Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2260762 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Sustenance
« Reply #2400 on: October 18, 2007, 11:52:04 pm »
Thank you so much, Littlewing.  And you're right, I was inspired to a large degree by Anne Rice.  Of course I played with the mythology a little.  Rather than having homosexuality as a subtext, I decided to put it right out there.  (We know that if a man puts his sperm inside of a woman a baby might be the result, but what if leaving his deposit inside another man brought about another kind of transformative miracle?  And isn't such a deposit in reality transformative?  Espeically if the one on the receiving end is a virgin?)  I did fear the result might have been too dark, but I trusted every one here not to cast aspersions, so I went ahead and posted it.

Of course I don't think under normal circumstances Jack and Ennis would ever do such a thing to a little hispanic boy, even if the boy did ask for it.  But I wanted to write a vampire story, and I decided not to hold back.  (And I'll point out that both Susie and Dagi asked me to do it.   ;D )


Gary, I didn't make the association between the semen as a transformative "power"  from one male to another.  Takes some of us longer!  :laugh:  You're very clever, you know that?  We all know that Ennis and Jack wouldn't hurt a fly, unless in self-defense.  Horror stories are supposed to be dark, and well, horrible.  I'm glad you didn't hold back.  I loved reading every word!

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The White Dog
« Reply #2401 on: October 19, 2007, 12:39:38 am »
The White Dog by Littlewing1957

Ennis was on his way home from the grocers with a bag of food balanced on one hip.  The summer evening was dry and warm, just the way Ennis liked it.  He decided to walk to and from the store in order to enjoy the weather and get in some exercise.  His burden was rather light, as Ennis didn’t need much in the way of food.  He purchased a few cans of tuna, a box of crackers, milk, coffee, sugar and a flat of chicken hind quarters.  The meager provisions would last two weeks.

It was dark, and Ennis had to be careful not to trip over his own two feet.  He walked at a steady pace, passing nothing and no one.  Not even a car passed down the dimly lit road.  Ennis was alone both on the street and in his life.  Jack Twist was gone, his daughters both married and living in Cody.  Alma had her own family now, and his siblings never came around.  It was enough to make any person depressed, but Ennis vowed to keep his courage up.  He held his head high and continued the short trek home.

Along about halfway to his trailer, Ennis noticed a large white dog standing at the corner of the thrift store.  Ennis had never seen such a beautiful animal.  No collar, which means the animal was most likely a stray.  But what a well kept stray!  The dog looked well nourished and its coat was shiny and neat.  Ennis whistled at the pooch and it walked over.  He rubbed its head with his free hand, and smiled as the animal responded by jumping on his thigh.  Ennis would have liked to spend some time playing with the dog, but he needed to get home.  He would have liked to claim the pooch as a pet, but he couldn’t afford to feed him.  Ennis sighed and turned from the dog to continue the walk home.

A few blocks down Ennis almost forgot about the white dog until he noticed a wet sensation on his free hand.  He looked down and saw the dog looking up at him with such affection in its eyes that Ennis didn’t have the heart to shoo it away.

“Okay, boy!”  Ennis began.  “You can come with me a far as the trailer park, but after that you have to scram!  I don’t have the money to feed no dogs!”  Ennis couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw the pooch shake its head! 

The trailer park was only a half block away, and the white dog was still at Ennis’ side.  He walked up to his door and the dog sat and watched as Ennis fished his key out of a pocket.

“Well, good to know you, Friend!”  Ennis stammered as he looked at the animal.  “Thanks for walking me home, but this is where we part company!”  Again, for just a brief second, Ennis could have sworn that the dog shook its head.  He unlocked his door and stepped in.  After his groceries were put away, Ennis grabbed a beer and sat in front of the TV.  He thought about the dog that walked him home, and hoped it would be alright.  Ennis was partial to dogs and almost thought that if he looked out the window and the dog was still around, he might invite it in, just for the night.  But when Ennis looked out his window there was no white dog in sight.

Ennis turned in early that night, as sleep was not only recuperative, but it was an escape.  He was not sad or lonely when he slept, and just maybe, if he was lucky, he would see Jack Twist in a dream.  That night, Ennis was lucky.  Ennis knew he was dreaming, but Jack’s presence was so real!  Jack entered his trailer as though he had a key and moved to sit on the edge of Ennis’ bed.  Jack never spoke a word through his mouth, but seemed to communicate with Ennis with his thoughts.  Ennis saw Jack in the form of a white dog, walking with him, in order to protect him from a man who Jack thought suspicious.  Ennis could have sworn he was alone on the walk home, but Jack was able to see things that Ennis was unaware of.  When the man saw the white dog walking alongside Ennis, he turned and headed in the opposite direction.

“Don’t be afraid, Ennis!”  Jack mouthed.  “I’ll always watch over you.”  And with that, Jack was gone.  Ennis wasn’t afraid.  He let the tears fall and thanked God for his guardian angel. 

“Thank you, Jack!  I love you.”

 And with that said, Ennis was able to fall into a satisfied slumber.

Dedicated to my grandma, Mary Dumas (1912-1984)


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Re: Sustenance
« Reply #2402 on: October 19, 2007, 01:11:49 am »
Thank you so much, Littlewing.  And you're right, I was inspired to a large degree by Anne Rice.  Of course I played with the mythology a little.  Rather than having homosexuality as a subtext, I decided to put it right out there.  (We know that if a man puts his sperm inside of a woman a baby might be the result, but what if leaving his deposit inside another man brought about another kind of transformative miracle?  And isn't such a deposit in reality transformative?  Espeically if the one on the receiving end is a virgin?)  I did fear the result might have been too dark, but I trusted every one here not to cast aspersions, so I went ahead and posted it.

Of course I don't think under normal circumstances Jack and Ennis would ever do such a thing to a little hispanic boy, even if the boy did ask for it.  But I wanted to write a vampire story, and I decided not to hold back.  (And I'll point out that both Susie and Dagi asked me to do it.   ;D )


Maybe you didn´t intend that, but to me it it also a story about growing up, and how on the way we lose our virginity and innocence in different ways, often by acts performed by adults who themselves have been made what they are by others. And sure as hell the expression in our eyes does change too...

Ennis was not consoled, and he began to rock the boy gently in his arms.  And then he licked and kissed the neck that he had not long ago readily bitten into.  He cried for having taken the purity of this boy’s youth away from him, and he cried for that winsome outlook that he himself had once.  So much was gone now.

“He wanted to be one of us, Ennis,” Jack said soothingly. 



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Re: Sustenance
« Reply #2403 on: October 19, 2007, 04:43:19 am »
I'm so glad you picked up on that, Dagi.  Yes, I was playing with the idea of growing up.  Jack says that Pedro wanted them to make him into a vampire.  And when I spoke of how Pedro had longing in his eyes for something that he couldn't define, I was thinking of that need young people have to come into their own, be their own person.  They want to establish their own independence, but they don't know how to go about it, and they don't know exactly who they will be after that transformation takes place.

Teenagers are restless, and because of that they're often annoying to the rest of us.  We don't understand why they're in such a hurry to grow up.  We know that being an adult isn't always so wonderful, but they won't take us at our word.  They have to see for themselves.  But of course when they do they can never go back.  And there's a tragedy in that, I think. 

Whenever I see the smiling face of a kid who has lived in relative safety and comfort I can't help but think of what will happen when they find out that the world can be a cruel place.  People can be mean, petty, hateful, and self-serving, and these innocent kids can become victims.  And Mom and Dad won't always be able to protect them.  On top of that diseases and accidents can take them from this world at any time.  What will happen to their bright shinning faces when they realize this?  It breaks my heart.

I know that my story is brutal, but I think there is something brutal about the process of growing up and finally, at the end of that process, seeing the world with the eyes of an adult.  Yes, your passion has been awakened, but so has your awareness that you're living on the edge of an abyss.


Yes, there's a tragedy about that, but it's also a chance. It's what a life as a human being is about. Isn't it about growth, about development, about going through a crisis becoming a new person like a butterfly that could never grow beautiful wings without undergoing a profound change? Maybe that's a too romantic comparison, but for example, a friend of mine went through quite some shit as a child, and she was a real bitch as an adult, but now, after so many years, she's been able to grow beautiful wings, she gives so much love, she enriches the life of so many people, I hardly know any comparable person. So the changes that take place when we go through life are not always negative.



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Re: Room 4 (Part 2)
« Reply #2404 on: October 19, 2007, 04:48:05 am »
Room 4 (Part 2) by Littlewing1957

To be continued..

This is getting really creepy! I would never have returned to that place either!! Can´t wait to read the continuation!



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Re: Sustenance
« Reply #2405 on: October 19, 2007, 04:49:52 am »
Thank you so much, Littlewing.  And you're right, I was inspired to a large degree by Anne Rice.  Of course I played with the mythology a little.  Rather than having homosexuality as a subtext, I decided to put it right out there.  (We know that if a man puts his sperm inside of a woman a baby might be the result, but what if leaving his deposit inside another man brought about another kind of transformative miracle?  And isn't such a deposit in reality transformative?  Espeically if the one on the receiving end is a virgin?)  I did fear the result might have been too dark, but I trusted every one here not to cast aspersions, so I went ahead and posted it.

Of course I don't think under normal circumstances Jack and Ennis would ever do such a thing to a little hispanic boy, even if the boy did ask for it.  But I wanted to write a vampire story, and I decided not to hold back.  (And I'll point out that both Susie and Dagi asked me to do it.  ;D )


I´m so glad we did!


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Re: The White Dog
« Reply #2406 on: October 19, 2007, 05:00:47 am »
The White Dog by Littlewing1957

“Don’t be afraid, Ennis!”  Jack mouthed.  “I’ll always watch over you.”  And with that, Jack was gone.  Ennis wasn’t afraid.  He let the tears fall and thanked God for his guardian angel. 

“Thank you, Jack!  I love you.”

 And with that said, Ennis was able to fall into a satisfied slumber.

Dedicated to my grandma, Mary Dumas (1912-1984)

Marie, what a beautiful, beautiful little tale. You do so good by Ennis giving him a guardian angel. I felt really comforted when I had finished reading, and I needed that, because lines like Ennis turned in early that night, as sleep was not only recuperative, but it was an escape.  He was not sad or lonely when he slept, and just maybe, if he was lucky, he would see Jack Twist in a dream. still break my heart.

Thank you!



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Re: Sustenance
« Reply #2407 on: October 19, 2007, 09:04:19 am »
You're an evil genius Gary!  I'm not going to pretend that I found this easy to read, but then as you pointed out in your pm, it's a horror story, it's meant to be disturbing.  And you certainly succeeded in unsettling me .... and scaring the begeebers out of me with that hiss at the end ... hardly slept a wink last night!!!!

Underneath the provado, I guess I really am a Proper English Lady.


Hey Susie, you don't have to be a Proper English Lady to find a story about two men violating a boy disturbing. I would find it rather disturbing if you didn't find that disturbing...That means merely you are a sensitive person (and I mean that in a positive way.)


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Re: Room 4 (Part 2)
« Reply #2408 on: October 20, 2007, 12:13:39 am »
Thanks for the link.  The temple is beautiful.  And yeah, those spires do look like they're made of gold.  I'd love for you to show me around your home town, and I'd love to hear more about your college days.  What did you major in?  (Hey, I hear that some students walk around naked at Berkeley these days.  Is that true?   :laugh:  I don't think I could thing about the Peloponnesian War if there was a cute naked boy sitting beside me.  Very distracting.   :P )


Gary, I gotta give you a call.  We can get to know each other, which is something I'm really looking forward to.  :-*  I know you're shy, as am I, but I'll bring you out.  I'm a very warm person.  If you like me here, I guarantee you'll love me in person.  I guarantee it!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: The White Dog
« Reply #2409 on: October 20, 2007, 12:15:00 am »
Marie, what a beautiful, beautiful little tale. You do so good by Ennis giving him a guardian angel. I felt really comforted when I had finished reading, and I needed that, because lines like Ennis turned in early that night, as sleep was not only recuperative, but it was an escape.  He was not sad or lonely when he slept, and just maybe, if he was lucky, he would see Jack Twist in a dream. still break my heart.

Thank you!


Thank you for your kind words, Baby!