So sorry to hear about Madison, what a gorgeous dog! I'm sure she had a charmed life with you though, so that's a bit comforting.
This will cheer people up. A friend of mine just recently set up house with her lover and they bought this cute miniature Deer-Head Chihuahua. His name is
Newt and I consider him my nephew, lol! :

(That's me holding him.)
When she said they were looking at Chihuahuas I just groaned thinking of all those awful nervous yappy things I've seen all my life. Anyone see that "devil Dog" episode of
Caesar,the Dog Whisperer featuring a nervous yappy fat chihuaha from hell and he was still awful, although less so, after Ceasar did his thing? Well that dog perfectly personified (Doggified?) my opinion of this breed.
Well that image left the second I met Newt. That pup singlehandedly redeemed his whole breed. Although he IS nervous (!), he's not yappy and he's incredibly social. He seems to love me for some reason. (and the poor thing is living with two lesbians, lol!

Here are a few more shots, including one of him at a Doggie Halloween Party (!?)