided to put it on, I was meaning to stay up as late as I could to prepare myself for a night shift the day after. So around 1am, getting bored to death, I streamed it from some website. It didn't blow me away to say the least at first, in my defense I was pretty sleepy and there were times when I actually didn't follow what was going on (e.g. after the first tent scene when Ennis finds the slaughtered sheep I was like 'wait, did Jack kill it? wtf is going on?'). I also remember I didn't plug my laptop in and the battery died right at the apple pie in diner scene. So I rebooted it, rebuffered the movie and carried on. Then I watched Ennis get out of that post office and BANG! It struck me, right there and then. It's really difficult to describe what happened to me then, so I won't try. Somehow, despite the buzzing sound that started going off in my ears and all that, I got through to the end of the film and then when the credits finished, I just sat there staring at the blank screen, god knows how long for. And I've not been the same since.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: coffeedrinkintexan on February 12, 2015, 02:28:33 pm
Funny how we seem to occupy parallel universes.

My first time with BBM (10/17/14, to be exact) also occurred while staying up late/sleeping late before working a night shift.

All the rest of my family had gone to bed so it was just me, the laptop, and Netflix.

Suckerpunched does not even begin to describe it.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Shakesthecoffecan on February 13, 2015, 12:34:32 am
True that.

When I first hear about it in late summer of 2005, on NPR it was at the Toronto Film Festival. It was getting some press that seemed different from the normal reporting. I told myself I would have to remember, wirte down the name of the movie, so I could get it from netflix.

The trailer came on TV, and the music spoke to me and the visuals.....I knew this was going to be something important.

By the time I found a listing for it in an out of town newspaper at a art house cinema, the countdown began. Things were unsettled for me at that time. I needed to see this. A hundred mile round trip at a high rate of speed brought me to a movie house crowded with people. I saw people I knew, people I'd not seen in and in some cases never saw again.  When I did I invested in Jack and Ennis's relationship and I got my heart broke.

And it was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Jack and Ennis changed America, and certainly other parts of the world. I am blessed to have witnessed it and all that has come after. I am blessed to see the lives changed by it, some of whom are no longer with us. It was all laid out on the table. Every damn thing that had been done to make us afraid was confronted. And survived.

Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: CellarDweller on February 13, 2015, 09:44:36 am
When I first hear about it in late summer of 2005, on NPR it was at the Toronto Film Festival. It was getting some press that seemed different from the normal reporting. I told myself I would have to remember, wirte down the name of the movie, so I could get it from netflix.

The trailer came on TV, and the music spoke to me and the visuals.....I knew this was going to be something important.

Oh yeah, I can understand this.

I found out about it in October when Yahoo news had a story that was headlined  "gay cowboy movie wins Golden Lion award".   I went right to that story, and there was a video of the trailer.

I knew I had to see that movie.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Kananaskis on July 20, 2018, 06:17:26 pm
Well, it's been a year for me now. Needless to say, I'm about to re-watch the movie.

Be back in two hours, or a couple of minutes after that.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Kananaskis on July 20, 2018, 06:45:38 pm
I love how when Ennis says that he and Alma are going to get married when he comes down off this mountain, Jack dissembles his raging curiosity mingled with a slight feeling of jealousy (yes, as far as I'm concerned J. had fancied E. from the very first) and just goes on bitchin' about Aguirre and how unfair everything is.

It's funny how, after TS1, this whole burden Jack seemed to have carried on his shoulders peters out, only to re-emerge upon Ennis's, once they are to leave the mountain.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: CellarDweller on July 20, 2018, 10:33:20 pm
Happy Brokie-versary, Wojtek!!
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Front-Ranger on July 20, 2018, 10:54:46 pm
You are a loyal Brokie to watch the film on your Brokieversary!
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: CellarDweller on July 22, 2018, 11:02:37 pm
Now I need to think when I last saw the movie.

I think it was Arizona in 2016.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: quityou on October 14, 2018, 10:07:36 pm
it's quityou here, not ashamed about the username in the 'least, although i might get a tad tired of it later on down the line...
watched brokeback mountain four days ago, 10/10/18. i've not been the same since.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Front-Ranger on October 15, 2018, 04:23:37 pm
Welcome, quityou! You'll have a cuppa coffee, won't you? Piece a cherry cake?  :-*
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: quityou on October 15, 2018, 09:13:45 pm
why the hell not? sure, i'll have a piece a cake, darlin.  ;)
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: CellarDweller on October 16, 2018, 06:41:52 pm
Welcome to the Brokieverse, and to Bettermost!
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: CellarDweller on December 14, 2019, 12:39:03 pm

It's December.....Brokie-veraries will be happening soon, or may have already happened.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Front-Ranger on December 14, 2019, 01:09:11 pm
I don't remember exactly when I first saw the film, but I know it was between Christmas and New Year's, because my daughter gave me dinner and a movie for Christmas. Of course, I had read the story when it came out, several years before. I swore that I would not see the movie since casting Heath and Jake in it would have certainly ruined it. (I had seen Heath in Dogville and Jake in Bubble Boy.) But my daughter was very interested in seeing it, especially since there was an article in the New York Times about how the movie was changing people's perception of gayness and how it was a crossover, mainstream hit.

After a lovely dinner at a teahouse in Boulder, we went to the theater, which was totally packed and sold out. There were many couples and a mix of women and men. There was crying at the end, and my daughter took my arm to steady me because I was feeling, well, stunned.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: CellarDweller on February 14, 2021, 03:03:16 pm
My Brokieday happened the day after Christmas last year, so that was 15 years for me.
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Sason on February 14, 2021, 04:11:12 pm
Belated happy 15th Brokieversary, Chuck!

And thanks for all your friendliness, helpfullness and everything you do for us all!  :-* :-*
Title: Re: *HAPPY BROKIEDAY TO ME* Tell us about yours. The date, who you saw it withetc.
Post by: Front-Ranger on February 14, 2021, 09:02:38 pm
I second that!