Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2270445 times)

Offline cwby30

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Re: I Thought I Was A Cowboy
« Reply #3220 on: February 25, 2008, 10:44:36 pm »

Evenin', Dagi.

Well, yes you got it right! He thought he was a cowboy, but because he thinks about women all day long...

Have some others I'll try one of these days.

Thanks again. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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« Reply #3221 on: February 27, 2008, 02:39:34 am »
Gotcha by Littlewing1957

Ennis was in a playful mood!  Jack was washing something in the creek, and Ennis tiptoed up behind him, as silent as a mouse.  Jack was quite aware that Ennis was behind him, but didn’t want to spoil the fun.  He knew what was coming, and he was eager!  Jack scooped up a pot full of water and had it ready.  Ennis crept behind him and tapped him gently on the shoulder!

“Ahhhaaaa..” Jack shouted and threw the pot of water right over Ennis’ head!  Ennis whooped in shock and delight, and chased Jack along the side of the creek!  “C’mere, Darlin,” Ennis screamed as Jack out paced him, laughing all the way. “You can’t keep that jog up forever!”  Ennis screamed.  He was right!  Jack began to slow, but only because he wanted to be caught at this point.

Ennis approached his lover from behind and grabbed him up into his arms.  Ennis didn’t even know his own strength!  Jack held on, not quite sure that Ennis could support his weight.”  “Well, what now, Cowboy?”  Jack whispered as he wrapped his arms around Ennis’ neck.  “You just gonna hold me like this?”  Ennis began to walk with Jack in his arms.  Jack was becoming uneasy, not because he didn’t trust Ennis, but because he didn’t want to strain his lover's back.  Ennis patted Jack on the arm.  “Don’t worry Rodeo; we’ll be at the tent soon.”  “The tent, eh?”  Jack smiled.  “I shoulda known.”  “Well, if you don’t wanna, I’ll drop you right now!” Ennis laughed.  Jack shook his head fiercely and held on for the ride.  Once they made it to the tent, Ennis placed Jack on the cold ground very gently.  He pulled the flap back to the tent and reached for a towel to dry himself off.  “I’m going to make you pay for getting me all wet, Twist!” Ennis teased.  Jack took the towel from Ennis and patted it across his hair and shoulders.  Jack pulled the tent flap closed and climbed atop the bedroll.


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3222 on: February 27, 2008, 05:16:58 am »
I guess I'm repeating myself, honey, but I simply love your stories. Such a playfull and cheerful scene, it's brightening my day! I can feel the sun on my skin and the coolness of the water, and their love for each other warms like a second sun. Thanks so much for sharing your stories, you are so good to us, Marie.

Dagi  :-*

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3223 on: February 27, 2008, 01:36:05 pm »
I guess I'm repeating myself, honey, but I simply love your stories. Such a playfull and cheerful scene, it's brightening my day! I can feel the sun on my skin and the coolness of the water, and their love for each other warms like a second sun. Thanks so much for sharing your stories, you are so good to us, Marie.

Dagi  :-*

Actually, Dagi, you have made my day.  Thanks for your sweet comments!


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3224 on: February 27, 2008, 06:25:02 pm »
You are more than welcome, sweetie.  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Right 81
« Reply #3225 on: February 27, 2008, 09:51:29 pm »
Right 81 By Littlewing1957

Katie hurried over to the door of the shop where her friends were waiting to gain entry.  “C’mon in Peggy, Charlie!” Katie chirped as she practically pulled the couple inside.  Peggy and Charlie hurried in and stomped their frozen feet against the shop’s floorboards.  They were both glad to be out of the cold.  Katie took Peggy’s cape and turned to collect Charlie’s coat, but he preferred to keep it on.  Katie offered her friends a shot of whiskey to take the chill off.  Jack handed pretty glasses all around, and poured Katie’s guests a shot.  He felt like drinking his whiskey right from the bottle, but Mrs. Twist taught him right.  Jack picked up a dainty glass, squinted at it, shrugged and poured himself a drink.  “Yeah, this is the stuff!” Charlie mumbled with pleasure.  “It sure helps to warm a fella up!”  Peggy sat on Charlie’s lap with her drink still untouched.  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” Charlie began when he saw Peggy wasn’t drinking.  “You okay?”  “Yeah, I’m fine!” Peggy spoke as she caressed Charlie’s cheek.  “I’m just thinking about tonight and what happened, is all.”  Peggy’s remark sparked an animated discussion about the dance and what had happened there.  Jack was beginning to loosen up and enjoy himself.  He was just about to pour himself another shot of whiskey, when he heard a knock at the door of the shop.

“I’ll get it Jack, just have yourself another drinkie,” Katie sang as she headed for the door.  It was Ennis and Rocky.  “C’mon in you guys before you catch your deaths!” Katie ushered Ennis and Rocky into the shop.  They were shivering and declined Katie’s offer to take their coats.  Jack brightened when he saw Ennis.  He raised his glass to him and pointed to it.  Ennis nodded, and Jack placed a glass of whiskey into his hands.  “Thanks, Jack!”  It was Ennis.  “How about one for Rocky, here?”  “Oh, of course, I was getting to her, “Jack exclaimed as he headed for the bar.  “Be right back with your drink, Rocky,” Jack spoke over his shoulder.  Rocky nodded and took a seat beside Peggy.  “We were just talking about all the excitement at the party,” Peggy said to Rocky, rather as an aside.  Rocky sighed.  She was tired, cold and was in no mood to talk about the shenanigans that jumped off earlier.  “Can we talk about something else?” Rocky mumbled.  “I would like to forget tonight ever happened.”  Katie and her company shrugged and were silent.  Rocky was okay for the most part, but she could be a downer.  Ennis patted her shoulder and offered up a different, though related subject.  “Anybody hear about Leroy?” Ennis asked the group.  “Is he out of the hospital yet?”  No one had heard. 

The whiskey was all gone.  Katie and her friends were feeling no pain.  “Hey you guys!” Katie clapped her hands to get attention. “I got another bottle tucked away.  You want I should open it?”  Jack and Ennis looked to their dates while Charlie did the same.  Heads nodded in the affirmative, and Katie moved to the bar, laughing all the while.  You guys are gonna be ruined in the morning!” Katie exclaimed as she fetched the bottle.  "But who cares?  We can all stay home from church and nurse our hangovers.  Not very Christian, but a party like this happens only once in a blue moon!"  “I’ll drink to that!” Jack laughed as he poured shots all around.  Ennis gazed at his friend.  He wanted to be alone with him something fierce, but he wasn’t at all sure what Jack wanted.  Ennis lowered his gaze when Jack looked at him.  He didn’t want to appear too eager, especially with a shop full of people sitting around.  Ennis prided himself on being a patient man.  He had every confidence that Jack would take him back. 

Along about 5:00a.m., Jack looked at his watch and almost freaked!  “Man, look at the time!  I promised my ma that I would be home at a decent hour.  She must be going crazy about now!”  Ennis perked up when he heard Jack mention his ma.  He missed Mrs. Twist and was looking forward to spending time with her.  That is, if he could convince Jack to let him return to the ranch.  “Ah, your ma is okay,” Katie slurred.  “You’re a big boy and shouldn’t have to report to her, don’t you think?”  Jack was getting irritated, but he remained civil.  “Yeah, but I promised her I would drive her to church this morning,” Jack retorted.  “Look, I hate to be a spoil sport, but I gotta get going.”  “None of you guys are going anywhere!”  The voice boomed from the back of Katie's shop like an explosion, and was cold as steel.  Katie and company turned their heads in unison and saw Leroy, with Alan Sims in tow, moving slowly into the shop.  Leroy grimaced as he leveled an evil looking gun at Raquel’s pretty head.

« Last Edit: February 28, 2008, 02:10:55 am by littlewing1957 »

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Easter Suits and Cowboy Hats
« Reply #3226 on: February 28, 2008, 08:57:53 pm »
Easter Suits and Cowboy Hats by Littlewing1957

Jack and Bobby were walking down the aisle of Sears' boys' Department.  Easter was just a few weeks away, and Lureen asked Jack to take Bobby shopping for his Easter outfit.  Jack rarely attended church on Easter, or any other Sunday, for that matter, but decided to attend service Easter morning.  His camping trip with Ennis didn't go well and he needed to be spiritual for the first time in a long while; at least he thought as much.  Perhaps the pastor of Lureen's church would say something to comfort him.  It was worth a shot.

Jack's navy suit was already purchased and was draped, in plastic, over his arm.  Bobby ran to the rack of boys' suits and pulled at the sleeve of a small, taupe colored blazer.  "You like that one, Bud?"  Jack asked as he watched his son.  "I think that would look nice on you.  You see your size?"  Bobby dropped the sleeve of the blazer and wrinkled his nose.  "Dad, I don't want a suit this year!"  Jack raised an eyebrow.  "What do you mean, son?  We get you an Easter suit every year!"  Bobby frowned.  "I know, and I want something different this time.  I want a cowboy hat!"  Jack tried hard to hide his mirth. Bobby never ceased to amaze him!  "Well, I don't know about a cowboy hat, Bud.  Your ma sent me to buy you a suit, and she'll have my hide if we come home without one!" Jack pulled the taupe suit from the rack and held it up to his son.  "Now go try this on!"  "Yes sir!" Bobby whispered, a dour look on his face.  He took the suit from his father and headed toward the fitting room.

On the way home from Sears, Jack took Bobby to a drive-in for hamburgers and milkshakes.  Bobby was excited about the rare treat, as his mother insisted he eat her cooking, and little else.  Jack figured Bobby needed a treat since he was quite cooperative in trying on the taupe suit and didn't protest when Jack bought it for him.  When they arrive home, Bobby marched straight to his room and hung the suit in his tiny closet.  He sat on his bed, disappointed that he wouldn't be getting a cowboy hat for Easter.  The next day Bobby came home from school and ran straight for his room.  The first thing he saw was a box sitting atop his bed.  There was nothing written on the box, but he instantly knew what it was based on its the size and shape.  Bobby ran to the bed and almost ripped open the hat box.  Inside was a perfect, creme colored cowboy hat.  "Dad!" Bobby shouted as he placed the hat on his head.  Jack walked into his son's room.  "You got it for me!" Bobby squealed and grabbed his father around the waist.  Jack patted his son's dark hair and thanked the Lord for the things that he did have.  His son was a blessing from the Lord.  He couldn't be with Ennis, but he could be with and enjoy his own creature.  Nothing more spiritual than that!

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3227 on: February 28, 2008, 09:39:15 pm »
I love your slice of life stories, Littlewing. You never cease to amaze me with your prolificness.
I promise to post my chapter of "Right" by this weekend. It's gonna be outrageous!

"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3228 on: February 29, 2008, 09:36:53 pm »
I love your slice of life stories, Littlewing. You never cease to amaze me with your prolificness.
I promise to post my chapter of "Right" by this weekend. It's gonna be outrageous!

Thanks, Toy!  I look forward to your installment.

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Pink Dresses and Chocolate Bunnies
« Reply #3229 on: February 29, 2008, 10:14:15 pm »
Pink Dresses and Chocolate Bunnies by Littlewing1957

Steve was feeling a bit generous this Easter season.  Business was much better than usual, and he was good enough to spread the wealth around a bit.  It was Friday afternoon and Shirley was passing out pay envelopes.  Steve added an extra $30.00 for everyone.  It was not exactly a fortune, but Ennis felt like dancing a jig when he saw the extra cash.  Easter was just around the corner and he wanted to do something special for the girls.

Alma agreed to let him take the girls into town for Easter baskets.  Alma jr. and Jenny were let down last year.  Ennis was laid off from the ranch for awhile, and Alma had to take care of the family until Ennis went back to work.  There was no money for Easter baskets.  Alma had to make the girl’s dresses from a bolt of yellow fabric her sister bought over.  But this year was different.  Ennis was making decent money, Alma was working extra hours, and with the bonus, Alma was able to get store bought dresses.  The Easter baskets would be store bought, as well!  Ennis led Alma Jr. and Jenny into Woolworth’s and they inspected the brightly colored baskets.  Alma Jr. picked out a basket with a chocolate bunny as a centerpiece.  Jenny wanted the one with the yellow chick surrounded by vividly colored chocolate eggs.  Ennis picked up his girls’ selections and paid for them.  He also surprised them with an egg dying kit.  They would dye eggs that night.

Easter Sunday morning and Ennis cooked breakfast while Alma dressed the girls.  He fixed blueberry pancakes, bacon and served it with coffee for the adults and milk for the girls.  When Alma Jr. and Jenny ran into the kitchen, they almost knocked their daddy over.  They were just that excited!  Ennis admired his beautiful girls in their frilly pink frocks.  Alma was looking might fine in a white shirt-waist dress.  Breakfast was served and Ennis stayed behind to tidy the apartment.  He also had a surprise in store for his family: he would them out to dinner at The Knife and Fork!  Alma would protest, but he had an extra $30.00 to work with.  It was found money.  They may as well celebrate!  Ennis walked his family out to the landing.  Alma descended the stairs and asked Ennis to hold the girls, one in each arm, as she took a picture while she stood in front of the Laundromat.  Ennis hoisted his children up in one swoop and they smiled for the camera.  Alma collected the girls and the walked to the Methodist church.