BetterMost, Wyoming & Brokeback Mountain Forum

The World Beyond BetterMost => Anything Goes => Topic started by: injest on November 09, 2006, 07:49:34 pm

Title: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 07:49:34 pm
I thought I would start giving an occassional report of activities here is Our Daily Thoughts... a kinda one stop shopping guide for our members!!

some will be silly....some will be serious...I may stop for a month or report every day..

who knows?
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 07:59:03 pm
A shocking development! Bettermost has had its first criminal activity yesterday! In a daring daylight robbery, Jess's Feed Store and Tack Shop was ROBBED of a pack of condoms valued at $12.99.

Several customers witnessed said robbery but were unable to detain the 'person of interest' a resident of Our Daily Thoughts.

The proprietor of Jess's Feed Store attempted to contact Sheriff Roland to report the crime. He was finally located down at the local bar with several half dressed young men. A report was filed.

Some question has arisen as to why Jess's Feed Store and Tack Shop would carry condoms.

Jess answered those questions today in a press conference "well I started carrying them a couple of years ago for the young men who come up to herd sheep. They indicated that it was difficult to determine how many they needed before they met their herding partner and sometimes found they had come up short. It is purely a public health issue"

The local Health Dept applauded the Feed Stores initiative in this area.

Any witnesses are encouraged to come forward. This crime wave must be nipped in the bud!!

Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: Lumière on November 09, 2006, 08:03:04 pm
Jess, you are gonna freak people out with the subject of that post! lol
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 08:11:53 pm
Oh they will understand it is a parody...hopefully.

I have a very high opinion of our members! They will get it!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: Arad-3 on November 09, 2006, 08:13:32 pm
Well I don't know if this will help, and I am usually not a tattletail at all ...hehemmm.  But I know Rich( wulfur)  has been around that store alot lately and i did hear him say that he was going back to the Walmart that was rude to him this week and bomb them with  some water balloons. Don't tell him I told you, as I'm just trying to be helpful.
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 08:15:13 pm
well we are not pointing fingers at this time...I will say that we DO have witnesses!!
Post by: Sheriff Roland on November 09, 2006, 08:24:58 pm
A shocking development! Bettermost has had its first criminal activity yesterday! In a daring daylight robbery, Jess's Feed Store and Tack Shop was ROBBED of a pack of condoms valued at $12.99.

The proprietor of Jess's Feed Store attempted to contact Sheriff Roland to report the crime. He was finally located down at the local bar with several half dressed young men. A report was filed.

Some question has arisen as to why Jess's Feed Store and Tack Shop would carry condoms.

Jess answered those questions today in a press conference "well I started carrying them a couple of years ago for the young men who come up to herd sheep. They indicated that it was difficult to determine how many they needed before they met their herding partner and sometimes found they had come up short. It is purely a public health issue"

I read that report - there are a few questions as to the "purpose" a carryin condoms in a tack(y) shop, and there were discrepancies. For one thing - those were horse condoms:

Hmmm... That's odd... What does (name withdrawn) want with condoms for horses?

Me thinks this will have ta be investigated sum'more. Hey Lauren - set me up with another ryker's ...

Sheriff Roland
Title: Sheriff finally arrives at crime scene
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 08:33:11 pm
In an shocking development, Sheriff Roland arrived on the crime scene only one DAY after said robbery took place. Most witnesses have left the scene.

Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: louisev on November 09, 2006, 08:40:28 pm
There's robbery going on for sure, but to me the real robbery is HIGHWAY ROBBERY.  Since when do condoms cost $12.99?  No wonder people are stealing them!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: Sheriff Roland on November 09, 2006, 08:42:40 pm
There's robbery going on for sure, but to me the real robbery is HIGHWAY ROBBERY.  Since when do condoms cost $12.99?  No wonder people are stealing them!

C'mon louise - it was a 3 pack

And I thought you'd been around the block some.

Guess there's nuthin wrong with askin' though

Sheriff Roland
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 08:48:47 pm
There's robbery going on for sure, but to me the real robbery is HIGHWAY ROBBERY.  Since when do condoms cost $12.99?  No wonder people are stealing them!

well I AM the only one out here on the river SELLING them...gotta make it worth my while to carry 'em!

(and welcome to Our Daily Thoughts!!)
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: dot-matrix on November 09, 2006, 08:58:31 pm
Jesse is a community minded merchant.  I have it on good authority that she caters to a varied clientele in this regard and these speciality products do come dear $12.99 is one of the cheaper 3 packs:



There are musical condoms

Lace Condoms
( (

Little Condoms

and my personal fav, although very messy, the chocolate condom

Yep Jesse's is indeed your one stop shop for pleasure.  We now return you to our regularly scheduled programming
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 09:04:18 pm
now wait a minute! Jess's only carries the one triple pack (under the counter) and sells only to adults...

don't be getting the wrong impression of the store based on one delinquent's misappropriation of a single product!!
Title: Re: Sheriff finally arrives at crime scene
Post by: Sheriff Roland on November 09, 2006, 09:05:26 pm
In an shocking development, Sheriff Roland arrived on the crime scene only one DAY after said robbery took place. Most witnesses have left the scene.

*Where's that g*da*n "GODDESS OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE"

She's in charge a these petty thefts - she's s'pose to answ'rin' all 'quiries a this matter.

Sheesh - a sheriff's got better things ta do than care for a mere 12.99$ hoist*

Sheriff Roland
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 09:07:30 pm
Jesse is a community minded merchant.  I have it on good authority  that she caters to a varied clientele in this regard and these speciality products do come dear $12.99 is one of the cheaper 3 packs:


You been talking to Wayne haven't you??! >:(

Lies I tell you LIES!!!

them whips and hobbles are for HORSES!!

(Wayne!! I am gonna have your head for this!!)
Title: Re: Sheriff finally arrives at crime scene
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 09:10:28 pm
*Where's that g*da*n "GODDESS OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE"

She's in charge a these petty thefts - she's s'pose to answ'rin' all 'quiries a this matter.

Sheesh - a sheriff's got better things ta do than care for a mere 12.99$ hoist*

Sheriff Roland hanging around the bar down there in the Anything Goes neighborhood!!

gotta keep your eye on the boys...


Meanwhile under your watch the crime rate just SKYROCKETED!!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: dot-matrix on November 09, 2006, 09:11:10 pm
You been talking to Wayne haven't you??! >:(

Lies I tell you LIES!!!

them whips and hobbles are for HORSES!!

(Wayne!! I am gonna have your head for this!!)

That's what they all say!  :laugh:


You could send some of them boys this way Sheriff, I think Jesse could whip em into shape for ya.
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 09:12:29 pm
If I was you I would be worried about the next election!

being the editor of the local paper (in addition to owning the Feed Store) I have to decide who I will be recommending to my readers!!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 09, 2006, 09:13:43 pm
That's what they all say!  :laugh:


You could send some of them boys this way Sheriff, I think Jesse could whip em into shape for ya.

well crap!!!

she DOES look like she could take care of the situation!!!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: Sheriff Roland on November 09, 2006, 09:16:22 pm
If I was you I would be worried about the next election!

being the editor of the local paper (in addition to owning the Feed Store) I have to decide who I will be recommending to my readers!!

You thinkin that the only rag in town's gonna 'nfluence the good people a BetterMost. Pr'bly be havin' sum cred'bility probl'm after this little inc'dents
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: dot-matrix on November 09, 2006, 09:17:20 pm
well crap!!!

she DOES look like she could take care of the situation!!!

She was my avitar until it got me into trouble.  ;D

This is my moniker:

Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: Arad-3 on November 09, 2006, 09:21:02 pm
What size did you say those condoms were?? This guy has just been spotted getting groceries at The Foodland! maybe that's your man!

Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: wulfar360 on November 09, 2006, 10:35:52 pm
well i never ! i was out of town when this robbery took place !  ???

anyway i have no use for those  things at this time sad to say
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: Lynne on November 10, 2006, 01:15:43 am
well i never ! i was out of town when this robbery took place !  ???

Sheriff!!  He may have an alibi, but I think it bears checking.  Tonight I found out he has MOTIVE!!!
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: wulfar360 on November 10, 2006, 01:31:00 am
that was told in confindence ! i have no use for those  items !  believe me if i did i would be a much happier person ! :P
Title: Sheriff Roland's Visit Brings New Calm to Our Daily Thoughts
Post by: injest on November 10, 2006, 09:56:44 pm
well it has been two days since the 'incident' in Jess's Feed Store and Tack Shop. Things in this part of town seem to have settled down.

Sheriff Roland has returned to his regular haunts but assures this reporter that he will return should the incident recur!

In unrelated news:

Daniel, Bettermost counselor opened a blog today!

Phoenix showed up after having computer trouble that has kept him down for the past week.

Dana made a quick appearance last night in the Feed Store.

and a side note to all you hunters! Garry would appreciate ya'll keeping an eye out and avoiding all young bucks...look for the BIG RACKS!!....remember Oww Hee is very special to us here at Bettermost!
Title: Re: EXTRA, EXTRA - The Fanfic forum is on the Move!!!!
Post by: Sheriff Roland on November 12, 2006, 04:09:07 pm
This just in:

This afternoon, The Brokeback Fan Fiction and Poetry thread has become the 4th most popular forum of Better Most. It was only a month ago that the Anything Goes thread was boasting of the same thing, but as of 3:00 pm (est),  the Fanfic Tread has 9 587 posts compared with the former 4th place Anything Goes's 9 579 posts.

Congratulations to all.

Now It is less than 1 800 posts away from the 3rd place "ABC & 1, 2, 3" forum (It has been suggested that there should be more jockeying before year's end).

Again, congratulations are due to Louise & Leslie & all those who are devotees of that forum.
Title: Local Shop Keeper Assaulted!!
Post by: injest on November 14, 2006, 08:13:31 pm
In a shocking daylight attack, local shop keeper assaulted by long time customer!

Jess's Feed Store and Tack Shop was the scene of another crime today. Owner Jess was working alone when the assault occured.

"I was stocking grooming supplies, I thought I was alone in the store...I heard a noise behind me and before I could see who it was. I was POKED...yes, POKED righ here in my side!" Jess showed the red spot on her side.

The assailant ran off into the woods behind the store.

Jess promises swift justice. "Well I don't expect to get any help from Sheriff Roland...he HAS increased patrols in the area but of course today I couldnt get ahold of him!"

Some members are calling for an explanation for the apparent lack of progress on the previous crime commited right here in our neighborhood. You may recall a 'person of interest' who lives RIGHT HERE AMONG US...STOLE from the store not a week ago!

There is some speculation that the recent crime spree can be traced to a 'certain' house here in the neighborhood where loud music, and noise have become the norm! There have been rumors of nudity, drug use AND possible 'straight' lifestyles being flaunted!

Anyone with information on the latest tragedy to strike our nice home please contact Sheriff Roland...(if you can find him)
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: wulfar360 on November 14, 2006, 08:20:13 pm
wow ! who in the world would do something of this nature ! its  just not right ! i hope you  find this person and   they get whats coming to th em!

(sneaks back to the house with nudity/loud music)
Title: Re: Local Shop Keeper Assaulted!!
Post by: Sheriff Roland on November 14, 2006, 10:44:49 pm
Owner Jess was working alone when the assault occured. .., I thought I was alone in the store...I heard a noise behind me and before I could see who it was. I was POKED...yes, POKED righ here in my side!" Jess showed the red spot on her side.

Folks, relax!

To the best a our knowledge, this is no crime spree. The victim(?) has a long history of self inflicted pokin's, and no action is expected as an outcome a this "incident".

Of course if any additional information (that ain't hearsay (from Jess herself)) is fortcoming, I'll be more than <yawn> happy to hear the facts.

<Why does everything always seem to happen on my only night out at the bar per week!>
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: wulfar360 on November 14, 2006, 10:48:23 pm
duno just seems awful !
Title: Re: Local Shop Keeper Assaulted!!
Post by: injest on November 15, 2006, 12:33:32 am
Folks, relax!

To the best a our knowledge, this is no crime spree. The victim(?) has a long history of self inflicted pokin's, and no action is expected as an outcome a this "incident".

Of course if any additional information (that ain't hearsay (from Jess herself)) is fortcoming, I'll be more than <yawn> happy to hear the facts.

<Why does everything always seem to happen on my only night out at the bar per week!>


LIBEL!! You just of the days we're gonna get us a judge! and I am gonna SUE your pants off!!

and who you think your fooling about that story about 'your only night out at the bar'!! the whole town is talking about the goings on between you and them boys down there!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: David In Indy on November 15, 2006, 12:54:21 am
I just stuck my nose in here to see what this thread was about.

Jess. I'm shocked!  :o

You had the audacity to refer to my blog as "babylon" and just look at this in here!

....... condoms....women with whips...... HANDCUFFS!!!

I'm just shocked. tsk. tsk. tsk.

This is an outrage!

 ;) ;) ;)

btw... where are all the men with  whips?  :)
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: wulfar360 on November 15, 2006, 01:11:41 am
i got your whip david !
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: dot-matrix on November 15, 2006, 04:10:07 am
Oh poor Jesse molested in her own store!  I am just agog and aghast I really though this neighborhood was safer than that.  Who would have thought there would be a mad poker here of all places  :-\ and that Barney Fife wanna be (or is it Sheriff Gillispie from In the Heat of the Night, ;) whatever, just teasing Sheriff) isn't doing a thing about it... is he.  Hmmmm what's a girl to think guess I'm gonna have ta mosey on over and view, um visit some of those cute boys on Anything Goes and see if that clears my mind.  Later Y'all
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: Arad-3 on November 15, 2006, 04:25:22 am
I just stuck my nose in here to see what this thread was about.

Jess. I'm shocked!  :o

You had the audacity to refer to my blog as "babylon" and just look at this in here!

....... condoms....women with whips...... HANDCUFFS!!!

I'm just shocked. tsk. tsk. tsk.

This is an outrage!

 ;) ;) ;)

btw... where are all the men with  whips?  :)

Oh please Jess,  don't take it out on Davids Messages from the HOTLAND  Heartland!   We have just been a band of Gypsies that have invaded his space and had alot of parties there without his permission.

 he did attend a few but.. he is really innocent! We pushed the Jim Beam on him and we worked on his weakness's. David is not responsible for our recent behavior, and by" our",  I mean...well again...
 I'm not a tattletale but Rich and leslie had something to do with it too!

 Dang it!!  David is as pure as the Driven Snow.
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: Kelda on November 15, 2006, 04:55:47 am
jess - you are great! well funny!!  ;D
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 15, 2006, 08:20:45 am
jess - you are great! well funny!!  ;D

LOL! Thank you...
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: wulfar360 on November 15, 2006, 11:48:57 am
Oh please Jess,  don't take it out on Davids Messages from the HOTLAND  Heartland!   We have just been a band of Gypsies that have invaded his space and had alot of parties there without his permission.

 he did attend a few but.. he is really innocent! We pushed the Jim Beam on him and we worked on his weakness's. David is not responsible for our recent behavior, and by" our",  I mean...well again...
 I'm not a tattletale but Rich and leslie had something to do with it too!

 Dang it!!  David is as pure as the Driven Snow.

aye its my fault ! i just cant helpmy self when there is a cute guy involved =/   (sneaks back to the hotland for more oogling)
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: dot-matrix on November 17, 2006, 12:24:27 am
(  Any news on the robbery/poking incident Jess?  Didn't the sheriff send a detective or a forensic's team over to collect evidence? 
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on November 17, 2006, 12:37:46 am
NO! He claims I filed a false report! but I have it on VERY good authority that a VERY similar attack occured in another house!!

I don't suppose HE is gonna be believed either! This is why victims don't come forward!! the indifference of the officials we trust to take care of us!!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: David In Indy on November 17, 2006, 12:38:56 am
NO! He claims I filed a false report! but I have it on VERY good authority that a VERY similar attack occured in another house!!

I don't suppose HE is gonna be believed either! This is why victims don't come forward!! the indifference of the officials we trust to take care of us!!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: wulfar360 on November 17, 2006, 01:14:43 am
another person was  attacked by the masked poker?  omfg will nnothing be done ! <looks around nervously >

 when will the madness end ! :o
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: David In Indy on November 17, 2006, 02:30:19 am

 Dang it!!  David is as pure as the Driven Snow.


I am??? 

The "Driven Snow" isn't always so pure.

I've watched my dog pee in it before.  ;)
Title: Brokeback Muse Moves Lucise Again
Post by: injest on November 18, 2006, 08:19:06 am
If any of you have missed visiting Lucise's (Milli) studio lately, you have been missing some stunning new Brokeback artwork and poems!!!!

Stop by when you have a few moments to spare and if you have never visited put some serious time aside and look thru her entire collection. She covers an entire range of will find something that will move you to tears or to joy.

We are very lucky to have her here in our little corner of Bettermost!

Title: Building BOOM in Bettermost!!!
Post by: injest on December 12, 2006, 07:43:20 pm
If you haven't been down to Anything Goes lately, there has been an EXPLOSION of new businesses opening up! They have really had some activity down there!

If you head down that way you will see Ellemeno's Groovy Club for Members with 2001 to 4999 posts...a lovely calm place to relax and enjoy some sixties and seventy style music, art and food. A wonderful place to take the family! We give 4 stars!

Next you will see David's Club....sorry but this reporter cannot publish the TAWDRY going ons in there...this IS a family newspaper. Rumors are rife of half naked men and alcohol! While the club is decorated very nicely we are forced to give just 2 stars

a little further in the most beautiful part of Anything Goes you will locate "Jess's Ultra Exclusive and Way Cool Club for members with over 5000 posts. An exquisite establishment of impeccable taste. A world class chef prepares meals as requested...the appointments are luxurious and tasteful...truly the premier club in all of Wyoming!! We give 5 stars and a SNAP!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: notBastet on December 14, 2006, 12:14:24 pm

I love the updates!

Is there a spot for those of us lacking in the posts department?  The Remedial Club, or something like that?  (where we can commiserate, without you post-a-holics butting in??)

 ;D ;) :-* ;) ;D
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on December 14, 2006, 08:07:21 pm

I love the updates!

Is there a spot for those of us lacking in the posts department?  The Remedial Club, or something like that?  (where we can commiserate, without you post-a-holics butting in??)

 ;D ;) :-* ;) ;D

actually there are some plans to help those of you lacking in postage.... ;D

Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: David In Indy on December 14, 2006, 08:12:21 pm

I love the updates!

Is there a spot for those of us lacking in the posts department?  The Remedial Club, or something like that?  (where we can commiserate, without you post-a-holics butting in??)

 ;D ;) :-* ;) ;D

<raising hand>

I have a club for those lacking in postage.

David's 2000 Posts or Less Club!

We'd love it if you'd join us!  :D
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on December 14, 2006, 08:14:39 pm
<raising hand>

I have a club for those lacking in postage.

David's 2000 Posts or Less Club!

We'd love it if you'd join us!  :D

well, sure she could go there, but she has TASTE!! Like I said...there are plans in the works to provide DECENT people a chance to up their postage...
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: notBastet on December 15, 2006, 11:01:14 am
<raising hand>

I have a club for those lacking in postage.

David's 2000 Posts or Less Club!

We'd love it if you'd join us!  :D

I checked it out last night actually!!

(wasn't sure if there was a limit on the minimum though, lol)

Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on February 10, 2007, 02:50:36 pm
If you have not heard Lucise (Milli) has started her own blog. (

I have know Milli for a long time now and have watched her talent grow and develop but this new blog just stunned me.

Starting on her front page the site is a Feast for your eyes....each work of art brings the thought "Oh That is my favorite" until you see the next.

A true artist, Lucise has created one of the most visually stunning websites I have ever had the pleasure to view.

Take a half hour and let yourself get lost in Lucise's vision...
Title: Just a reminder, Citizens!!
Post by: injest on February 10, 2007, 07:58:07 pm
Tomorrow marks our first anniversary here in Bettermost, can expect to see some changes. Some minor...some major. Please be patient and if you have any trouble please let the Moderating team know about it right away!!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: Lumière on February 11, 2007, 03:57:32 pm
If you have not heard Lucise (Milli) has started her own blog. (


Thank you kindly Jess!   :)
I am going to be updating the site as time goes by, so drop by and visit me there every so often ..  8)

Cheers and Happy Bettermost day!
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: ifyoucantfixit on February 12, 2007, 01:07:06 pm

I love the updates!

Is there a spot for those of us lacking in the posts department?  The Remedial Club, or something like that?  (where we can commiserate, without you post-a-holics butting in??)

 ;D ;) :-* ;) ;D

      Yeah Kelly.  I dont spect ill have that many posts in case i live for
another fifty years...  Maybe you should start one...I for sure would
drop by and sit a spell...Long as we could visit more often...janice
Title: Re: Our Daily Thoughts News Journal
Post by: injest on February 12, 2007, 07:42:08 pm
Kelly and Janice...

Ladies. PLEASE feel free to start a coffee club or whatever in your favorite forum!!

You will find yourself visiting over and over! Take the Feed Store for an example....this morning I was on but Garry and Wayne and Jocelyn were not. So I left a greeting for them and they each left one too. If we do catch each other in there together we stop for a chat. It is easier and slower than the chat rooms. You can wonder over and check out Anything Goes...or read the paper...and then come back and the conversation is still there...

Try it!! Would ya'll like for us to set one up for you?

Let me know!!