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Our BetterMost Community => The Polling Place => Quick Personality Quizzes => Topic started by: ednbarby on March 15, 2007, 05:32:53 pm

Title: What color is your brain?
Post by: ednbarby on March 15, 2007, 05:32:53 pm
Your Brain is Purple


Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.

What Color Is Your Brain? (

Title: Re: What color is your brain?
Post by: moremojo on March 15, 2007, 06:00:30 pm
Green, huh?:

Your Brain is Green


Of all the brain types, yours has the most balance.
You are able to see all sides to most problems and are a good problem solver.
You need time to work out your thoughts, but you don't get stuck in bad thinking patterns.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the future, philosophy, and relationships (both personal and intellectual).

What Color Is Your Brain? (
Title: Re: What color is your brain?
Post by: Arad-3 on March 15, 2007, 06:17:17 pm
Your Brain is Blue


Of all the brain types, yours is the most mellow.
You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles.
Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life.

What Color Is Your Brain? (
Title: Re: What color is your brain?
Post by: dot-matrix on March 18, 2007, 03:21:43 am
Your Brain is Green


Of all the brain types, yours has the most balance.
You are able to see all sides to most problems and are a good problem solver.
You need time to work out your thoughts, but you don't get stuck in bad thinking patterns.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about the future, philosophy, and relationships (both personal and intellectual).

What Color Is Your Brain? (
Title: Re: What color is your brain?
Post by: Kerry on March 20, 2007, 07:08:36 pm

Your Brain is Purple


Of all the brain types, yours is the most idealistic.
You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense.
Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself.

What Color Is Your Brain? (
Title: Re: What color is your brain?
Post by: j.U.d.E. on March 20, 2007, 07:32:00 pm
Your Brain is Orange 

Of all the brain types, yours is the quickest.
You are usually thinking a mile a minute, and you could be thinking about anything at all.
Your thoughts are often scattered and random - but they're also a lot of fun!
You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about esoteric subjects, the meaning of life, and pop culture. 

What Color Is Your Brain?

Très bizarre!!

j. U. d. E.

Title: Re: What color is your brain?
Post by: min on April 10, 2009, 02:55:08 pm
Your Mind is Blue


Of all the mind types, yours is the most mellow.
You tend to be in a meditative state most of the time. You don't try to think away your troubles.
Your thoughts are realistic, fresh, and honest. You truly see things as how they are.

You tend to spend a lot of time thinking about your friends, your surroundings, and your life.
Title: Re: What color is your brain?
Post by: Clyde-B on April 10, 2009, 03:18:06 pm

Same as Dottie.   ;D