I have this week off work and am thoroughly enjoying vegging-out and unwinding. I've been watching DVDs as part of the relaxation process, one of which was BBM yesterday. It's been some months since I last saw it and figured its strangle hold on me may have lessened a little. WRONG! I cried my way through it all over again, right from those very first iconic chords at the beginning of the movie.
I'm telling y'all this because, for me, after viewing BBM again yesterday, there really is only one response to the question, "What present would you like to give Jack and Ennis for Christmas?" For me, the only response to that question is, "A little cow and calf operation somewhere."
I would wish for sufficient wealth to be able to give it to them outright, the title deed in their joint names. I would make it an anonymous gift, with no connection to me. It would be theirs to do with as they wish, outright.
I've not read a lot of fanfic, but the closest to this ideal, for me, has to be Leslie's (MaineWriter) Quanah chronicles. It also had me in tears, but for happy reasons, because, thanks to Leslie's great writing skill, Jack and Ennis found happiness at Quanah. And that, in turn, brought happiness to me also. Thank you, Leslie.