I not only believe in physical evolution, I believe in evolutionary psychology, a far more controversial theory.
Also, it seems quite possible to me to believe in both evolution and God. I'm agnostic, but if there is a "God," what's to keep him/her from coming up with the idea for evolution and then getting it rolling? The system is complex and unpredictable and amazing enough to match all the other stuff God created. If in fact s/he did.
I know this is going to sound horribly offensive, and I wish there was some way to soften it, but what's with the propensity of people to "dumb down" their concepts of God's work? I mean, creationism just seems way too simple and obvious. Just like the concepts of heaven and hell seem too simple and too obvious. If you look around at all the other things that a God, if there is one, would have been responsible for devising -- galaxies, light, our brains, an ant -- everything is exponentially more complex than creationism, heaven, hell, etc. I guess I'd just give God more credit than that.
Note: I'm not directing this last line of inquiry to any specific poster here, and I hope no one has been overly offended.