Whether or not the movie is released in the theatres, it WILL come out on DVD. So there is no question as to whether or not you will be able to see it.
I for one really liked Brothers Grimm. I love how so dif'rent Heath's performance was in the three films I've seen.
I have just realised, well duh !!! of course I can always catch it on DVD. Note to self, engage brain prior to posting !
Now my dilemma is, it would be too terrible if Heath's last performance went straight to DVD.
I want his swan song to be amazing, incredible and every other superlative, people considerably more eloquent than I, can proclaim.
I don't want the last thing he ever filmed to be anything other than brilliant. I also want his part to be be massively better than the substitutes, Law, Farrell and Depp. ( no disrespect to any of the afore mentioned, fine body of thespians)
I know I am being unreasonable, it's simply the Heathen in me.