Author Topic: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori  (Read 358068 times)

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Re: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori
« Reply #40 on: September 08, 2006, 07:30:48 pm »
Hello all, this is my first time posting here (I only found out these forums existed a few weeks ago).  Thank you for all you kind words and support.

I've had some real-life stuff going on (people moving out, moving in, redecorating, yadda yadda) and it's slowed me down some.  But I plan to have chapter 12 of TCJ up in the next few days.

In the meantime, I propose some questions for discussion:

1.  Why does Jack's father keep calling?
2.  Should Peter ask Liz to marry him, and why or why not?
3.  Is the hatchet really buried with Alma?

Propose your own, if you wish.

1.  Why does Jack's father keep calling?
I think he is facing his own mortality and figuring out that any son is better than no son. His son is doing very well for himself, and I keep thinking  that John would like to get closer if he knew how.
Emotions don't come easy for men like him, and I think he is finally grown up enough to try to make things better between them.
(yes there is always the possibility that he does need some help now, but he must know that after all that has gone before, Jack is not going to abandon the place he has built for himself to do much more than give moral support to the "homestead". that is also a reality he has/is probably facing, and wondering how to handle it too if that is indeed the case., I just choose to think not.)
there is one more thing I think about---quite possibly the ranch has been getting too much at his age, and maybe they are needing to start thinking of either moving off to somewhere else---and it scares him so much he is hoping that by trying to talk to the boys--Jack may actually ask him, and find out that they may need help making some VERY TOUGH decisions--like--where do we go from here when we can't do our life's work anymore on the place I have worked my whole life to keep???  Sometimes whether they want to face it or not--life makes one's children into the hard choices that once upon a time was a position for parents only.  (having just moved my Mother in law into an assisted living facility, because the day to day got more than she could handle, and we couldn't really physically help enough---this possibility really stays on my mind!!   John is just too distanced, and scared that Jack may not actually want to help him and his mother--and I imagine it scares him to death, and because Jack isn't there full time--he may not even realize that hard choices are maybe becoming necessary. Just a thought.

2.   I think he could approach it by letting her know how seriously in love with her he is.
I don't think that an immediate proposal will get him what he wants--but if she knows she can have time with his love--I don't see anything wrong with it----basically she is still sort of on the rebound--so time doesn't hurt either of them.   He has been alone alot longer than she has, and he has some happiness associated with marriage--she doesn't---I still like slow with them.

3.  In my opinion, YES, will she forget the pain, no, but she has other important people to think about and she really isn't mooning over Ennis anymore anyway---bitterness may still come through from time to time, but she is communicating better with both of them than she ever has before, and communications always bring better understanding---not that she is going to invite them to come to WY and visit or anything, but she was more than civil, and that is certainly an excellent start to better relations with Ennis as well as grudgingly accepting Jack.    She already knows she is not going to do herself any favors by hanging on to any leftover bitterness.   Waste of her energy--she isn't dumb.

OH Lori, thanks so much for Chapt. 12---really a nice read, through the tears---notwithstanding!!
But really enjoyed the update. Thanks.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 07:48:39 pm by ranchgal »

Offline MadLori

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Re: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori
« Reply #41 on: September 15, 2006, 10:43:37 pm »
Jack:  I could kick your ass any day of the week.
Ennis:  Then the weeks where you live must have a No Fuckin' Way Day.

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Re: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori
« Reply #42 on: September 16, 2006, 06:53:14 am »
For those who like, it is also here:


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Re: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori
« Reply #43 on: September 16, 2006, 07:07:44 am »
I think the fanfic authors of the BBM fandom have an unspoken contest going to see who can write the best last sentence of a chapter. I know Lori is reading the Laramie Saga and Louise has great sentences over and over again...but Lori, this one is a very worthy contender:

Ennis shook his head. “I’m fine enough? Darlin’, you could turn the Pope queer.”

Great chapter!

Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!

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Re: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori
« Reply #44 on: September 16, 2006, 10:21:50 pm »
Hello all, this is my first time posting here (I only found out these forums existed a few weeks ago).  Thank you for all you kind words and support.

I've had some real-life stuff going on (people moving out, moving in, redecorating, yadda yadda) and it's slowed me down some.  But I plan to have chapter 12 of TCJ up in the next few days.

In the meantime, I propose some questions for discussion:

1.  Why does Jack's father keep calling?
2.  Should Peter ask Liz to marry him, and why or why not?
3.  Is the hatchet really buried with Alma?

Propose your own, if you wish.

I just wanted to take a stab at #1... I could be way off base, but every time Jack's father calls, I get the sinking suspicion that Jack's mother has died and that John Sr. doesn't know how to tell him... and is lonely and is trying to reach out to his son who is the only family he has left. Jack still hasn't told him that Bobby's died has he? That's just the feeling I always get, but, then again, I have a tendency to jump to conclusions  :)
‘cause the truth is, I already give him everythin’ I got to give, more than I ever even knew I had; ‘n it all for him, all of it, him who is my brother, my father, my child, my friend, my lover, my heart, my soul; my Ennis.

-- del Mar Painting, Ch. 48 by b73

Offline ranchgal

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Re: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori
« Reply #45 on: September 18, 2006, 04:31:39 pm »
Excellent-thanks for getting us the new chapter!!
Very nice.

Offline MaineWriter

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Re: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori
« Reply #46 on: September 20, 2006, 12:04:05 pm »
Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!

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Re: "Human Interest" by MadLori; "Two Crows Joy" by same.
« Reply #47 on: September 20, 2006, 02:26:59 pm »
Not Julia Roberts, I don't picture her as that pretty or that tall. Julia Stiles, maybe?
                                                                                                                                         just can see julia in it either,, she is too pretty,

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Re: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori
« Reply #48 on: September 21, 2006, 07:25:38 am »
Wow, does the pain ever stop for poor Jack????


Excellent chapters!

Offline ranchgal

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Re: Human Interest and Two Crows Joy by MadLori
« Reply #49 on: September 21, 2006, 10:27:30 am »
Thank you for the new chapter!!
Lori, do you want any "spoiler" type discussion/opinions here, like what we do in LJ and
Or is this mostly for letting us know about new chapters and/or Questions and our Answers/Opinions??
Just curious, don't want to start anything unwanted.