Author Topic: Asteroid Collision with Earth  (Read 11691 times)

Offline brokeplex

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Asteroid Collision with Earth
« on: February 02, 2008, 09:17:38 pm »
new evidence shows that smaller asteroids can have a devastating impact if they collide with the Earth. This is important because smaller asteroids are three times more likely to impact Earth than the larger variety of Dinosaur killers. The famous Tunguska impact in Siberia a century ago is now thought to be from a much smaller asteroid than was originally thought.

see: "Research Sheds New Light on Asteroidal Disasters"

Offline Artiste

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Re: Asteroid Collision with Earth
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2008, 01:10:50 pm »
Interesting brokeplex thread!

One was just found I think out in the Western provinces of Canada? Maybe close to where BM movie was filmed? It was on TV two weeks or so ago... I think.

I live on top of a rim of such of one which created a valley... bellow.

Great!! Uncredictable are some... at least eventfull?


Offline brokeplex

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Re: Asteroid Collision with Earth
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2008, 03:40:04 pm »
Speaking of Canada, many geologists believe that James Bay and maybe even Hudson's Bay are the deep impressions left by earlier collisions with large asteroids or comets. Such a collision would wipe out most of the life on Earth. 


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Re: Asteroid Collision with Earth
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2008, 05:55:59 pm »

   Sure enough Dude now i will have to move that to  the top of my priority list of worries........


Offline Artiste

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Re: Asteroid Collision with Earth
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2008, 10:08:48 pm »
Brokeplex, I believe you are right.

I did live nearby there... years ago!! And collected Innuit sculptures. Did you see the movie last night done in an island there: The White Dawn 1974; I did not think I would have liked it and I loved it, as most were Innuits living there as cast members, but they had to be taught the young ones by the elders since that culture is changing too fast to us... and the book had been written by one who had lived there and the interview was his son... wow- great information about that them, that culture and life!!

Such manly film in the  wilderness which is melting too fast as white polar bears to-day have to swim too far for food and therefore die with no more strength to swim to its catch!! Global pollution warming too fast there... flooding them and us soon... is said!! As warning... for us all on Earth!!

The ladies in that film are very tender and like my girfriend who is First Nation Objibway -so king, friendly and nearly always smiling... soft hearted and helpful, but the Americans, Canadians, European and others, brought in booze and fighting which makes too much of a difference - sad !!

Even now to-day the Federal Government
of Canada is committing genecide towards a First Nation there nearby by paying lip-service to them... with no clean water they were becoming sick... and with no bucks for prison guards, their prisoners burned to death 2 years ago - shame - the Federal had and still refuse the Elders there who want a better place and be helped as promise but the Federal gives them lipservice as shown on TV - plus personal proof I have from a local person I knew who had to go work there recently!!

My tires on the car were like that comic show: squares in Winter!!


Offline brokeplex

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Re: Asteroid Collision with Earth
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2008, 11:44:30 pm »
Artiste, you might want to go to the following web site:

Climatologist Robert Felix talks about the evidence that the Earth is about to exit a warming phase and enter another ice age. So, the Polar Bears will be probably be alright.

On the asteroidal origins of James Bay, that happened many millions of years before the Inuit people emigrated from Asia to North America. Today we can find many such remnants of asteroidal collisions. Go look at a map of the area and you will notice that James Bay is roughly circular, much like what would be left if a large object slammed into the Earth long long ago.  It is fairly certain that the Dinosaurs were mostly killed off following the collision of a large object with the Yucatan peninsula millions of years ago. Over time it is certain that another large object will impact the Earth, the question is will it happen in our lifetime or thousands of years from now. 

Offline Artiste

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Re: Asteroid Collision with Earth
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2008, 12:57:11 am »
Thanks brokeplex, and thanks for interesting other comments from others too!!

I do not believe that the Innuit came from Asia, not at all!!  Maybe some rare First Nations as they are but NOT all did!!  Even Prince Phllip who my friend knows very well, does think that horses were from America, then afterwards they went to Asia where they became bigger and men rode them and then these horses came back to us via the Spaniards when they came to America; that seems to be proven now... for what I can see on TV to-day when he went to the USA lately, and with other stories I know or read. The First Nations, ones  in Canada knew that they were here for over 6 million years, that is in our/their history ( I am 2 First Nations as part of my heritage, plus other cultures ); now, scientists and other researchers have proof that the First Nations in America were here till maybe 8 million years at least it seems... till maybe 10??

When I was at high school, I said not only in Africa... we have our dinosaurs here in America too and everybody would laugh and they did not believe that - but now that we have found some in Canada and in the USA... the proofs are there!! I had seen such tracks and more when I was young and with my brother and my father the forest ranger, that time we discovered such tracks in the rocks as if melted deep into them - way before dinosaurs were found in America and in Canada - it seems to me!!

The First Nation lady I told you about has seen caves as older or older that the Europeans ones with cave men drawings!!

As far as you saying that Hudson Bay is round, you are right since I had one of the first photos given to me taken by the first out-space sattelite!! Too, your are right!! Likely asteroidal origin, any proof?

If we get the ice age back, I think the melting will and is happening FIRST !! Cruise's movie is wrong for now??

 You, I, and others, have seen rock coming from outer space?? It seems that we humans get them daily, since thy are also in tiny particles in the air everyday!! Did you know that?? Miniature asteroids ones or dust pieces?? My father also said that when we do eat outside, we eat an asteroid!! Was he right maybe?

Hugs! P.S. I wonder and think sometimes that some of us did come from far distant asteroids or planets!! ?? Do you and to all of you, do you think it so maybe??


Just discovered this about meteorites; see the last paragraph especially where two was in Conn. USA not far apart:
A meteorite is the remnant of an asteroid or comet which survives passage through the Earth's atmosphere to land on the surface. Meteorites are classified based on their composition as iron or stony. Stony meteorites are further classified as chondrites, achondrites, or carbonaceous chondrites based on their carbon content and texture. While stony meteorites are more common than irons, irons are discovered with disproportionate frequency due to their obviously anomalous composition compared to common Earth rocks. As meteorites fall to Earth, they can appear as a shooting star or a brilliant display called a fireball. As it falls, the meteorite is called a meteor. Both shooting stars and fireballs are caused by melting and ionization of the outer layers of the meteorite, leaving a blackened layer called a fusion crust.

There is not a single well-confirmed case in which a human has been killed by a meteorite, although it has been calculated that in the United States, on the average, a human will be struck by a meteorite once in every 9,300 years. In Joshua 10:11 in the Bible speaks of the struggle between the Israelites and the Amorites as follows: "And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down to Beth-Horon, that the Lord cast down great stones from Heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword." A monk is alleged to have been killed by a meteorite in Cremona in 1511, and another monk in Milan in 1650. In 1674, two Swedish sailors supposedly were killed aboard their ship. However, of these reports, neither these nor more recent ones have with stood critical investigation. For example, some years ago a wedding guest is supposed to have been killed in the Balkans, a child in Japan, and the rebel general, T. Catillianis, in a military camp in 1906.

The best documented close-call was experienced by three children in Braunau in Bohemia in 1847, when a 17-kilogram iron meteorite fell into the room in which they were sleeping, covering them with debris. On November 30, 1954, a woman was slightly injured in Sylacauga, Alabama, by a stone meteorite weighing 3.855 kilograms. This meteorite struck her after penetrating the roof of her house.

There are only a few reports of animals killed by meteorites. For example, in 1911 a dog was killed by the SNC meteorite of Nakhla (in Egypt), and in 1860, a colt was skilled by a stone of the meteor shower of New Concord, Ohio.

In a bizarre coincidence, the house of Wanda and Robert - (lost that and can not re-find it; that is their names... if you don find out; the two meteorites were just two mile sor less apart there in Conn., USA!!


When I looked yesterday at that movie, I was very surprised that the Innuits had knives already; and, just found this that might help about that:
Indigenous peoples often prized iron-nickel meteorites as an easy, if limited, source of iron metal. For example, the Inuit used chips of the Cape York, yes Cape York meteorite  to form cutting edges for tools and spear tips.

Other Native Americans treated meteorites as ceremonial objects. In 1915, a 135-pound iron meteorite was found in a Sinagua (c.1100-1200 AD) burial cyst near Camp Verde, Arizona, respectfully wrapped in a feather cloth.[28] A small pallasite was found in a pottery jar in an old burial found at Pojoaque Pueble, New Mexico. Nininger reports several other such instances, in the Southwest US and elsewhere.

Interesting? Did you see that movie yet? The White Dawn 1974

Any did any of you here besides me?


Just found this too, as I knew about horses that First Nations had before the arrivals of other cultures, but I did not know about camels, did you?? I knew about bisons!! So did you and all here!! :
Mammoths and Mastodons are two types of elephants that lived in Utah during the Ice Age. They differ in the shape and function of their teeth and in the shape of other bones, including the skull. They are related to modern elephants that live in Africa and Asia.

Gravel quarries along the Wasatch Front contain the bones of many Ice Age animals. These gravels were deltaic deposits formed in Lake Bonneville. The animals that roamed the shores of Lake Bonneville included big-horn sheep (Ovis), horses (Equus), and bison (Bison), whose living relatives are found in Utah today, as well as animals such as musk oxen (Bootherium bombifrons), camels (Camelops hesternus), and giant ground sloths (Megalonyx jeffersoni), who have living relatives in other parts of the world.

Musk oxen are found today only in the Arctic. Ground sloths are now extinct, but are related to the much smaller tree sloths that live in South America. Horses and camels are both native to North America. After their expansion into other parts of the world, camels and horses became extinct in North America at the end of the Ice Age. Horses living in Utah today are descendents of the horses brought to the New World by the Spanish.

Even if humans seem to be only on Earth since 3 to 0 millliom years ago. the First Nations here have stories that date to 6 and 10 million years ago!!


Era Cenozoic Mesozoic Paleozoic
Period Quaternary First Humans

3 to 0 Million Years Ago.  From the Ice Age to the Appearance of the first human beings.
 Cretaceous Dinosaur

144 to 65 Million Years ago.  Last part Of the age of Dinosaurs
 Carboniferous Amphibians
Early Reptiles

360 to 248 million years ago.  Appearance of the  first reptiles (laying their eggs on land).
Tertiary Dinosaur Extinction

65 to 3 Million Years Ago.  Dinosaurs inexplicably become extinct and mammals and birds become the dominant species.
 Jurassic Dinosaurs

206 to 144 Million Years ago.  This is the high point of the dinosaur age, there are a great number of species including giant plant eaters. Appearance of the first feathered birds.
 Devonian Amphibians

408 to 360 Million Years Ago.  Appearance of the first amphibious creatures.
Triassic Dinosaurs

248 to 206 Million Years Ago.  Appearance of the The first dinosaurs and the first mammals.
 Silurian Fish

438 to 408 Million Years Ago.  Plants begin to cover the land.
Ordovician Marine Invertebrates

505 to 438 Million Years Ago.  The Oceans are teeming with invertebrate life.  Appearance of he first true fish.
Cambrian Marine Invertebrates

570 to 505 Million Years Ago.  Appearance of the first marine invertebrates.


Lists of prehistoric animals

Prehistoric Reptiles  Prehistoric Mammals 
Prehistoric Birds  Prehistoric Fish 
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Copyright © 2002
Last modified: May 17, 2002


Hugs!! Awaiting your stories, research, questions, and/or news/comments!!

Offline brokeplex

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Re: Asteroid Collision with Earth
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2008, 01:04:46 am »
Sorry Artiste, but your anthropological history is incorrect.

The Innuit like other American Indians and Eskimos originally emigrated from Siberia back in the last Ice Age some 100,000 years ago when there was a land bridge connecting Asia and North America. Horses and camels evolved first in the Americas, but were hunted to extinction by the American Indians and had to be reimported by the Spaniards in the 16th century.

Offline Artiste

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Re: Asteroid Collision with Earth
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2008, 01:09:44 am »

WE have proof of that??

Your two issues??

I agree with the Spanish bring back horses to Mexico...

and am too much puzzled with the other two as facts.

The First Nations were here and some proof now is that some were NOT from Siberia!! Did you see that??


Offline brokeplex

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Re: Asteroid Collision with Earth
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2008, 01:11:11 am »
Thanks brokeplex, and thanks for interesting other comments from others too!!

I do not believe that the Innuit came from Asia, not at all!!  Maybe some rare First Nations as they are but NOT all did!!  Even Prince Phllip who my friend knows very well, does think that horses were from America, then afterwards they went to Asia where they became bigger and men rode them and then these horses came back to us via the Spaniards when they came to America; that seems to be proven now... for what I can see on TV to-day when he went to the USA lately, and with other stories I know or read. The First Nations, ones  in Canada knew that they were here for over 6 million years, that is in our/their history ( I am 2 First Nations as part of my heritage, plus other cultures ); now, scientists and other researchers have proof that the First Nations in America were here till maybe 8 million years at least it seems... till maybe 10??


Even if humans seem to be only on Earth since 3 to 0 millliom years ago. the First Nations here have stories that date to 6 and 10 million years ago!!.........

Sorry Artiste but you contradict yourself. American Indians could not have been in North America 8 million years ago, there were no modern humans anywhere on the planet at that time.

And, yes I am inclined to believe that modern humans have an extraterrestrial origin. I believe the native sentient inhabitants of the Earth were the Neanderthals, our ancestors exterminated them or absorbed them some 500,000 years ago.