Hiya BetterMost friends!!!!
Happy Hump Day!
Work went well today, but about an hour before I could sign off for the day (4:00) a news update interrupted the regular broadcast to announce that NYC schools are shutting down due to the virus.
While I'm not one to panic shop, this did make me think that perhaps other shut downs would happen, and there would be a run on the stores again. I had given up eating frozen prepared meals, because of the high sodium content. However, possible rushes on the stores and shut downs could make fresh food hard to come by, so I went out today at 5:00, after I shut down, and ran to the store to stock up on some frozen meats.
I didn't get frozen meals, I did get some frozen poultry, meats, seafood, and a few other things to keep me stocked up in case I can't get fresh stuff. Of course, I'll still try to get fresh stuff to eat, as that's the best, but now my fridge is stocked and my shopping orders can be smaller now.
I didn't need to get anything the panic shoppers stocked up on last time, as I beat them to the punch.
I didn't hoard anything, but since I live alone, most things last a while for me. I have enough soap, paper towels, toilet paper, meds, toothpaste, mouth wash and other things to see me through, so I'm fine. I left those for other shoppers who may need them.
The only thing I'll need to get for Thanksgiving is garlic and milk, so I can hold off on those for now.