Oh boy, how many times have I (along with the rest of the world) gone over this one? I,ve thought about it until my head hurts,and the more I think about the explanation given by Jacks wife, the more it doesn,t make sense. (someone enlighten me if I,m wrong please). He was supposidly killed by an exploding tyre yes? He was changing a FLAT tyre. Presumably he would have had a spare tyre in the trunk, and unless that was flat too, he,d have just been able to change it and go. So how did it explode? He wouldnt have had to pump it up, unless it was flat too, so it doesnt make much sense. The scene that Ennis saw in his mind, was I think, how he imagined it. I,m sure it had something to do with Lureens dad. He hated Jack from day one. He was never going to be good enough for his precious daughter. He probably found out somehow, not sure how, that he was gay as well. Remember too that he was an important man, he had a buisness and reputation to mantain. I certainly think that Jack was beaten up, probably dumped somewhere on the side of the road, out in the middle of no where and told to get lost and never come back. It was easier to let everyone THINK he was dead, including poor Ennis. I dont know, I might be totally wrong. Jack might really have been killed by the tyre or murdered by some gay bashers, but I dont suppose we,ll ever really know will we? One more thing. The author said that people are sick to death of disaster and unhappy endings. What does she give us? More disaster!! Everything doesnt always have to end in disaster. I know it,s rare, but sometimes people have happy endings. If anyone deserved that after everything they,d been through, it was Jack and Ennis. Us too.

Lifes a bitch sometimes.