They are beautiful articles Jude your right. What a lovely and very fitting send off for Heath. I think he,d have liked that. I know what you mean about him being cremated. It,s just too awful to think about really, but like you, I,m assuming that,s obviously what he wanted.
And yes poor little Matilda. The only way she will "see" her father now is watch him in movies. She,ll have to be told about him because she won,t remember him, she,s too young.
No Heath certainly had no intention to die. I think the final conclusion was that it was an accumilation of all the prescribed medication he was taking that killed him. So presumably he just fell asleep and didn,t wake up again.

He would never have intentionally left Matilda, he was devoted to that child. You only have to look at pictures of him with her on his shoulders, wearing those funky glasses to see that.
What a waste of a life. He should have had another 40/50 years yet. He should have seen Matilda grow up. He had so much more to do with his life and now he,ll never do any of it.

And your right again, none of this makes any sense atall.