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Contemplating Male Image Gallery Changes
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Topic: Contemplating Male Image Gallery Changes (Read 8218 times)
Phillip Dampier
Mayor - BetterMost, Wyoming
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BetterMost 5000+ Posts Club
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Contemplating Male Image Gallery Changes
April 13, 2008, 09:41:29 pm »
I am taking input on whether or not there is an interest in expanding the kind of content being delved into on our spinoff site, the Male Image Gallery. One of the constraints we have on BetterMost relate to adult content because of both advertiser restrictions and web hosting company regulations. We also don't have any age limitation on members here, so we've always had to consider the potential audience for our content.
But there has been a clear sense that many of our residents here are comfortable in dealing with more mature subject matter that this site currently cannot support. One of the benefits of our sister site is that it does not carry advertising and is hosted in a more tolerant state, and we have additional leeway to deal with more adult subject matter. At this point, MIG has been used to support image threads, but I have begun to wonder if the site might also be useful as a springboard to deal with mature writing with more adult content, a broader ability to support more sexually frank content, and continue to offer the imagery it always has. It could even support extra blogging capability.
I realize this subject matter may not be of interest to everyone, but for those who are interested, it gives us additional possibilities.
Most BetterMost member logins also work on the Male Image Gallery site, so you may already be registered. I'd like to see the discussion continue over on that site, so I've locked this topic to encourage people to participate over there on the subject. If you are uncomfortable sharing your views over there, you can always PM me here.
Please visit this thread to add your comments and input.
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Re: Contemplating Male Image Gallery Changes
Reply #1 on:
April 14, 2008, 11:03:41 pm »
My feeling is that everything I want to talk about, I feel like I can talk about on BetterMost.
"chewing gum and duct tape"
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Contemplating Male Image Gallery Changes