Are you a Gilliam fan? Have you seen his TIDELAND? Talk about the imagination running riot! I love that film but I seem to be in the small minority. Anyway, I thought he was in fine form as Director.
Oh Yeah, I'm really pumped about the review harry Knowles gave Parnassus! I didn't read it all becasue I want as many surprises as possible. 
Big Gilliam and Python fan.
I am really pleased to see that the aborted Don Quixote seems to be back on again.
The holy Grail is one of my all time fave films.
If I ever feel fed up, I sit down to watch some M.P. either the lumberjack song or the dead parrot sketch. Some of my happiest memories are watching Monty Python with my dad, mum would leave the room, a puzzled look on her face as me and dad were convulsed.
I have no idea why it amuses me so much, it just tickles the right bones.
I am going to hunt out Tideland tomorrow, it is not one I have seen, so thanks for that.