I'm hoping that this is SO over-the-top tasteless and insensitive that it will backfire, turning rational normal caring people against that kind of monstrous attitude once and for all.
Let's turn this into a positive.
As Amanda has experienced, I too have experienced protesters, specifically at The AIDS Walk here in San Francsico. Folks stood inbetween the protesters and us and encouraged us to ingore them and keep on walkin'...
This death is turning into a big deal it seems. I was just talkin' to my mother, and she said a woman at her work this morning, who she doesn't even talk to often, asked her point blank: "Did you hear the news?" and my mother answered "Yes", and both of them knew exactly what they were talking about without even mentioning Heath's name!
Heath was not a tabloid celebrity like Brittney or Lindsay. That's why I think people say he was not a "household name". However, it's seeming that in his death, people are coming out of the woodwork. They know who he was and the roles he played, and they know he was an excellent actor. I think a lot of folks have seen Brokeback Mountain, more than we think, and have been touched by it, or at least acknowledge Heath did an outstanding job acting. The thing with Brokeback Mountain though, continues to be that no one will talk about it. The movie's theme itself continues to exist with the very same folks who watch it. Society continues to tell them it's not ok to talk about it. But seceretly to themselves, they understand the story and are touched, or at least acknowledge Heath's performance.
With Heath's passing people are suddenly coming out with it that they feel bad the actor has died. It's no secret he's known for the "gay cowboy" role, you would have to be hiding under a rock not to know of Brokeback Mountain or the name Heath Ledger. And many folks have seen the movie. Even those that haven't seen the movie have heard his performance was spectacular in it.... Folks just never discussed it, and now in his death, they are suddenly acknowledging him and who he was and what roles he played (and played very well), even if they still wont say the words Brokeback Mountain.
Now here comes Phelps with his anti-hate messages. I think even the upmost Cristian folks in the world cringe at the "god hates fags" campaign. That's a pretty awful thing to say, and by using HIS name and the word HATE together, I'm sure it doesn't sit well, even with folks who might be homophobic. They are homophobic, but I don't think they think "that".
We have a world acknowledging Heath as a "good boy" (not a paparatzzi tabloid star) and a great actor. Then this fool comes along and pickets his funeral. It's going to backfire, and infuriate folks, just like the protesters infuriated me at the AIDS walk. Futhermore, it is more publicity for the movie. Phelps is essentially carring the movie's message in his hate and hate speech. Those who have seen Brokeback Mountain will not tolerate it. This may be the first time *they* feel the cold stab of hate and homophobia directed *at them* (for liking and understanding Brokeback Mountain). Those maybe who haven't seen it might check the movie out (to see what all the fuss is about now), and once their done with watching it, because of Phelps hate speech, they'll understand Brokeback Mountain more than they might have without it, and perhaps have a differnet and more positive outlook on gays and lesbians now. It's as if they need to see and hear and experience this hate, to understand what Brokeback Mountain is.
As much as I don't like the idea of saying it, I say "bring 'em on". I dare him to do it. It's almost a necessary evil. We need this nut job to expose the true hate of homophobia and have it be in the media spotlight, shown to everyone world wide. Hate and homophobia exposed, for the world to witness and experience first hand. Perhaps then, the subject of homophobia and Brokeback Mountain, might not be such a taboo subject to talk about anymore.... perhaps. Folks will have to make a decision on this subject: which side of this do I want to be on? I really doubt folks will side with Phelps.