Brokeback Mountain: Our Community's Common Bond > IMDb Remarkable Writings Rewound

You are invited to CONTINUE these conversations...


These are not "museum pieces" meant to be frozen in time - merely conversations that have come to a pause, waiting for someone to start them up afresh.

If you are a past participant in these discussions, how about leaving a post so people can contact you and continue the discussion?

If these threads are new to you, thenI hope you enjoy sorting throught these ideas and find thoughts to enrich your appreciation of "all things that are Brokeback"!


True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP / Bruce

Just a quick note to say that as I comb through my "archives" of saved threads, more will very likely be added in the future.  No one should feel slighted if a favorite thread has not yet been included.  I welcome suggestions for threads to revisit, and other "thread-savers" should feel free to repost in this forum.

We've heard that the imdb message boards are going to be shut down due to the continuing troll problem. But, not to worry! Our friend TOoP/Bruce has saved all the remarkable writings for perpetuity right here on BetterMost!! Thank you, dear friend.  :-*

Bump your favorite, won't you?


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