Author Topic: Cellar Scribblings  (Read 13413538 times)

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16240 on: October 03, 2019, 05:37:41 pm »
So who is the guy in the back row with the brown hair and beard, sunglasses, and great smile?

I noticed that guy, too.  :)

Chuck, your family looks fun. Especially your mom and dad!

Who's that in the pink shirt on the far left with his hand on your shoulder? Or how about the guy in back who's either 10 feet tall or standing on a picnic table?

Ok, I asked my parents, that guy you both noticed is the son of my cousin, so that makes him my first cousin, once removed.

The man in pink is my cousin Albert.  I don't know what the giant is standing on, but that's my cousin Scott.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16241 on: October 03, 2019, 05:42:01 pm »
Maybe he was a just a reunion crasher.  ;D

The funny thing is, we had that kinda happen!

My cousin's house where the reunion took place didn't have a back yard, but rather a large side yard, so that's where we were.

I looked up at one point, and two strange people (a married couple) were mixing with my relatives, and I thought they were relatives I hadn't met yet.  Then the husband turned around, and I noticed he was wearing a yarmulke.   None of my family are Jewish, so I was confused.

I then found out that they were just some random couple who were on their way to temple, and my cousins started chatting with them when they walked by, and invited them up for some snacks, and the husband took a beer.


Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16242 on: October 09, 2019, 01:51:40 pm »
Hiya BetterMost friends.

I hope that everyone is doing well!

Good morning Diners!

Grey and rainy today here in NJ.   

Dad is in the hospital today.  The doctors say he had a mini-stroke.

It happened very suddenly this morning, as dad was getting ready for work.  He suddenly couldn't move his right arm, had difficulty using his right leg, and his speech was slurred.  When a stroke happens, timing is everything, and thankfully, my brother Chris was home with mom and dad.  As a security officer, Chris has medical training, and he recognized the symptoms and the need for speed.  Instead of calling 911, Chris got dad in his car and took him to a nearby hospital himself. 

The hospital Chris took him to also has a Stroke Center.  This is important, because not all hospitals have one.  If you take a stroke victim to a hospital that doesn't have a stroke center, they will transport the patient to one that does, which will use up more time.   Because of the Stroke Center, dad got treatment immediately, and he is recovering well.

I just got off the phone with dad, he is fine.  Chris' fast actions made all the difference.  Dad has movement back in his leg and arm, and some movement back in the fingers of his right hand.  His speech didn't seem slurred, and he was even making jokes when I spoke to him.  I told him by coincidence that I'm off work the rest of the week, and could take mom places while he's in the hospital.  Dad's response was that was great, he needed me to pick supplies at Home Depot for home repair items.   Dad is not doing anything on the house, he was making a bad dad joke.  LOL

Mom says dad should be released to go home by Friday, the latest.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline southendmd

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16243 on: October 09, 2019, 02:20:30 pm »
Sounds like a close call.  Good for Chris and his fast thinking. I hope your Dad recovers well.

Offline Sason

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16244 on: October 09, 2019, 04:52:22 pm »
Sorry to hear about your dad, Chuck.

But glad it doesn't sound too bad, and that your brother was home and acted so swiftly.

I'm sure he prevented the outcome from being a lot worse.

Hope he recovers well. Make sure he gets an OT to check out his hand and fingers.

Düva pööp is a förce of natüre

Offline brianr

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16245 on: October 09, 2019, 05:05:35 pm »
Sorry about the news but glad he got treatment quickly which we are told regularly is important
FAST (Face, Arm, Speech, Take action).
However what is this about getting ready for work? I think your father is older than me.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16246 on: October 10, 2019, 08:42:17 am »
[*googles "stroke centers minneapolis"*]

Glad your dad seems to be doing so well. A friend of mine had a stroke about a year ago, and it damaged the sight in one of his eyes. Not his prominent I mean, dominant eye, luckily (I had never heard of that term, but he explained it). Otherwise he was just fine.

But another friend's husband had a stroke in his early 40s and was disabled from then on. He's up and about now, 20 years later, and can carry on a conversation, but for a long time he couldn't walk or speak in full sentences. He was an architect, and never worked again.

« Last Edit: October 12, 2019, 01:01:46 pm by serious crayons »

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16247 on: October 10, 2019, 12:42:17 pm »
Hiya BetterMost friends.

Mom is currently at the hospital with dad, and I'll be going up  in a few minutes to join them.  When I spoke to mom this morning, she said that a physical therapist was scheduled to see dad today to do an assessment, and we'll have more information at that point.

Brian, dad turned 80 in January.  He retired from his job on the railroad in his mid 60s, but retirement only lasted a few months.  He was getting bored and depressed, so he found a job as a crossing guard.  He works from 7:00 - 9:30 in the mornings, and 2:30-4:00 in the afternoon, each school day.  He is off holidays, weekends and the summer.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16248 on: October 11, 2019, 09:36:16 am »
Hiya BetterMost friends.

Happy Friday to everyone!!!


I just got the call from mom, dad's blood pressure has dropped, and the doctors are releasing him today.  I'm just waiting for the phone call that they are ready to be picked up.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline southendmd

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Re: Cellar Scribblings
« Reply #16249 on: October 11, 2019, 09:43:48 am »
All the best to your Dad on his recovery!