between bowling and weird dreams last night, I feel like I got very little sleep.
Keeping busy at work, so I'll come back later to discuss the dream.
I just realized I never came back to discuss.
I'm starting to think I'm getting messages from the other side.

I had two nights of odd dreams. I was a few towns away from my apartment, and I was with Susan. Susan was a grade school classmate and friend of mine from years ago, she lived across the street from me. Not long ago, I found her obituary online. She died in 2012, was only 43 years old, and died on Christmas Eve. The way her obituary read, it sounded as if it was a suicide note. Anyway, Susan and I were trying to get somewhere that she needed to be. We kept hopping from cab to cab, because no taxi would take us where she needed to go. Finally we got out and started walking, thinking we'd actually get to where we needed to be, on foot. Susan was getting sick, and would stop every other block or so, to vomit. I woke before we got to where she needed to be.
A few nights later, I had a dream that I had reconnected with Amy, Susan's younger sister. We met at her house, and her mother was with her, even though she had died in 2014. When we got to talking, Amy told me I could go to Susan's room to visit, if I wanted. When I got there, Susan was there, but age 8. Amy then explained she learned how to clone people, so she cloned Susan, and her mother, who was in the other room.
I woke from that dream feeling very unnerved.