Author Topic: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?  (Read 54079 times)

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #40 on: January 16, 2008, 12:09:25 am »
no, I see no indication that Lureen was a Lesbian.

Offline serious crayons

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #41 on: January 16, 2008, 01:01:06 am »
Do you think Lureen was lesbian?
Would that make her quickly pregnant somehow (no office ladies nor gentlemen!!)
May I dare ask you and all too?

Sorry, Artiste, but even speculating that Lureen might have already been pregnant is about as far outside what the movie actually shows us as I would care to go. Even that's a stretch, for me.

But if she WERE a lesbian, wouldn't that make her LESS likely to get pregnant?


Offline Artiste

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #42 on: January 16, 2008, 01:52:57 am »
Thanks ineedcrayons!!

You say about Lureen: Sorry, Artiste, but even speculating that Lureen might have already been pregnant is about as far outside what the movie actually shows us as I would care to go. Even that's a stretch, for me.

But if she WERE a lesbian, wouldn't that make her LESS likely to get pregnant?


Ineedcrayons and to all others:
May I say that Lureen already being pregnant (as seen in the BM movie) is NOT a stretch to me, quite the opposite!! Why was that person cast as her boy?? May we find about that??

Regarding if Lureen was a lesbian, there is a possibility there... and why? - because she was pressured by her father-, plus she was so very quick in actions like she was a butch ( if I may use that term that just comes to my mind now) as in some lesbians are such in physical agressiveness!!

Here is a true story that may help. There is a gay man here that lost his wife in a way... they were married legally as man and wife. He told me that he was surprised when his wife went to live with another female (a lesbian); he did not know that his wife was lesbian. He is in the film with his wife and her lover, which was shown on TV, about their lives!! He is also a gay man, but had not told her that... I seem to remember, during their marriage!! They did have kids and lived a long time together as man and wife and were happily so... he told me. Can this be an example for you, as possibly Lureen is a lesbian?

Lesbians, some want children; some gay men want children too!!
Awaiting your news and from all too,


Offline serious crayons

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #43 on: January 16, 2008, 10:38:50 am »
Regarding if Lureen was a lesbian, there is a possibility there... and why? - because she was pressured by her father-, plus she was so very quick in actions like she was a butch ( if I may use that term that just comes to my mind now) as in some lesbians are such in physical agressiveness!!

I don't think being quick in one's actions is very sound evidence of being a lesbian.

Here is a true story that may help. There is a gay man here that lost his wife in a way... they were married legally as man and wife. He told me that he was surprised when his wife went to live with another female (a lesbian); he did not know that his wife was lesbian....Can this be an example for you, as possibly Lureen is a lesbian?

No, because Lureen didn't go to live with another female.

Lesbians, some want children; some gay men want children too!!

Sure. But if Lureen was a lesbian, and therefore with women before she met Jack, she wouldn't have already been pregnant, as you state. Jack would be the one who got her pregnant.

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #44 on: January 16, 2008, 11:12:49 am »

        Artiste......I am sorry but I think you are now beyond all decency here by accusing Lureen of anything.. She was obviously
a victim of the situation herself.. now you are trying again to find some way of blaming the victims for their own pain.
You seem intent on blaming all the characters except for the two men.  Even Pa Twist in your way of thinking is different than
that which the story shows.  i think you are being unfair to the women. who have done nothing to bring their pain upon themself.
In contrast they are being victimized yet again.  You are basing these suppositions upon non existant proof as regards the movie, or
the book.  Then you have said that you have heard of a personal situation having happened, and use that as a possibility.
        Just because some people have done anything, doesnt mean that it has anything to do with the story...
        It almost smacks of prejudice on your part...Everything that happens is not a deliberate attempt to hurt gay men, or women..
And you are sadly mistaken if you are of he opinion that lesbians are automatically more aggressive....

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #45 on: January 16, 2008, 12:37:57 pm »
Thanks ifyoucantfixit! Thanks all too!!

Wow, you sure comment much (I appreciate that) and you can be assured that I will answer you, if you like on each point your bring up.

For now, without prejudice to lesbians, you say: [And you are sadly mistaken if you are of he opinion that lesbians are automatically more aggressive..../i]

Ifyoucantfixit and to all others too, may I say that I fail to see how some lesbians are NOT aggressive!!?? Especially some butch types, excuse me for using that word, which is meant by some as agressively masculine. Isn't that the experiences seen by many persons, even by gays such as I am? Seen by lesbians too? And by other females (straights, bi-s and others???) ? I speak from expriences with a variety of lesbians, straights, bi-s, and others, I have known. I do not think that I am prejudice saying this about butch lesbians; if I am, then you all butch lesbians here tell me, please.

I had just realized yesterday that Lureen, to me, is somehow a butch lesbian in some ways; I was shocked to figure that out, since I thought her to be a sweet, lady-like very much, amiable, etc., in the BM movie!! Even if she is seen, had been seen by me, in the movie, as somewhat agressive sexually (ripping like her clothes instead of her man taking them off) and avancing the mating call, I considered her a lady!! Even if now a consider her butch lesbian to a degree, I still consider her to be a lady! To each his/her own way of living, I say!

Of course Lureen is pregnant way before she sees Jack, nothing wrong with that in my book; again, whatever will be will be. How old is she at that time, or at the time she meets Jack for the first time?? Tell me please!! Surely old enough to have sex, right? With or without protection, that is her choice, not mine and she is accepted by I too! She is not 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 - is 18 considered legal in your part of the country? I do not want a 13... nor 16 or 17 year old to have sex (certainly not without protection) - I guess I am old fashion?? !! Some countries have laws that allowed 13 years old female to have sex, like in some arab, african, asian... countries - even Holland wanted to lower the age to 7, I seem to recall, but the civillized world yelled - and I do not know what the minimum age is there now!! In Canada, it was 14 yesterday (two years ago...), I think I read - but that was likely raised last year... as it was an issue. Of course many americains, englishmen, frenchmen, etc. used to marry 13 or 14 years old girls - or they were too old after that!! ??-Movies tell us and history!! I figure that at least 18 or 19 or 20 or 21... should be better for sex without safety, for gays, lesbians, for straights, for females, for bi-s, for others!!
I do not think that females should be used as whores in certain countries as they are now (nor in any), and certainly not in Holland as this is there now in the red light district for tourists (still is that there?), but outlawed in the rest of that country!! I regret that some females (males too) are wholes legally in Canada, now; too many foreign criminals like from Russia steal women from theie own countries (and likely from ours too) and bring them in in our countries forcing them to be so! Sad but true. Worst is children used for such world markets - I say, as well as that!! At least, Lureen is not veiled as an muslim or such in slavery. Everyone is a slave to a certain degree, I say - even Lureen and all others in the BM movie - may I say!!-That is life! Everyone must and can free themselves - to a certain degree, I say!!

I think that you are misreading me... in some ways?? I like your frankness and please continue. Of course, not all lesbians are more agressive. Are you lesbian (may I ask)? How would you consider yourself? Tell me how you figure Lureen, please.

P.S. That remains me where I used to live in which neighbour was decent, but a foreign criminal took it over to open up crack houses, etc.,; so I saw foreign lady brought in and beaten in her backyard since she did not want to do sex with a stranger in front of her foreign husband!! Sad but true... and no one helped her, not even the pastor; I was the only one who tried to  help the neighbourhood come back to descentcy (except for some ladies who were with me, but were likely killed for trying, like I was beaten up and left for dead). Why was Lureen having sex so quick? I wonder still about my former neighbourhood and I try/tried to save my present one, and still am puzzled as to why Lureen married Jack; plus now too, why Jack married her!!

Hugs, please reply you and all too!!
May everyone be safe in sex in the whole world!!

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #46 on: January 16, 2008, 12:53:39 pm »

            I do not see how my sexual preferrence is topical on this thread. 

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Offline Artiste

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #47 on: January 16, 2008, 01:04:29 pm »
Thanks ifyoucantfixit!

You say: I do not see how my sexual preferrence is topical on this thread.   


Ifyoucantfixit, may I say that it is not. It may help me understand better you, if you like to reply, and certainly maybe Lureen. You do not have to anwser. May I respect you!

You want me to comment on your other points? They will be just my views, which if you note change at times being educated by you and by others. I think my perspectives on females are now more enlarged... pray so and they will be bettered still... I need your help and that of others too!!

Keep care, hugs!! May everyone be safe in the whole world and happy!!

Offline serious crayons

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #48 on: January 16, 2008, 01:34:36 pm »
Ifyoucantfixit and to all others too, may I say that I fail to see how some lesbians are NOT aggressive!!?? Especially some butch types, excuse me for using that word, which is meant by some as agressively masculine. Isn't that the experiences seen by many persons, even by gays such as I am? Seen by lesbians too? And by other females (straights, bi-s and others???) ? I speak from expriences with a variety of lesbians, straights, bi-s, and others, I have known. I do not think that I am prejudice saying this about butch lesbians; if I am, then you all butch lesbians here tell me, please.

I don't know enough lesbians to make a sweeping generalization. But judging from those I do know, I would say they are no more "aggressive," as a group, than straight women are.

Of course Lureen is pregnant way before she sees Jack, nothing wrong with that in my book; again, whatever will be will be. How old is she at that time, or at the time she meets Jack for the first time?? Tell me please!! Surely old enough to have sex, right? With or without protection, that is her choice, not mine and she is accepted by I too! She is not 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 - is 18 considered legal in your part of the country?

Lureen attended college, at least for a while, and most people here start college at 18. So she must be 19 or so at the very least when she meets Jack.

Offline Artiste

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #49 on: January 16, 2008, 01:53:05 pm »
Thans ineedcrayons!

There seems to be a strong difference as to agressiveness in an lesbian couple. Ones'I knew. And have you seen the one's on Oprah last week?

So, I think that Lureen might very well have been a lesbian, if I look at the movie! Scenes, such as looks by that actress, tell me that too.

Regarding Lureen attending college. Tell me how you found that out? Does it say somthing about her, you think?

I still think that Lureen was pregnant before she met Jack... until someone proves me otherwise, may I say!

Hugs!! (May all pregnant females/ladies be safe and happy in the whole world!!)