Author Topic: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread  (Read 764574 times)

Offline SFEnnisSF

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #390 on: January 23, 2008, 10:14:25 pm »

We can all see Heath in Brokeback Mountain, to-day and, especially in our tomorrows.

Ledger wanted to do Ennis.

WE all think that he loved acting Ennis!!

We all love him for it!

It is endearing and so was he, our Ennis!

Hugs!       Thanks Heath, our Ennis forever!!

Here here!

Offline loneleeb3

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #391 on: January 23, 2008, 10:15:46 pm »

I was listening to the radio station last night, and this came on, and I officially lost it.  :'(

"The biggest obstacle to most of us achieving our dreams isn't reality, it's our own fear"

"Saint Paul had his Epiphany on the road to Damascus, Mine was on Brokeback Mountain"

Offline Flashframe777

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #392 on: January 23, 2008, 10:33:17 pm »
I found this wonderful article about Heath from the guy who owns the 2 Shirts.  If you like G. Bush or his team, you might want to skip the end paragraph.


Heath Ledger: Two Shirts and a Dream

Posted January 23, 2008 | 08:01 PM (EST)

Life is a remarkable gift. Theologies claim godly and grand sources for the life force, while scientific minds describe the soul as the remarkable product of complex synapses and motor neurons. We're born anxious to make our mark on the world. If we work at it, we like where life's passions lead us. Family, friends, hope, and desires are driving forces. Beauty in the world and the good work of others inspire us everyday. For the vast majority of us, getting the most out of life means leaving the world a better place.

Heath Ledger's brief life was a stellar example of success. In one role in one near-perfect film, his portrayal of a tortured cowboy showed many of us a new way of seeing ourselves. The desperate need for social acceptability drove Ennis Del Mar into tormented loneliness while Ledger's deep, nuanced performance beckoned us along for the ride. At the film's dusty, cold end we're left feeling isolated and lost -- with just two shirts and dream of what should have been possible for Ennis and Jack.

Ledger's cowboy was worn but, not hopeless, sad but not foolish. Ennis was making his way in the world -- simply scratching out a living until he came alive on Brokeback Mountain. His newfound sexuality connects to everyone's first time and first love, gay or straight. We can't help but be there around the fire with him and his friend, anticipating that first drunken romp. Ledger's hidden shuffling, mumbling, unsmiling demeanor leaves him while he soars on the mountain.

When Ennis confronts his demons in an alley after Jack drives off, he pounds the wall and cries out in a plaintive wail. We know as much as he does that life for him will be eternally sad. It's society's fault for having put that pain there, and through Ledger's subtle, virtuoso effort, we know he's paying the price for humanity's judgment. Finally at the film's end through intertwined shirts, Ennis finds the message he's been looking for -- he was loved deeply. His joy is relegated to his memory and the two shirts and postcard hidden on the inside of his trailer's closet door.

Sadly, because the Academy likes an impersonation more than a performance -- and perhaps because somehow Brokeback Mountain was more troublingly "gay" to members of the Academy than Capote, Ledger never had the payoff of accepting Hollywood's coveted Oscar. The reward for Ledger would have to remain in his performance and not in an Oscar statuette.

Since religion (and then the psychological establishment) took up arms against homosexuality, it's been a rough ride for every single person with that elusive gene. The rhetoric is its loudest pitch ever under the Bush administration. Bush never admitted to seeing the film that humanized his theological victims; instead, he chuckled uncomfortably when asked about the award-winning flick. And then presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee panders to the homophobic African-American fundamentalists in Atlanta on Martin Luther King Day, droning on about the sanctity of marriage between "one man and one woman." Haven't we had enough of this narrow minded hatred?

If humanity wins over hate, the legacy of the likes of Bush and Huckabee will be trumped by Ledger's sensitive performance for years to come, and Ledger's star will remain one of Hollywood's brightest.

Tom Gregory's collection includes the two iconic shirts from Brokeback Mountain
"yet he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream"

Offline Toast

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #393 on: January 24, 2008, 12:23:50 am »

Offline southendmd

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #394 on: January 24, 2008, 12:27:15 am »
That's so beautiful, Toast.

Such a sad scene in Candy, where he's mourning a kind of loss, just as we are now.

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #395 on: January 24, 2008, 12:38:17 am »

Thank you, Toastie, so good.

Funny for me - MiniMeno has been petitioning to be allowed to draw and and write directly on the walls of her room, and this week I saw with clarity that I should say yes to that.  And she's been doing amazing drawing and writing, beyond what she's put on paper.  Looking at the poetry in the image makes me gladder I did.

Offline YaadPyar

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #396 on: January 24, 2008, 12:50:31 am »
Thought this was interesting...the numerological significance of Heath's name.  Check out the "Inner Dream Number" especially at the end.

Heathcliff Andrew Ledger

There are 22 letters in your name.
Those 22 letters total to 113
There are 7 vowels and 15 consonants in your name.
What your first name means:
English   Male   From the heath cliff.

Your number is: 5

The characteristics of #5 are: Expansiveness, visionary, adventure, the constructive use of freedom.

The expression or destiny for #5:
The number 5 Expression endows with the wonderful characteristic of multi-talents and versatility. You can do so many things well. The tone of the number 5 is constructive freedom, and in your drive to attain this freedom, you will likely be the master of adaptability and change. You are good at presenting ideas and knowing how to approach people to get what you want. Naturally, this gives you an edge in any sort of selling game and spells easy success when it comes to working with people in most jobs. Your popularity may lead you toward some form of entertainment or amusement. Whatever you do, you are clever, analytical, and a very quick thinker.

If there is too much of the 5 energy in your makeup, you may express some the negative attitudes of the number. Your restless and impatient attitude may keep you from staying with any project for too long. Sometimes you can be rather erratic and scatter yourself and your energies. You have a hard time keeping regular office hours and maintaining any sort of a routine. You tend to react strongly if you sense that your freedom of speech or action is being impaired or restricted in any way. As clever as you are, you may have a tendency to make the same mistakes over and over again because much of your response is glib reaction rather that thoughtful application. You are in a continuous state of flux brought by constantly changing interests.

Your Soul Urge number is: 4

A Soul Urge number of 4 means:
With the Soul Urge or Motivation number of 4 you are likely to strive for a stable life. You tend to follow a rather orderly pattern and systematic approach in your endeavors. You have an inner desire to serve others in a methodical and diligent manner. You want to be in solid, conventional, and well-regulated activities, and you are somewhat disturbed by innovation and erratic or sudden changes. Excellent at organizing, systematizing, and managing, you have a way of establishing order and maintaining it. You are responsible, reliable and in the final analysis, practical. Highly analytical, you can see your way through all sorts of situations and generally have a clear understanding of the issues. You are a very honest, sincere, and conscientious individual.

The negative side of the 4 is rigid, stubborn and somewhat narrow-minded. There is a tendency to hide feelings, or to really not be aware of real feelings. Avoid being too rigid and stubborn in your thinking, and try to always see the big picture rather than becoming to involved with the detail. Don't be afraid to take a chance once in awhile.

Your Inner Dream number is: 1

An Inner Dream number of 1 means:
You dream of being a leader and one who is in charge. You want to be known for your courage, daring, and original ideas. You seek unconquered heights. People may get a first impression that you are very aggressive and sure of yourself.

Copyright © 2006 Paul R. Sadowski (
"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #397 on: January 24, 2008, 01:10:22 am »

Your number is: 5

A lot of the 5 descriptors sure fit Heath.  I thought of this painting that I love, by Charles Demuth.

It's a tribute to William Carlos Williams.  You can see part of "Bill" and "Carlos" in the painting.

The Great Figure
Among the rain
and lights
I saw the figure 5
in gold
on a red
fire truck
to gong clangs
siren howls
and wheels rumbling
through the dark city

~ William Carlos Williams (1883-1963)

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #398 on: January 24, 2008, 01:12:03 am »
Yaadie-my fairy god are so missed  :-*


Offline SFEnnisSF

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Re: Heath Ledger - the grieving thread
« Reply #399 on: January 24, 2008, 01:15:54 am »

Sorry I can't be here more right now.

Love to all.

(((( BayCityJohn ))))   :-*