My mother always made Christmas go away on New Year's Day. I did her one better this year; I made Christmas go away today.
Or almost all of it anyway. ...
When I was a very small boy, my grandmother had one of those 1950's aluminum trees, the one with which you used a "color wheel" because you couldn't put lights on them. That tree horrified me. I mean, a Christmas tree without lights? WTF?
(Well, I wouldn't have said that in 1963.
) I suspect I would have a greater appreciation for that tree now, but, anyway, a few years ago I discovered that the Vermont Country Store catalog had "tinsel trees" that actually had lights on them. I bought the 24-inch version. I've been using that tree ever since. It's the perfect size for my condo. This year I have a gold star on the top (too big for the tree, actually, but I don't care) and smallish red balls on the branches (I'm partial to red and gold Christmas ornaments, especially on a green tree).
I'm finding this tree so cheerful that I'm going to leave it up at least until Epiphany (this coming Sunday), and I might leave it up even longer. We have a very long Epiphanytide this year. Ash Wednesday isn't until March 6, and I'm guessing Easter is as late as it can possibly be, April 21. I won't leave the tree up that long, but maybe I will until the days are noticeably longer, until it's still light when I get home from work; that's roughly February 10.