Now here's a topic I have some strong opinions about! Being a major Keanu Reeves fan - Kerry, we're just going to have to disagree!!

I see some vague physical similarities between Keanu and Chris Klein, but I think each is quite distinctive physically in his own right. And IMO, there is simply no comparison in acting ability - Chris Klein is completely unmemorable to me. I know that a lot of folks think that Keanu has never really lived down the Bill & Ted surfer dude typecast, but I disagree. His understated performances point to his talent - consider his role in SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE - he was the supporting male actor and as far as I'm concerned, stole the show from Jack Nicholson. Keanu has phenomenal range - from the believable 'everyman' romantic hero in movies like THE LAKE HOUSE or SOMETHING'S GOTTA GIVE (reminds me of Cary Grant) to some of his darker complex roles like the addicted double agent in A SCANNER DARKLY or Neo in THE MATRIX. I'm not going to hold movies like JOHNNY MNEMONIC against the guy when he looks as good as he does in a wetsuit in POINT BREAK (a tremendously underrated social commentary that I sometimes think I'm the ONLY one on the planet who gets!!).
OK, that's enough of being a fan-girl.

Joseph Gordon Levitt. This guy is going places. I've never seen such amazing talent in one so young. It was even apparent in his small role in LATTER DAYS. I dare you to watch BRICK or MYSTERIOUS SKIN and say differently!

Since MYSTERIOUS SKIN, I've watched his backlist, and if he's in a film, I will see it.