Hiya BetterMost friends.

I hope that everyone is doing well!
The past week has been a little crazy. I had a few deadlines at work that I had to meet, and thankfully, I got all my assignments done. I hate missing deadlines!
On top of that, we have a new (as my mother would call him) "high mucky-muck" at work who decided that he was going to do a string of "Town Hall Meetings" to discuss things that needed to be discussed regarding how our processes are going to change.
We were told we would need to have a lunch ready, and were given a head count of 49 people. Of course, the day before the meeting, our office's Executive Assistant was out of the office, so it fell to me to get everything set up and make sure that everything was in place.
The day of the meeting, we had people standing along the walls and barely enough food, because about 15 more people showed up, who had not responded to the invite, or weren't invited at all, and just showed up for the meeting and the food.

One of the executives who works in my office was telling the Executive Assistant (who I am close with) that this situation (not enough seats or food) was unacceptable. I turned to her and told her that we were given a head count of 49, and if there wasn't enough seating or food, it was because people who weren't supposed to be there, were there.
That seemed to shut her up.