It's been a long time coming....
We're ready for another dog.

Already started looking online, and seeking contact on the phone. But I don't know yet what type of dog it will be.
This (
something like this):

Or this (pretty exactly like this):

A dog from a shelter or a dog from a breeder?
My heart has always belonged to the shelter/rescure animals. Max was from a shelter, too. And the cats came into our lives by their own choice, they were also "second-hand" pets.
I never even contemplated the thought of getting a dog from a breeder. But then I totally fell for the Black Großspitz ( black German Large Spitz). I've always thought they're beautiful dogs.
They're robust, both in health and in character. A sensitive, shy dog would not fit in our houehold. I need a stable, robust dog with good nerves. And an easy dog. I don't want a dog that is too intelligent and too active, and certainly no working dog (Border Collie, Malinois, etc.).
The German Spitz is all that I want in a dog and nothing of the things I don't want. Very good with children and other animals around the house, barely any hunting instincts, no tendency for straying. Perfect fit.
There is no chance to get a Big German Spitz from a rescue organization. They are high up on the red list of almost extinguished breeds. Nowadays people rather get exotic breeds like Samojede, Akita Inu etc, without thinking much about the needs of such dogs. If you look at a white German Large Spitz and a Samojede, they are almost the same in exterior, but the Spitz is way less challenging. Yet Samojedes are much more popular than Spitz dogs.

So, what to do?